NBA Live 10 News Post

EA has posted another NBA Live 10 blog. This one covers the Virtual Playbook.

"ast year the world was introduced to the EA SPORTS Virtual Playbook. A combination of a real life analyst and virtual players extracted from Madden 09 appearing on screen together to break down the game. It was an amazing accomplishment for everyone involved and the technology’s success opened the flood gates to other applications.

Fast forward a year later to the 08-09 NBA playoffs and you may have seen one of those applications with players from NBA Live 09 appearing next to Jon Barry. EA SPORTS and ESPN had linked up again and for the first time created a virtual playbook for basketball.

EA and ESPN decided they wanted to shoot Virtual Playbook segments with NBA Live 09 and use it for the playoffs and I got to go to Orlando and be a part of the shoot. I was there to help produce the different sets and plays with NBA Live 09 that ESPN wanted to showcase and breakdown. This meant sitting down with 1 to 3 other people (a great assortment of guys from Jason Parker to a number of different members of ESPN’s emerging technology group that were producing the segment) playing the game and trying to run the different plays."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Jamin23 @ 06/21/09 08:31 PM
Nice!! Are we still getting one on Friday?
# 2 Jamin23 @ 06/21/09 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
Ya, Marcus said the next one was about textures and art etc..
I can't wait!!
# 3 P21J @ 06/21/09 08:41 PM
Right in time for the NBA Draft, my favorite time of the year
# 4 TrailBlazersFan @ 06/21/09 09:03 PM
I also love watching that on Espn the Virtual Playbook feature it's def a nice added feature that Espn has with breaking down the players and defenses etc.

The Virtual Playbook + This year's NBA Draft coming up this Thursday, it's going to be a great week.
# 5 stephensonmc @ 06/21/09 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
Ya, Marcus said the next one was about textures and art etc..
lol, no I didn't, did I?

This Friday will be the next blog and it will center around the draft.
# 6 edubbs @ 06/21/09 09:08 PM
Hey Steph, will we get the final DNA 365 update that reflects this past season, this week?
# 7 stephensonmc @ 06/21/09 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by edubbs
Hey Steph, will we get the final DNA 365 update that reflects this past season, this week?
you should, yes.
# 8 Mintsa @ 06/21/09 09:16 PM

Are you guys doing any type of Live 10 pics with the new draft picks in NBA jerseys, like Madden did during the draft ??
# 9 BiggD @ 06/21/09 09:16 PM
nice find, lets get some pics rollin out now
# 10 shindiana @ 06/21/09 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc

This Friday will be the next blog and it will center around the draft.
Can't wait!
I'm so frustrated with current NBA games regarding the draft, I hope Live 10 will get the job done!
# 11 stephensonmc @ 06/21/09 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa

Are you guys doing any type of Live 10 pics with the new draft picks in NBA jerseys, like Madden did during the draft ??
it won't be like Madden because the NFLPA is very different than the NBAPA in that when a rookie goes to the NFL Combine, they become part of the NFLPA. A NBA Rookie isn't in the NBAPA until they sign a contract with their respective team.

So we can't show every pick.
# 12 thesniper321 @ 06/21/09 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
it won't be like Madden because the NFLPA is very different than the NBAPA in that when a rookie goes to the NFL Combine, they become part of the NFLPA. A NBA Rookie isn't in the NBAPA until they sign a contract with their respective team.

So we can't show every pick.
can't wait until friday, damn if all frenchies were like you........working even sunday
# 13 TreyIM2 @ 06/21/09 10:18 PM
Marcus - U guys got me going crazy with how everyone that is working on Live 10 keeps saying how much of a huge difference it is from Live 09 when they play them both. That's what I like to hear. It doesn't sound like PR feed, neither. I thought Madden 10 was the game I was most looking forward to, this year, but now u guys are doing it to me with Live 10. Looking forward to Friday.
# 14 stephensonmc @ 06/21/09 11:52 PM
BTW -- Sean Campbell is on OS as "JabStep"

He's one of our NCAA Basketball producers and frequents those forums often.
# 15 marcoyk @ 06/22/09 12:39 AM
Looking forward to the next blog!
# 16 23 @ 06/23/09 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by j2k9
Yawn....Here we go with the gimics. Last year it was 360 DNA. What will it be this year? The only additions I want to hear from EA about Live are gameplay improvements. They still haven't even got the basics down like net animations, rim physics, passing, rebounding, etc....How about we got some realistic player models. I don't want over muscular players with stick legs. Can we get some assistant coaches on the bench? Can we get players diving for loose balls, running into the refs & scoreboards like 2K? Also the gameplay needs to be more fluid overall. It's too robotic right now. Come on EA step your game up this year!

You can spot guys like this a mile away and know he never played the game. How many times can one guy contradict himself in one post
# 17 thesniper321 @ 06/23/09 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by 23

You can spot guys like this a mile away and know he never played the game. How many times can one guy contradict himself in one post
# 18 ehh @ 06/23/09 01:09 AM
With NBA Live 10 I think we will be able to examine a wider variety of the finer points of the game that Live 10 captures which will lead to: more intricate plays, broader scope of teaching points and the opportunity to look deeper into individual player and team styles and tendencies.

Awesome, I loved the foundation with the playbooks in Live 09 but it has so much room for growth that I can't wait to see what's in store for '10. Glad to know they are focusing on it and improving it.

NBA Live '10, I can't believe it's going to be most anticipated video game since CH2K8.
# 19 zfinley @ 06/23/09 02:37 AM
I wonder if i will be able to add this feature to my created team.. Oh wait there is no created teams on live. Hopefully they add this feature although the animations need serious attention.
# 20 ZoneBlitz @ 06/23/09 07:36 AM
I agree. I want to see everything you said. While the virtual playbook feature sounds nice, if the game isn't solid, then that's not good.

What I want to know is whether or not the developers are working on those issues. If they are, then I expect this year Live will really be a contender for classification as a good sim of the game and not just an application with a bunch of gimmicks but no real basketball.

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