NHL 10 News Post

Xbox 360 Controls

Butterfly ---------- Left Trigger (pull and hold)

Hug Post ---------- Right Trigger (pull and hold)

Cover Puck ---------- Y

Free Skate ---------- A (press and hold)

Basic Movement ---------- Left Stick

Precision Movement ---------- Left Bumper + Left Stick

Glove/Blocker Save ---------- Right Stick (left or right)

Poke Check ---------- Right Stick (up)

Desperation Save ---------- Right Bumper + Right Stick

Stack Pads ---------- Right Bumper + Right Stick (left or right)

Spread Pads V Save ---------- Right Bumper + Right Stick (down)

Lunging Horizontal Poke Check ---------- Right Bumper + Right Stick (up)

Leave Puck (when in possession of it) ---------- Left Trigger

Five-Hole Save ---------- Right Stick (down)

Goalie Roll Over (from side) ---------- Right Stick (left or right)

Pass Puck ---------- Right Trigger

Game: NHL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
NHL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 crobert0247 @ 07/31/09 12:28 AM
Much appreciated!
# 2 bcgudely @ 07/31/09 12:45 AM
Looks great. Playing goalie was a lot of fun in 09, but once you got the basics down, you pretty much hit a ceiling with how good you could get. Sure there were a few tricks, but there wasn't enough control over the goalie. Now, with these new controls, the position just got 100%+ deeper to play. Should be a lot of fun.

Here's to hoping more BAP info is coming soon.
# 3 mynutees @ 07/31/09 01:50 AM
Nice. Very improved over last year's goalie controls. I can't tell you how many times I was stuck to the post when I didn't want to be.
# 4 Stranius @ 07/31/09 04:03 AM
Very welcomed news for goalies

I can't for whatever reason see the video though, same with all videos here. Can see the small one in this thread but clickin it redirects me to the video page which is just empty
# 5 armi5718 @ 07/31/09 05:09 AM
Looks great for goalies. Gameplay was crazy too. Agility looks like it's through the roof if the EA staff were using defensive defensmen on defense. Did you guys see those turns?! However, while I was watching the video I felt like I was actually at my rink watching a game going on in fast forward, which is still a good thing. Speed looks like it may be an issue for NHL 10 but, the game looks real which is the important thing. Great video and great news for my goalie. That's you Tyler.
# 6 [Icy] @ 07/31/09 05:44 AM
Awesome news, i'm really looking forward for it.
# 7 kerosene31 @ 07/31/09 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by armi5718
Agility looks like it's through the roof if the EA staff were using defensive defensmen on defense. Did you guys see those turns?!
They were just testing the 99 glitch

Good to see the goalie controls getting an improvement. I still don't know how anyone managed to play goalie in 09.
# 8 DragonDemonico @ 07/31/09 10:17 AM
These controls will make a Goalie BAP so much better.
# 9 Qb @ 07/31/09 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by armi5718
Looks great for goalies. Gameplay was crazy too. Agility looks like it's through the roof if the EA staff were using defensive defensmen on defense. Did you guys see those turns?!
Those controls are so much deeper, it's going to be an entirely new game for the human netminders. It should make my time-killer goalie BAP much more interesting, assuming I even have the time to kill since it looks like GM mode will be killer...

But yeah, the agility/turn radius is so far off, it's not even funny. Sometimes you'll see guys take short little strides or cut hard on their edges and it's not too bad. Then sometimes they'll just magically do a 180 with little or no transition. Odd and frustrating... they need to address this to take the gameplay to the next level.
# 10 CallCenterZombie @ 07/31/09 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by crobert0247
Much appreciated!
Crobert, you haven't played a lick of goalie in your life!
# 11 crobert0247 @ 07/31/09 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by CallCenterZombie
Crobert, you haven't played a lick of goalie in your life!

True, but I've tried a hand at it in BAP offline and in the EASHL. I didn't get burned that bad. I had a couple wins.
# 12 akula @ 07/31/09 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Qb
But yeah, the agility/turn radius is so far off, it's not even funny. Sometimes you'll see guys take short little strides or cut hard on their edges and it's not too bad. Then sometimes they'll just magically do a 180 with little or no transition. Odd and frustrating... they need to address this to take the gameplay to the next level.
hear hear. how are we supposed to have player separation when a lumbering defensmen and speedy winger can both pull off 180's and super tight 90 degree turns? it's bizarre that EA didn't adjust this at all. and disappointing.
# 13 CallCenterZombie @ 07/31/09 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by crobert0247

True, but I've tried a hand at it in BAP offline and in the EASHL. I didn't get burned that bad. I had a couple wins.
We'll see come 9/15/2009.
# 14 The Visualizer @ 07/31/09 12:39 PM
nice stuff, might actually dabble with the goalie more this year
# 15 ThatCanadianGuy @ 07/31/09 12:49 PM
Looks really good. I enjoyed controlling the goalies before but the added depth this year should make it a lot more rewarding.
# 16 xSEMPERFlx @ 07/31/09 02:58 PM
Umm i dont know what it is but i cant veiw it all it just says "Exclusive NHL 10 goalie controls video narrated by producer David Littman"
# 17 Stranius @ 07/31/09 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by xSEMPERFlx
Umm i dont know what it is but i cant veiw it all it just says "Exclusive NHL 10 goalie controls video narrated by producer David Littman"
Same here as said earlier in this thread, same goes for all the vids here. Havent stumbled upon video viewing problems anywhere else, at least in the usual gametrailers, gamespot etc with my system.
# 18 Money99 @ 07/31/09 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Those controls are so much deeper, it's going to be an entirely new game for the human netminders. It should make my time-killer goalie BAP much more interesting, assuming I even have the time to kill since it looks like GM mode will be killer...

But yeah, the agility/turn radius is so far off, it's not even funny. Sometimes you'll see guys take short little strides or cut hard on their edges and it's not too bad. Then sometimes they'll just magically do a 180 with little or no transition. Odd and frustrating... they need to address this to take the gameplay to the next level.
I 2nd this as well.

So many members here have noticed this skating issue since 08 and it's still in the game. It's disappointing.
For NHL11 they really need to work on the skating physics. Sure, the animations are gorgeous, but the actual momentum or dynamics of skating are way off in some instances.

I have to admit I get a bit bummed when I see these videos of NHL10 where the CPU magically turns 90 or 180 degrees without any loss of momentum or the puck.

It's still a must buy for me, but I'd like to see EA address this for next year.
At least give the best skaters this advantage, not guys like Tomas Holmstrom.
# 19 xSEMPERFlx @ 07/31/09 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Stranius
Same here as said earlier in this thread, same goes for all the vids here. Havent stumbled upon video viewing problems anywhere else, at least in the usual gametrailers, gamespot etc with my system.
same i cant see any of them its getting really annoying i hope someone will get it up on youtube or GT or ign here soon cause this is bothering me.
# 20 armi5718 @ 07/31/09 05:22 PM
At 2:38 in the video I see colored skate laces and what looks like red stick tape on the D-man's stick. Anyone else see this? Yellow laces are on the guy cutting across the high slot, stick tape is on the D-Man who breaks up the pass.

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