FIFA 10 News Post

Gamespot and CVG has posted the following FIFA 10 updates:
  • Gamespot: FIFA 10 Updated Hands-On (PS3)

    "Custom set pieces are a brand-new addition to FIFA 10 and will allow you to set up elaborate multiplayer moves to use in free kick situations. We got to play around with this new feature using preview code, and we were pleased with the results."
  • Gamespot: FIFA 10 Wii Hands-On (Wii)

    "The look of the game is also much different, and while it's less realistic than before, we love the caricatured style. Players are split into skinny, average, and stocky frame sizes and move accordingly, while the special shots on goal are extravagant to say the least."
  • Gamespot: FIFA 10 Screenshots (Wii)
  • CVG: FIFA 10 Screenshots (Wii, PC, PSP)

Game: FIFA Soccer 10Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
FIFA Soccer 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Whitesox @ 07/15/09 11:51 PM
Aw man this crazy increase in info is KILLING me. I can't wait until October.

EA Sports has promised another big reveal at Gamescom in Cologne in August, so we'll have all the details for you from Germany next month.
# 2 marcoyk @ 07/16/09 02:24 AM
Hurry up FIFA 10!
# 3 taiketsu @ 07/16/09 02:44 AM
Mark my words: the "custom set pieces" they're boasting in the PS3 preview will be heavily exploited during online matches. It's a great idea, but like so many marketable features EA sports have implemented, it will not work properly. The AI defense will not cover the set pieces properly and we will see buggy man-marking that will be taken advantage of.

I wish EA would just perfect the fundamental gameplay before they needlessly spend time on fancy features. FIFA 09 was a big step forward, but they still have a long way to go in terms of fundamental gameplay.
# 4 KG @ 07/16/09 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by taiketsu
Mark my words: the "custom set pieces" they're boasting in the PS3 preview will be heavily exploited during online matches. It's a great idea, but like so many marketable features EA sports have implemented, it will not work properly. The AI defense will not cover the set pieces properly and we will see buggy man-marking that will be taken advantage of.

I wish EA would just perfect the fundamental gameplay before they needlessly spend time on fancy features. FIFA 09 was a big step forward, but they still have a long way to go in terms of fundamental gameplay.
You must have missed the part where the dev said they were probably not going to include custom set pieces for online play.
# 5 taiketsu @ 07/16/09 09:59 PM
FYI, I did read that part, but it will be implemented whether it's ready for online or not. The reason I know this is true is because the EA heads will insist on it so they can add another marketing bullet point on the back of the box. If you've been a year to year customer of EA sports, you know you're really just a beta tester for new features that may or may not improve gameplay.
# 6 Qb @ 07/17/09 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by taiketsu
FYI, I did read that part, but it will be implemented whether it's ready for online or not. The reason I know this is true is because the EA heads will insist on it so they can add another marketing bullet point on the back of the box. If you've been a year to year customer of EA sports, you know you're really just a beta tester for new features that may or may not improve gameplay.
Look man, no one is saying you have to like EA's business/marketing tactics, but at least be fair. The lead producer says it's unlikely they'll be available for online play, so that's what we have to go on for now. For the record, NHL 08 introduced created plays that work almost exactly as the new set piece creator will in FIFA 10. They were NOT able to be used online that year; that wasn't possible until NHL 09. Who knows why, but it could well be for the same reason -- fear that they could be exploited.

Anyways, it's not like we don't share your concerns about possible exploiting, but to say you "know this is true" (that they will be included for marketing purposes) isn't accurate at this point.
# 7 taiketsu @ 07/18/09 06:44 AM
Qb, you have a point and I stand corrected: It is VERY likely EA will introduce Create-a-set-piece into online play for said reasons.

Although the aforementioned NHL 08's set piece creator is a great example of restraint from EA, most OS members are more likely to remember the MULTITUDES of instances where EA implemented gimmicky new features that weren't ready for primetime. One year is too short of a development cycle to properly test gameplay balance for games this complex, yet EA insists on releasing a new game each year and fixing as they go. Instead of fixing all the problems from previous versions, they unintentionally add glitches or imbalances through new "marketable" features that have only been briefly tested. Thus, the consumer becomes the beta tester.

Of course, I understand EA needs to get paid because it is a business, after all. But to be fair - as you would say - you can't blame me for my pessimism.
# 8 Qb @ 07/19/09 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by taiketsu
Of course, I understand EA needs to get paid because it is a business, after all. But to be fair - as you would say - you can't blame me for my pessimism.
No I really can't, unfortunately, as it's easy to be pessimistic. I hope you're wrong in this case...

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