NCAA Football 10 News Post

Who Needs Rules has posted an article entitled, Should NCAA Football 10 Get Your Business?

"t's almost time, you can hear the bands warming up, NCAA Football is getting close to being released to the masses. The thrill of the hunt to find the game early will start around Independence Day, and then the game will slowly arrive in everyone's hands. The question is, is the game worth your $60 this year?

The demo has been released today on XBox 360 and later tonight on the PS3. Considering the demo is only 2 minute quarters, I'm not so sure that it's going to make anyone feel that this game is not just NCAA 09.5. I look at what's been changed and added for the '10 iteration, and shake my head when I look at Madden 10's feature set. It's like night and day. You would almost think these teams should probably work together..right?"

Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Cj7298419 @ 06/29/09 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by BigDofBA

What am I paying $60 for? Is it end zone art and roster updates?
Originally Posted by fistofrage
No, just endzone art. They Effed up the rosters.
LMAO! Which puts not getting this game in even more perspective.
# 102 huskerfan101 @ 06/29/09 05:24 PM
O.k. I have 2 ps2's. I'm going to keep the newer one and sell the old one with some games. Then with the money I earn and the money i get with the ps2 Im going to buy a ps3 with ncaa football 2010. I mostly just have fun with campus legend and then importing my player into Madden. Then once I'm done with that I'll probly mess around with season showdown. So will I like Ncaa football 10 on the ps3? (Sorry for bothering you I'll probly be done with my questions after you answer this one)
# 103 huskerfan101 @ 06/29/09 05:27 PM
^^^ To:
# 104 Sportsforever @ 06/29/09 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BigDofBA
People are finally starting to get it. Around 2003-2004 I would get so excited for this game. I would be anxious for it to drop a few months in advance. This year, I didn't find out the release date until a few days ago. That should tell you something in itself.

I didn't even download the demo until just recently. Normally I would have downloaded it the second it came out.

People are finally realizing what I realized a few years ago. NCAA is nothing more than a few new animations and a roster update. Along the way that add and subtract features to make the game feel a bit different. What do we get this year? Endzone art in bowl games. That was something that was in the game in 2004. It's a pathetic that it has take this long to get these things in on the Xbox 360/PS3 when the original xbox had these features 6 years ago.

I understand that a video game is never going to be ultra realistic but I don't want to keep spending money every year on virtually the same product.

What am I paying $60 for? Is it end zone art and roster updates?
I'm right here as well...back in 2003/2004 I played the heck out NCAA and looked forward to it each year. I now haven't purchased it since 2006 and this is the first time I have been in the NCAA forum this summer. I didn't realize the demo was out yet...I was just popping in because I realized it was getting to be July and was curious for a release date. I will give this a rent at some point, but I just don't look forward to it like I used to.
# 105 sozo @ 06/29/09 10:21 PM
After playing that butt ugly demo there is absolutely no way EA will be getting my $60 this year. It will be the first time not buying since 98. I'll be getting Madden 10 instead and it will be my first time buying Madden since 99. Maybe when they get there stuff together and start producing a quality product I'll consider purchasing again (like the Madden dev team has done). So far, what they've released in that demo and in their more recent games is a terrible representation of football
# 106 rckabillyRaider @ 06/29/09 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by huskerfan101
O.k. I have 2 ps2's. I'm going to keep the newer one and sell the old one with some games. Then with the money I earn and the money i get with the ps2 Im going to buy a ps3 with ncaa football 2010. I mostly just have fun with campus legend and then importing my player into Madden. Then once I'm done with that I'll probly mess around with season showdown. So will I like Ncaa football 10 on the ps3? (Sorry for bothering you I'll probly be done with my questions after you answer this one)
thats a question that only you can answer bro. When I first bought 09 on the 360, I hated it. It was very unplayable and filled with bugs and gameplay issues. After 2 patches, I was able to enjoy it more and actually completed a few seasons. Still, the gameplay is nowhere near what last gen offered.

