Madden 2010 News Post
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So awesome, seriously an unreal soundtrack for a game.. Looks like the best soundtrack in years, no joke.
# 3
TheWatcher @ 07/24/09 08:16 PM
Public Enemy Shut'em down? Wow. That's a shocker. I'm impressed. The fact that they are going back and picking up catalog stuff is really an eye-opener. I really like what these guys are doing right now.
# 6
lolfalconsbeatu @ 07/24/09 08:24 PM
Sooo many rock songs/heavy metal...
But, its alright for what it is -- all of the songs get tiring after awhile lol

But, its alright for what it is -- all of the songs get tiring after awhile lol
Is it just me or are there less songs than usual? Plus alot more metal than expected....
Will the soundtrack play through the PA system in between plays sometimes?
Airbourne, Alice in chains, Beastie boys, Black sabath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kid Rock, Nirvana, and Pantera!!!
Greatest soundtrack in Madden History!!!
Greatest soundtrack in Madden History!!!

Looks like a nice balance.
In the past they would always make it 'rap' heavy
In the past they would always make it 'rap' heavy

# 14
dukerock12 @ 07/24/09 08:48 PM
seriously the best football game soundtrack every produced. if youve ever played competative football those are basically all the songs youll hear in a locker or weight room. my only gripe with the sound track is them butchering reckoning by killswitch engage, half the song is gone. its not like they are swearing.
# 16
RedZoneD25 @ 07/24/09 08:49 PM
WTF is with Airbourne. They're awful. Just skip the middleman and put ACDC in the game. I can't stand that guys voice. Other than that, I will be leaving every song on for play time.
As a huge AiC fan, I wish they would have picked a different song...but hell, they're in so it's all good.
As a huge AiC fan, I wish they would have picked a different song...but hell, they're in so it's all good.
My only gripe is that I wish there was some more alternative rock in the game. Not really into the "heavy screaming" stuff. I still like a lot of the songs on the soundtrack nonetheless.
# 20
cowboyscowboys @ 07/24/09 09:40 PM
It seems like 75-25 Rock to Rap ratio. I mean the NFL is what 80% black probably should of been the other way around. Oh I forgot 80% of the people who play madden are white like me. I think it should have been 50-50 at least.
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