Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the new Madden NFL 10 video, featuring the NFC West.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 BenjiA @ 06/26/09 06:53 PM
even the Niners' facemask gray is too dark...
# 22 TreyIM2 @ 06/26/09 07:45 PM
Glorious - I think your forgetting about his 88 agility and 84 elusiveness, as well. I think the AI crunches all the pertinent numbers to give a potential outcome and, yea, it could be on Pro or, even, Rookie. I think I've said it before how EA marketing gets these vids created when they wanna show off particular aspects of the game. I think u can take this vid with a grain of salt.

Personally, I think that vid was hot and I only had one issue - Warner's drop back. After the CPU finished it's drop animation for him, he just abruptly stopped on a dime and stood there. No transition bounce animation or anything. It looked odd and like the same ole Madden but I can live with it cuz the game is shaping up to look fantastic to me, overall.

I even stopped by the Gamestop near my gym on the way home just to check for the pre-order demo code - No dice. I am fiendin' for that demo and wanna make sure I get my hands on a code before they get them then run out.
# 23 TreyIM2 @ 06/26/09 07:47 PM
Oh, and I'm not seeing what the problem is with the Niner's helmets. C'mon, people, stop nitpicking.
# 24 pepp32 @ 06/26/09 08:05 PM
I know right, relax. The highlight was awsome. Who cares aout the exact shade of grey for the face mask...seriously.
# 25 shift9k @ 06/26/09 08:10 PM
So many complaints from such a short video..

# 26 adembroski @ 06/26/09 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by firrea80
Wow! Madden rating still does not matter! Patrick Willis missed a tackle when has 99 tackling...
Umm, even as a 49ers fan who firmly believes Patrick Willis is the best football player on the planet, even he misses tackles. Ray Lewis misses tackles. It happens. This is a ridiculous complaint.
# 27 kmart2180 @ 06/26/09 08:18 PM
Man thisgame looks like its gonna be fun but god there are some things about the 49ers that are gonna drive me insane.

1st the helmet color which i still have hope M.Y. will stay true to his word and fix. It looks terrible.

2nd I hope we can change guys bodys cause Frank Gore does not have Reggie Bush like build. God is he to small. He looks too tall and lenky in this vid.

Manny Lawson looks bigger than Patrick Willis...... P Willis should be much more diesel.

Its not the biggest thing in the world but I thought highly of them when they said "every player might be someones favorite" and my 2 favorites are as wrong as can be (IMO)
# 28 blackscorpion11 @ 06/26/09 09:11 PM
Why are there so many broken tackles in this game? makes the defense look cheesy. From the videos it looks like you'll have either 3 or 4 guys tackling or the ball carrier will be shedding tackles??

Is this the wrong impression?
# 29 iBlievN5 @ 06/26/09 09:15 PM
blackscorpion11, it was purposely done to make a highlight reel, i seriously doubt you can break that many routinely.
# 30 blackscorpion11 @ 06/26/09 09:30 PM
Beig married to the NCAA series, i've gotten pretty good at spotting cheese.. Those spin moves and broken tackles if they happen with regularity are going to decide alot of games.,

i guess we'll find out in august
# 31 cowboy_kmoney @ 06/26/09 09:39 PM
That vid was good for marketing, But I like the vid because Madden is startin to be in the game. Now if NCAA11 take notes from this and use the Madden built, We will b playing both games next year.
# 32 Champ24 @ 06/26/09 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by blackscorpion11
Why are there so many broken tackles in this game? makes the defense look cheesy. From the videos it looks like you'll have either 3 or 4 guys tackling or the ball carrier will be shedding tackles??

Is this the wrong impression?
It's not a HIGHLIGHT video for nothing. Everyone is so quick to draw conclusions from this kind of stuff. I just don't get it. Are they supposed to shows us 2 yd runs and incomplete passes?
# 33 marcoyk @ 06/26/09 09:52 PM
I don't like the double-spins but I'm pleased with the video, overall. Steven Jackson looks like a monster. Nice to see that powerful backs can be useful like fast backs.
# 34 TracerBullet @ 06/26/09 10:37 PM
Hopefully they don't have those as the default uni's for seattle. I may hate the hawks even though I live in washington but i know they only wore that combo against the jags in jacksonville one year and that was the only time. doesn't bother me really though. Nice vid! as long as the Seahawks or the rams don't win the west its been a good year in that division.
# 35 Colladie @ 06/26/09 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Champ24
It's not a HIGHLIGHT video for nothing. Everyone is so quick to draw conclusions from this kind of stuff. I just don't get it. Are they supposed to shows us 2 yd runs and incomplete passes?
It's surprising people need to be told this.
# 36 Tyrant8RDFL @ 06/27/09 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by PanthersFanboy
The run animation looked better, but that catch that Larry done in the endzone was alittle iffy. Overall it looked good.
I guess I'll be the only one. I felt the animations still look bad. They are not fluid or accurate in any way.

The graphics and colors look really nice.
# 37 airsoftking @ 06/27/09 10:37 AM
I hope there won't be too many broken tackles, it doesn't look all that good when a player is breaking 3 or 4 tackles in a row. I really hate the LF catch animation in the end zone, it looks very bad. I don't know, when I play other next gen sports games, the movements and animations are really stunning, EA and Madden still have some work to do about that.

The overall game looks good and I'll be buying it because of all the improvements but Madden is definitely behind all other sports games in terms of players animations.
# 38 spankdatazz22 @ 06/27/09 12:27 PM
It's weird how the game can look good and bad at the same time. A lot of the good seems to be that they've done a good job with the graphics. The bad that there's so much unnatural/poor movement that it's very distracting. Most of it's appeal seems to be that it's an NFL game; I try to imagine the game without the license and I'm not sure there's much that could pointed to that stands out - in a good way
# 39 airsoftking @ 06/27/09 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
It's weird how the game can look good and bad at the same time. A lot of the good seems to be that they've done a good job with the graphics. The bad that there's so much unnatural/poor movement that it's very distracting. Most of it's appeal seems to be that it's an NFL game; I try to imagine the game without the license and I'm not sure there's much that could pointed to that stands out - in a good way
I couldn't agree more!
# 40 bigD_916 @ 06/27/09 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Richie2k10
Do the 49er red look pinkish to anyone else?
Alittle...the color just seems slightly off. Im more concerned about the helmet color though..

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