Heck, I'm so into last gen that I am thinking about purchasing a video upscaler unit so I can enjoy my ps2, wii, and old dvd player on my 1080p hdtv in almsot near HD quality. The units are a bit expensive, but I am a bit of a HD nut and to me its worth it.
# 107 GoBlue10 @ 06/29/09 11:12 PM
I'm gonna call bull**** on most of the posters and here is why. The game is going to sell roughly the same amount of copies as other years. I'm sorry but there is not a large group of people out there saying "oh my I think I'll buy NCAA for the first time ever this year." I'm not saying all of you who are saying "not me" are going to buy it, but I'm willing to bet most of you will.

# 108 Exonerated @ 06/30/09 01:20 AM
I've heard many

I've beeen playing NCAA since the 93 Atari and this is the first year I won't buy it. EA has burned me for the last time!

Yeah right lol.
# 109 da ThRONe @ 06/30/09 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by GoBlue10
I'm gonna call bull**** on most of the posters and here is why. The game is going to sell roughly the same amount of copies as other years. I'm sorry but there is not a large group of people out there saying "oh my I think I'll buy NCAA for the first time ever this year." I'm not saying all of you who are saying "not me" are going to buy it, but I'm willing to bet most of you will.

Originally Posted by Exonerated
I've heard many

I've beeen playing NCAA since the 93 Atari and this is the first year I won't buy it. EA has burned me for the last time!

Yeah right lol.
You guys trying to use reverse physiological or something?
# 110 Exonerated @ 06/30/09 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
You guys trying to use reverse physiological or something?
loL. Nah just calling out people's bluffs.
# 111 md0t @ 06/30/09 06:25 AM
any devs sightings in this thread?
# 112 Seahawk76 @ 06/30/09 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by GoBlue10
I'm gonna call bull**** on most of the posters and here is why. The game is going to sell roughly the same amount of copies as other years. I'm sorry but there is not a large group of people out there saying "oh my I think I'll buy NCAA for the first time ever this year." I'm not saying all of you who are saying "not me" are going to buy it, but I'm willing to bet most of you will.

Maybe, but sales of NCAA have been going down for the past few years. Some people have obviously stopped buying the game.
# 113 GoBlue10 @ 06/30/09 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
People aren't bluffing. The economy is horrible and there is better stuff to spend 60 bones on. Why would someone bluff about the $60.00? It is more beneficial just to give the money to a bum on the corner. He may use it on another high, but at least I will feel good about helping someone out. If I give the $60.00 to EA it is just for Bleep and Giggles because I sure ain't getting nothing out of the POS product.
i'm not saying ppl are bluffing , i'm saying 90% of the ppl on here are bluffing.

NCAA sales may go down a little bit, but not nearly low enough to consider it threatning to the franchise.

trust me i'm not happy w/ this years game, but its not nearly bad enough to not buy. ppl are complaining about rosters and ea is releasing downloadable rosters and there are numerous ppl who create their own rosters so that's not an excuse not to buy it.
# 114 fistofrage @ 06/30/09 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by GoBlue10
i'm not saying ppl are bluffing , i'm saying 90% of the ppl on here are bluffing.

NCAA sales may go down a little bit, but not nearly low enough to consider it threatning to the franchise.
Tell that to the investors. No, the franchise won't go away, but someone will have some explaining to do if sales keep diminishing. The economy alone will have a large impact, but if the reviews come in stale and the sales aren't keeping pace with projections there will have to be changes made. Thats just business.

And I do think the reviews will come in fairly low for this game. To the common person the game is the same as last year. To the hardcore gamer the repetitive broken features and exclusions will rear its ugly head this year.
# 115 coogrfan @ 06/30/09 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
Actually, a lot of people are passing on this game. Some guy posted VG Chartz Stats on here and the decline is staggering. In fact, I believe their sales on LG are almost as good if not better than on NG.
Umm ... no.

