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To many hardcore sports gamers, the 2006 release of Wii Sports was a bit of a disappointment. While the game provided some realistic motion controls, not to mention the greatest bowling simulation ever, it was difficult to shake off the notion that the game was nothing more than a glorified tech demo for Nintendo's new system. Outside of bowling, the game offered up barely enough content to keep even the most devout Wii supporter busy for a couple of hours -- let alone a devout sim-style gamer.

It's hard to believe that it has been almost three years since the Wii first found its way to the States, but those years have not been kind to sports gamers. But recent releases such as Tiger Woods 10, EA Sports Active and Punch-Out Wii have begun to sway things back in the positive direction. And if you are one of the lucky devoted sports gamers out there that did not sell your Wii, Nintendo is now rewarding you with the recently released Wii Sports Resort, also known as Wii Sports 2.

Read More - Wii Sports Resort Review

Game: Wii Sports ResortReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: WiiVotes for game: 10 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 ezekiel55 @ 08/05/09 12:46 PM
Good review, although, I'd say frisbee (especially frisbee dog) is one of my favorite games.

I've been playing ultimate for quite a while, and fancy myself quite good. The wii motion plus truly shines the most in this game, IMO. The funny thing is that the game mimics my throw almost true to life (obviously, there are exceptions when the controls get wonky).

My standard/typical throws, IRL, start very low and have a slight rise to them, and Resort translates that into gameplay. Its probably one of the more intuitive games to highlight the Wii's potential.
# 2 PadresFan104 @ 08/05/09 03:29 PM
Agree 100% with ezekiel. Of all the games, I am most impressed with Frisbee and think it's the best game of the bunch!
# 3 RayDog253 @ 08/05/09 06:53 PM
I actually bought this game for my son and ended up playing for like 4 hours straight. My favs were the 3 point shoot out, Table tennis, of course bowling, and sword play dominating my 4 y.o. lol.....Good Game.
# 4 sportdan30 @ 08/08/09 12:49 AM
This game puts the original to shame. What a great great sequel. There's just a lot of depth with the game because of the added mini games. My son and I are have a blast!
# 5 PlottyDawg @ 08/08/09 12:47 PM
Solid sequel to the Wii Sports series. The depth is solid, and although some games are quirky (wakeboarding comes to mind), and golf IMO is harder than TW10, others are spot-on awesome. Archery is as close as perfect as you can get, from the utilization of the Nunchuk as part of the bow/arrow to having to play the wind with your shots....its challenging, yet fun.
# 6 KG @ 08/11/09 04:51 PM
I like the Archery. Really tests out how steady my hand is.
# 7 RavensPhils5226 @ 08/19/09 12:58 PM
I like Swordplay and basketball.
# 8 CaptainZombie @ 08/19/09 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by RavensPhils5226
I like Swordplay and basketball.
Are you the RavensBears guy?
# 9 mgoblue @ 08/19/09 08:00 PM
Getting this from my parents for my birthday (we're celebrating Saturday)...should be fun
# 10 NoDakHusker @ 09/06/09 10:47 PM
Wii Sports Resort is fun. The archery is tons of fun, and I find the 3 point contest to be a blast. A few games are sub par(table tennis, power cruising) but nonetheless I love this game. I'm addicted.

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