NBA Live 10 News Post
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GSW lmaoo... I agree as Cleveland from family guy said "Boom goes the dynamite"
seriously that is how you drop man it seems like every article gave you one or two sentences that the others did not. Very effective but for now its still talk. Impressive talk though and with B on board you have to give it some credence.
cant believe im sayin this but i might buy NBA live this year still will buy 2k10
# 13
TheFiasco87 @ 07/27/09 12:04 PM
Im just waiting on gameplay videos, that will really make or break my decision.
Especially since everybody is already making the decision to buy Live based solely off of screens shown. Lol.
All they need to do is keep releasing screens and people will continue to be hyped about the game.
# 16
youngfaze01 @ 07/27/09 12:23 PM
I think both games will be different in their own way. I don't think any of them will disappoint us.
# 17
Jamesmaster @ 07/27/09 01:57 PM
Well, some people are clearly easily amazed. I'll wait till I've seen gameplay footage and played the demo. We know that there will be over 7 million shoes and jerseys, but we don't know anything about animations (150 are said to be added, but does that also mean individual, signature animations?), controls, signature shots and moves. Aren't those the key points that NBA Live has lacked for years?
There is usually a monday radio interview following each blog released
anyhow have the link to the site where they interview?
anyhow have the link to the site where they interview?
# 19
krazyboy225 @ 07/27/09 03:01 PM
keep your eyes on the "more from this user section"
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