Originally Posted by boritter
Here are the recent sales figures for the NCAA franchise according to VG Chartz:

Xbox 360:
NCAA 07: 740,000
NCAA 08: 730,000
NCAA 09: 680,000

NCAA 08: 340,000
NCAA 09: 410,000

NCAA 07: 1,340,000
NCAA 08: 660,000
NCAA 09: 380,000

2009: NA

NCAA 07: 2,123,000 (LG = 1,383,000; NG 740,000)
NCAA 08: 1,737,000 (LG = 667,000; NG = 1,070,000)
NCAA 09: 1,470,000 (LG = 380,000; NG = 1,090,000)
# 116 CandyEyes32 @ 06/30/09 01:29 PM
I am still on the fence. I probably will wait a few days and see what the general opinion is. Most likely will not be a release day buy.
# 117 Seahawk76 @ 06/30/09 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by GoBlue10
trust me i'm not happy w/ this years game, but its not nearly bad enough to not buy. ppl are complaining about rosters and ea is releasing downloadable rosters and there are numerous ppl who create their own rosters so that's not an excuse not to buy it.
The rosters will probably be fixable at release but not some of the other problems like broken sliders. That will require a major patch which may not show up until weeks or months after release.

The game isn't horrible...it's just bland. After playing the demo there was no "wow" factor in it for me and it seemed to play pretty much like last year's game that I lost interest in after about a week.

Buggy and mediocre just isn't going to cut it anymore. Not when other sports games are really starting to hit their stride on next gen.
# 118 fistofrage @ 06/30/09 02:27 PM
NCAA 07: 2,123,000 (LG = 1,383,000; NG 740,000)
NCAA 08: 1,737,000 (LG = 667,000; NG = 1,070,000)
NCAA 09: 1,470,000 (LG = 380,000; NG = 1,090,000)

So they have lost 600,000 NCAA players in the span of 3 years. 30% decline.

Someone has some definite explaining to do. The proof is right there. NCAA football has gotten stale. Other innovative games have replaced it for the gamers dollar. The exclusive license hasn't brought any tangible benefit. Repetetive purchases like an annual sports game definitely need to show tangible value from year to year or else people will forego the product and either go a different direction or wait until next year. Unfortunately, EA thinks its gimmicks that will sell the product and to keep it fresh, they omit features that were there before only to unveil them as new 3 years later. Its really starting to get old. Tightening up the gameplay and some extra presentation is all it needs every year, not gimmicks.

As a hardcore sports gamer, I view this as a positive. The hardcore gamers are taking up a larger % of total sales. Hopefully they get things right before they lose us too. I think alot of us will grudgingly buy 2010, but in its current state, this franchise is played out. Its been 3-5 years and a generation ago since this franchise hit its pinacle. 2008 was its low point with the Swarm of bees broken pursuit angles on last gen and Pick 6 factory on current gen. Its starting to make its way back, but it will be 2013 or so before we see a game as solide as 2004 or 2006. Thats sad.
# 119 GoBlue10 @ 06/30/09 02:30 PM
I'm agreeing w/ almost everything everyone is posting on here (feature and gameplay wise), I'm saying that most of the ppl on this board that are thumping their chest stating "I'm not buying the game" will probably at one point or another buy the game. It doesn't matter if you buy it new or used bc in order to buy it used someone has to buy it new.

The numbers don't lie and if sales do go down slightly this year then EA will say "well the economy is down right now."

Is it frustrating, YES, do I want to see significant changes in some aspects, YES, but after 5 years of waiting I don't know if its going to happen anytime soon.

For years I've been saying the same thing. Focus on gameplay and presentation first and then add the childish gimmics after the main gameplay is taken care of.
# 120 rudyjuly2 @ 06/30/09 02:51 PM
I just cancelled my pre-order today and moved it towards Uncharted 2. No way I'm buying this game at release. I'll still consider it after I read impressions, they patch the sliders, the sliders work, and there are no major problems. Maybe I'll pick it up used but the current state of the game does not warrant full price from me. I might just spend it on Madden but I'll be renting that game first as well.

I still hate that they took away the old camera angle rather than just give us both camera options in the first place. You see dumb decisions like that along with broken sliders and it's hard to have faith that they really consider our desires here at OS. They don't have to but they certainly don't seem to be catering to the hardcore crowd like the Madden team is.

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