WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 News Post

Member Comments
# 2
raidersbball20 @ 06/20/09 06:24 PM
making everything customizable is cool, i'm glad we have some news on this game
# 3
PantherBeast_OS @ 06/21/09 03:52 AM
Well I hae been a svr fan for a long time. But the past few years I have been so unhappy with the way svr turned out. All yukes keeps on doing is adding more features to the game and there is things on the game that has been broken for a few years. Like the damage system and no weight detection. They have not done anything to address the online freeze glitching people use to win matches quick. It's bad that svr use to be a good game now it's become a game of trash. If yukes would address the problems at hand first wrong with the game and listen to fans and do the right thing. Then svr 10 might be the first good wreslting on the next Gen console ever. They can add all the new features they want. But until the old stuff is fixed. Then the new stuff is just adding to the existing problem at hand.
I'd contend that, on its own, any SvR game is a reasonbly good game.
However, when given the context that the game has been a part of a ten-year-long series, each passing game becomes that much less impressive. In particular, the fact that the AI hasn't gotten ANY better since the first iteration is absolutely astounding to me.
Also, the wrestlers don't have enough uniqueness to them; perhaps that's a testament to the product nowadays, but I feel like a lot more can be done to give each character his own style. At the moment I feel like the characters really only differ in name and finishing moves. The trait system they recently introduced was a good start to creating individual personalities, and needs to be expanded upon IMO.
However, when given the context that the game has been a part of a ten-year-long series, each passing game becomes that much less impressive. In particular, the fact that the AI hasn't gotten ANY better since the first iteration is absolutely astounding to me.
Also, the wrestlers don't have enough uniqueness to them; perhaps that's a testament to the product nowadays, but I feel like a lot more can be done to give each character his own style. At the moment I feel like the characters really only differ in name and finishing moves. The trait system they recently introduced was a good start to creating individual personalities, and needs to be expanded upon IMO.
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