Madden 2010 News Post

Gamestop has posted their Monday blog on Madden NFL 10.

"Playing quarterback in Madden NFL 10 now has this whole new wrinkle of strategy that has never existed in franchise history — you actually have find open passing lanes. We added accurate QB throwing styles to this year's game as well; so you have to be careful with the guys like Rivers and Romo that have a lower release as they can get their passes batted down more often. This addition also makes height relevant for the very first time — guys like Manning and Roethlisberger that tower in the pocket back there and have a high release have much less of a problem dealing with the linemen in front of them, where you have to do a lot more thinking with a guy like Garcia."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 soxnut1018 @ 06/29/09 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by salbowski
Yeah.... i was more hoping you had one saved somewhere.
Wasn't expecting you to produce one on the spot and post it... although that would have perpetuated the notion that you're the messiah.
You mean he's not?
# 22 Netherscourge @ 06/29/09 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Sorry, these aren't necessarily easy to capture.

I've got some other important stuff to do - maybe once we finish the game I can take video requests like this.

Here'sa better question - is it POSSIBLE to get INT's from tips on this engine?
# 23 LBzrule @ 06/29/09 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by salbowski
Any chance we could get a capture of an interception via a tip??
It's definitely in though. I got one at CD I think I remember it happening to Adem, A.I was Chiefs? He can correct me if I'm wrong.
# 24 The_Balm @ 06/29/09 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Good example video for you guys that I captured real quick:

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
# 25 TombSong @ 06/29/09 09:18 PM
If you have played the NCAA 2010 Demo, you can see how the tipped passes work. Its pretty cool. Adds a element of strategy to the game. That bailout pass over the middle aint gonna be as easy to do.
# 26 TreyIM2 @ 06/29/09 10:27 PM
TombSong - I was actually gunna mention the NCAA 10 demo and tip passes, myself because I thought I remembered at least one happening. Good catch, and as for this application in Madden 10, I think it's going to be a bit more important to find the passing lane and be smart with your passes than in NCAA 10. In the NCAA 10 demo, I still do the same passing I did in Madden 09...

What's funny is as many times as I try to remember to at least get my hand up if I cannot get to the QB (I usually use a lineman when on D with the occasional blitzing LB switch up), it never really occurred to me til one of the last times I played Madden 09 before trading it in, the other day, that the CPU linemen on my team seem to rarely get a hand up or even get a hand on the ball for a tip. Eh, it will be more prevelant, now I guess. Great work Ian and co!
# 27 parrothead @ 06/29/09 10:58 PM
Exactly what camera angle is that tipped pass using? Is it playable, if not I'm still buying, just curious.
# 28 Mofficial @ 06/29/09 11:07 PM
I don't really want a video. I just hope it's implemented as they say. I'm tired of all the new features being spoiled for us. But as it stands, I am very impressed with this, and I am very looking forward to the challenge with Rivers.
# 29 statum71 @ 06/29/09 11:16 PM
Another small detail thats gonna make this game so great.

The small things are what make The Show so tight. Madden's on its way now.
# 30 adembroski @ 06/29/09 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
It's definitely in though. I got one at CD I think I remember it happening to Adem, A.I was Chiefs? He can correct me if I'm wrong.
Got picked once, and I was the Chiefs. It happened because of Cassel's slow assed release. Usually, it didn't do much; If you remember, at CD, the players didn't care that the ball was in the air unless it was going to land on them.
# 31 ViciousFoLife @ 06/29/09 11:17 PM
Speaking of passing I read you can now throw to the ground instead of throwing it away is that in? And if so any idea on how its done.
# 32 Cnada @ 06/30/09 12:11 AM
The blog is awesome!! Really like the fact that Qbs height plays a factor, keep adding these little physics related aspects into the game. It is a bit worrying that the INTs in 09 were too high but yeah we have sliders right!

Cant wait to play!!
# 33 carolina_boi @ 06/30/09 12:31 AM
its gonna be a lot of fun playn as julius Peppers and given the QB's hell ! haha
# 34 iva-chargers-fan @ 06/30/09 01:21 AM
hey EA i wanted to know soo if i draft a QB in the 6 round and his rating is a 65 and if i start him for 5 years in a row and he plays good for those 5 years..at the end of those 5 years hir rating could be in the 80s or 90s..please answer it. cuz this is one of the features im most exited about..GO EA!!!
# 35 Broncos86 @ 06/30/09 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by iva-chargers-fan
hey EA i wanted to know soo if i draft a QB in the 6 round and his rating is a 65 and if i start him for 5 years in a row and he plays good for those 5 years..at the end of those 5 years hir rating could be in the 80s or 90s..please answer it. cuz this is one of the features im most exited about..GO EA!!!
Depends on his potential. If he has high potential, then yes. If you cultivate him, he'll get up in the ratings. That said, the trick will be finding those players with high potential, in the late rounds, that you can bring into the game and see results.
# 36 PanthersFanboy @ 06/30/09 01:38 AM
just hope it doesn't happen everytime
# 37 rckabillyRaider @ 06/30/09 02:11 AM
And the cheesers are definitely rioting now. LOL
# 38 43Chargers4Now @ 06/30/09 04:10 AM
I hope it doesn't become too common on All-Madden
# 39 lgxjames @ 06/30/09 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Ah Detroit: Where football players go to die.
I think I have to resent that....
# 40 blackngoldfan @ 06/30/09 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Ah Detroit: Where football players go to die.
I thought that was Oakland.

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