NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 SageInfinite @ 08/18/09 12:41 AM
T-mac looks great to me. All the players I've seen so far look really good. Best graphics I've seen in a bball game on console so far.
# 142 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/18/09 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
T-mac looks great to me. All the players I've seen so far look really good. Best graphics I've seen in a bball game on console so far.
I agree..I don't know what's the whole fiasco about the facial hair is all about...Graphics look really sharp.
# 143 BiggD @ 08/18/09 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
T-mac looks great to me. All the players I've seen so far look really good. Best graphics I've seen in a bball game on console so far.
# 144 annihilating247 @ 08/18/09 12:45 AM
Did anyone notice kobe's jumpshot. You can barely see but its looking way better than 2kanine's long holding, bunny hop, cant get a shot off in a 2 min shot clock, peace of turd qwertyuiop jumper (not the movie)
LfL(laughing, farting loud)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 145 SageInfinite @ 08/18/09 01:00 AM

# 146 Jano @ 08/18/09 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Teebone21
i have to disagree. the nba 2k8 version of mcgrady looks like the real one. I see the guy all the time on sports updates here in houston and he had all that facial hair ever since last season started till now. Perhaps we take away lebrons tattoos and give everyone heart attacks

you non houston fans wouldnt understand lol. mcgrady has had sideburns and a beard for the last 2 years but people act like its so hard to program. you guys perfer to drool over kobe and lebrons appearance and foget the other 300+ players in the league it seems
Lol yet another potential buyer gone this time due to a lack of facial hair
# 147 TMagic @ 08/18/09 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Teebone21
the mcgrady is HORRIBLE. wheres the facial hair hes been sporting all last season and he has now???????

As a big Mac fan, I'm VERY happy with Lives rendition. With or without facial hair.
# 148 Jamin23 @ 08/18/09 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic

As a big Mac fan, I'm VERY happy with Lives rendition. With or without facial hair.
Are you serious he's missing the hair on his arms, legs, and his armpit hair.
# 149 TMagic @ 08/18/09 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
Are you serious he's missing the hair on his arms, legs, and his armpit hair.
I didn't even think about that.

I can live with the no arm or leg hair. It's whatever.


WTF!!!...C'MON...It's in Madden. So EA obviously has the superior technology to implement this simple, but absolutely necessary aesthetic. I mean, name ONE player that doesn't have armpit hair.

How can you say your game is sim, but don't give grown *** men armpit hair. Completely ridiculous. That's not realistic at all. I don't want to see smooth pits on jumpshots and dunks.

I'm so tempted to take away points from Live's score right now. But, I don't think 2K has it either. Live should consider itself lucky.
# 150 23 @ 08/18/09 01:29 AM
Dude Mac didnt have facial hair last year until he had surgery

Come on that pic is spot on
# 151 Jamin23 @ 08/18/09 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
I didn't even think about that.

I can live with the no arm or leg hair. It's whatever.


WTF!!!...C'MON...It's in Madden. So EA obviously has the superior technology to implement this simple, but absolutely necessary aesthetic. I mean, name ONE player that doesn't have armpit hair.

How can you say your game is sim, but don't give grown *** men armpit hair. Completely ridiculous. That's not realistic at all.

I'm so tempted to take away points from Live's score right now. But, I don't think 2K has it either. Live should consider itself lucky.
I enjoy the game for what it is. I don't dwell on whats not in the game or how the graphics look. I'm gonna buy the game regardless. People just nitpick the game to death. So what if T-mac doesn't have sideburns. It is a pretty good representation of Tracy McGrady.
# 152 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/18/09 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
I enjoy the game for what it is. I don't dwell on whats not in the game or how the graphics look. I'm gonna buy the game regardless. People just nitpick the game to death. So what if T-mac doesn't have sideburns. It is a pretty good representation of Tracy McGrady.
If the complaining continues about facial hairs, I wouldn't be surprised if Synergy Sports come up with an idea to update facial hairs as well..
# 153 ai2k2 @ 08/18/09 01:38 AM
I already see it. These guys worked so hard, when they talk about the defensive side of things players like lebron, wade and d.howard are going to have signature blocks. Probably pins on the backboard and all that lol. I have the foresight for it already. The one step further they did with two player hustle plays kinda gave it away for me. I just hope they have D.Wade coming off the weak side to block 7 footers ;-)... (Excuse me if I'm waayyy off, I'm just guessing anyway).
# 154 TMagic @ 08/18/09 01:38 AM
Case in point...

Hey Marcus...

You know if you guys are putting in armpit hair? I haven't seen any from any of you guys' recent media.

If not, will you guys be able to update players with a armpit hair patch in the future, or via Live's synergy updates?

It would take your game to another level, IMO. Maybe you guys can make it even more realistic by adding in visible deodorant for players that don't use a clear stick. Adds more authenticity to the game.

Your Welcome.
# 155 PVarck31 @ 08/18/09 01:46 AM
That T-Mac pic is just sick!! I love the way the jerseys hang on the players this year. Its a small thing, but just looks so damn good to me.
# 156 Colladie @ 08/18/09 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
Case in point...

Hey Marcus...

You know if you guys are putting in armpit hair? I haven't seen any from any of you guys' recent media.

If not, will you guys be able to update players with a armpit hair patch in the future, or via Live's synergy updates?

It would take your game to another level, IMO. Maybe you guys can make it even more realistic by adding in visible deodorant for players that don't use a clear stick. Adds more authenticity to the game.

Your Welcome.
Wow, does Wade rly have that bad BO. Brad Miller looks like he gonna pass out. Lol
# 157 Rob. D @ 08/18/09 02:27 AM
Damn graphics look amazing. Honestly it looks like you guys didnt even try with Live 09, the improvements are huge. All I need to know is when are we going to hear about the defense in this game, and of course OTP.
# 158 Nephilim @ 08/18/09 03:09 AM
Really nice! And yes, defense should be next thing to show us!
# 159 TheUndisputedKingLBJ @ 08/18/09 04:33 AM
wow wow wow and wow .. Live LOOKS so promising this year ..
from the jersey to the courts to the tattoes and Dwight's WAVES are you kidding me .. to LeBron's tat on his chest .. and that is EXACTLY how CB4 puts it down .. with all this detail i will not bother nitpicking about LeBron's facial hair .. whoops!
lmao just one question .. will players with different on court personalities and on court personae (think that is the spelling) perform side animations like say KG poundin his chest durin a timeout after a big run .. and other players like Tim Duncan remain conservat even if he were to dunk it down and-1 360 windmill? .. lmao exaggeration somewhat .. not a neccesity but i am sure it would be an added plus
# 160 weylum @ 08/18/09 04:47 AM
Very nice vid....Live 10 just continues to impress. Hangar looks real dope.

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