Backbreaker News Post

A lot of the discussion about Backbreaker begins and ends with the technology that drives it. I think those discussions are a bit detrimental in the grand scheme of things, yet at the same time, those discussions are an advantage as well. People may get swept up talking about the technology far too much -- ignoring the fact that the game behind the technology still has to be strong -- but at the same time, the Euphoria technology guiding Backbreaker is a definable trait that clearly separates it from any other football title or sports game out there. It's a talking point, and it's a rally point for gamers out there who want to support the title.

Read More - E3 Backbreaker Hands-On Preview

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 asu666 @ 06/11/09 12:49 PM
I hope NaturalMotion learns from All Pro's mistake and puts in a detailed, multi-year Franchise mode. I don't care about the NFL license because we have Madden for that fix. I think most of us want a game that plays great; can be customised and shared online; and has a deep Franchise mode.
# 2 jballa838 @ 06/11/09 12:55 PM
Nice article Chase. Good to know we can turn off the glowing football in the final build too.
# 3 TreyIM2 @ 06/11/09 01:22 PM
I don't think this game is shipping this year, at all. I read IGN's post yesterday just shaking my head while doing so. These cats have a looooonnnngggg way to go and I think the big reason why is that they are biting off more than they can chew. Like Chase said, these guys are techies not devs and they had to bring in devs to work on the game. How many devs? Who knows but I think there aren't enough, thus far, to get this game out quickly. Nat. Mot is not a big group to begin with, I don't believe, based on what I've heard so this game most likely will not come out til late 2010....maybe.
Either way, it gets here when it gets here and I will see what's up, then, and all those crying the cry of this dethroning Madden, it's not gunna happen. 2 different type vid games and this game is seemingly more of a niche football game, at best. Blitz is it's comp.
# 4 elgreazy1 @ 06/11/09 01:43 PM
Great preview article, much better than the filth with the IGN preview- review.

I don't think this game is coming out in 2009, though, I'm expecting early 2010, possibly during the NFL playoffs or NFL Draft when football interest is at it's peak. Rumors are 2K wants back in for APF2K11 while BB still hasn't announced a publisher. This may all work itself out.
# 5 CreatineKasey @ 06/11/09 01:53 PM
I would also be surprised if it was released this year. I hope it isn't. If the game is accurately described, they have a good amount of time before this game can be polished.
# 6 ty5oke @ 06/11/09 02:02 PM
Great article Chase, thanks for the info.
# 7 nxt @ 06/11/09 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by asu666
I hope NaturalMotion learns from All Pro's mistake and puts in a detailed, multi-year Franchise mode. I don't care about the NFL license because we have Madden for that fix. I think most of us want a game that plays great; can be customised and shared online; and has a deep Franchise mode.
I agree and also hope Backbreaker has total customizable uniforms and rosters similar to Team Builder. Oh how I wish APF had TB editing capabilities.
# 8 DubTrey1 @ 06/11/09 02:37 PM
I also do not think this title will be released this year. The camera issues alone make me think this will kill the game on the outset.
# 9 ChaseB @ 06/11/09 02:52 PM
It's only an issue right now because they haven't implemented the system they want yet for the camera. It seems like it might be tricky to do on defense because I don't think they want to pause the action when you switch players, but it could be conceivably jarring to switch views at a quick rate without some sort of slowdown during the switch.
# 10 Cryolemon @ 06/11/09 02:54 PM
In before pantherbeast...

Nice write up, looks like it could be a very good gaem when it eventually comes out, whenever that is. Early '10 would be my guess right now.
# 11 sb24 @ 06/11/09 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cryolemon
In before pantherbeast...
When a guy resorts to posting this, you KNOW you have a troll on your hands. Fanboyism at its best.
# 12 boritter @ 06/11/09 04:11 PM
The roadie run has bot place in football games.
# 13 allBthere @ 06/11/09 08:01 PM
so chis, chase, anyone...

why the hell was there an embargo?

It seems they had no REASON to hold out on anything...

they made it seem like it was a publisher/business issue that needed clearing up first - but from the sound of it, there was absolutely no reason at all.
# 14 RaychelSnr @ 06/11/09 08:50 PM
Usually there is an embargo so one outlet can release the info first, then the rest. Or sometimes it's just news a company doesn't want released until such and such date. It's definitely arbitrary at best, if it's the latter in this instance. But really it's just part of how the business works, for better or worse.
# 15 ChaseB @ 06/12/09 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by allBthere
so chis, chase, anyone...

why the hell was there an embargo?

It seems they had no REASON to hold out on anything...

they made it seem like it was a publisher/business issue that needed clearing up first - but from the sound of it, there was absolutely no reason at all.
I never for a second got that idea during my discussion with them.

They wanted to release some assets alongside the info, so that played a part in it. Also, sometimes you just want to get away from the chaos that is E3 so your title doesn't get lost in the shuffle. The embargo was actually for next Monday before, so they did bump it up. (Thursday also tends to be a better day to release info than a Monday because you'll get more coverage overall).

Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Usually there is an embargo so one outlet can release the info first, then the rest. Or sometimes it's just news a company doesn't want released until such and such date. It's definitely arbitrary at best, if it's the latter in this instance. But really it's just part of how the business works, for better or worse.
It's unfair to assume that in this case.
# 16 p_rushing @ 06/12/09 02:10 AM
I'm surprised they showed this version. They have gotten hammered from the real reviewers, every agrees that it has potential, but that it has a lot of work left and is no where near ready. BB just needs to come out and say we aren't ready and we'll let you know later.
# 17 allBthere @ 06/13/09 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
I never for a second got that idea during my discussion with them.

They wanted to release some assets alongside the info, so that played a part in it. Also, sometimes you just want to get away from the chaos that is E3 so your title doesn't get lost in the shuffle. The embargo was actually for next Monday before, so they did bump it up. (Thursday also tends to be a better day to release info than a Monday because you'll get more coverage overall).

It's unfair to assume that in this case.
thanks for the reply, and to chris too.

Just to give more background, ...The publisher thing was mentioned by them on their forum, and given as a reason for their long communication blackout. I've stopped going to the forum a while ago, but they were saying things like that on their forum and twitter (which i don't do but was relayed by other members).

I guess for the reason you mentioned is why they decided to use the embargo, but they also must have just relaxed on staying silent with regards to their publisher negotioations.

For what it's worth, i'm interested in their vision, and will want to check it out when the time comes. But as a company, their PR and such is too spotty for me to pay attention to their communications anymore. I have a feeling when the game drops, that noone will know it besides people like us that are on gamming forums etc. I don't think they are capable of creating real 'buzz'.
# 18 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/16/09 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cryolemon
In before pantherbeast...

Nice write up, looks like it could be a very good gaem when it eventually comes out, whenever that is. Early '10 would be my guess right now.
Nice one bro. But yea If this game will look good graphic and gameplay wise. But it looks to me still kind of like blitz. I know I keep saying that. But that is my opinion I guess. But if they start holding out and give more in and finally give a release date and start giving this randam date crap. Then I would rent to see if I like it. But over I thank it would be decen game to rent.

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