FIFA 10 News Post

FIFA Soccer Blog had an opportunity to check out FIFA Soccer 10 and give their impressions of the game.

"As you may have read, I was lucky enough to be playing FIFA 10 at the event at the Emirates stadium yesterday with 25 other members of the FIFA community (and their +1s). Throughout the event I was updating my previously mentioned Twitter feed with my thoughts, but after getting home last night there was a bit of an NDA scare - when they handed me the paper to sign I was too busy looking at the screens with FIFA 10 on going “ooooooh”, and suddenly people were talking about an NDA date that I wasn’t aware of.

The updates were then removed as a precaution; however, after a chat with EA this morning I’ve been told that we have clearance to comment on the gameplay of these early builds as much as we like. Cue a sigh of relief and the end to my nightmares about being sued.

So click below to see all of my Twitter updates from throughout the day."

Game: FIFA Soccer 10Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Blaxican8504 @ 08/15/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Logic Doctor
Can't wait......
# 2 bonannogiovanni @ 08/15/09 06:25 PM
no 360-degree sprinting?!?!
# 3 shadox @ 08/15/09 08:10 PM
as already debated on another forum, 360 sprinting is A.) not nessecary and B.) would cause a lot of trouble.

The guys over there (who are partially from the above mentioned blog) stated, that you can knock the ball 360 and sprint after it...and that the current system works perfectly,so don't worry.

Furtheremore, I think Rutter said that 360 jogging will be in.
# 4 bonannogiovanni @ 08/16/09 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by shadox
as already debated on another forum, 360 sprinting is A.) not nessecary and B.) would cause a lot of trouble.

The guys over there (who are partially from the above mentioned blog) stated, that you can knock the ball 360 and sprint after it...and that the current system works perfectly,so don't worry.

Furtheremore, I think Rutter said that 360 jogging will be in.
Thanks for clarifying.

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