UFC 2009 Undisputed News Post

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"There is a patch in development / testing to address the issue of online cheating via disconnecting from multiplayer matches, as well as other fixes. We can’t announce an exact date for the patch yet, but we’re working to get it out as soon as possible."

Game: UFC 2009 UndisputedReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Qb @ 06/11/09 10:31 AM
It has to do with tagging items for the home page. They get sorted by date posted, so announcements like this often get a new thread so it can be at or near the top of the list. So the other threads should eventually be closed and this one will be used...
# 2 Phobia @ 06/11/09 11:58 AM
i already told yall this
# 3 sb24 @ 06/11/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Timmay
Dont worry i was thinking the same thing
# 4 Pappy Knuckles @ 06/11/09 03:09 PM
There have been a lot of strange posts around here lately.
# 5 dbly32 @ 06/15/09 04:53 PM
Man I was hoping they'd release the patch while I was gone for the weekend. My first match online since coming back home, the guy disconnected.
# 6 IStillDoWhatIDo @ 06/16/09 12:10 AM
For me, the patch is more anticipated than the game... considering that I just liked the demo and got the game off impulse.
# 7 dbly32 @ 06/16/09 02:24 AM
I had a guy with 400 losses disconnect on me. WHY? What sucks even more is that my record is good enough to where people probably suspect that I am a person who disconnects/quits (I have never disconnected after a loss) and will disconnect on me "before I can do it to them."

That being said, I was matched up with a guy who was 50-0 today. Also happened to be the first guy I played who had the headset, he chose Anderson Silva (LHW) immediately and kept saying "PICK YOUR GUY, YOU'RE GOING TO LOOOOOOOOOOOOSE" over and over again. I'm like okay bud, I should probably back out of the match right now because I know he's going to disconnect if I beat him so there's no point in even wasting my time. I was playing as Machida, proceeded to beat the hell out of him the entire round, controlled him on the ground and had him rocked in the mount (he was saved by the bell). He says something about "Damn, ground and pound" at the end of the round. Second round starts, I take him down and work into the full mount, where I KO him with my first punch. It was hilarious, I made sure to only throw one punch at a time and then transition block so he wouldn't escape, and I threw the one punch to KO him and he yells "WHAT THE?!?!?!" To my surprise, he didn't disconnect (or didn't do it fast enough), I got a 1000 point bonus for ending his "50 win streak" (I highly doubt he achieved it legitimately).
# 8 Salhus @ 06/17/09 10:28 AM
Ive quit 3 or 4 times right when the bell rings because ive realized ive picked the wrong created fighter, who is a 30 something overall, is that ok? Im wondering if there is any place to see a players dnf or quits because quit a few people back out on me
# 9 familyguy5454 @ 06/17/09 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Salhus
Ive quit 3 or 4 times right when the bell rings because ive realized ive picked the wrong created fighter, who is a 30 something overall, is that ok? Im wondering if there is any place to see a players dnf or quits because quit a few people back out on me
no place to see these stats yet. but i would consider that ok, because you didnt waste anyone's time and its not like the other guy was beating you and you quit because of that.

and good story dbly32. i have problems with people thinking i quit as well because of my good record. its pretty annoying, i really wish they would come out with the patch already. in fact, one guy quit on me while in the select a fighter screen, pmed me and insulted me saying something like "nice record quitter. you p****"
# 10 dbly32 @ 06/17/09 10:46 PM
Last night I was having a lot of problems with my connection, matches would disconnect, I'd get signed out of the PS Network, and my PS3 would freeze up (or give me the three beeps when I'd go to turn it off). I was really worried that I had done something crazy to my internet connection but I PMed a guy and said sorry for my crazy internet and he said he was having the same problems (being involuntarily signed out of the ps network). Also had my first instance of where I lost a fight (it was via KO) and the connection was lost before the results were recorded. I made sure to pm him and apologize, saying that he won the fight and I accepted it. He replied to not worry, because it was just a game.
# 11 LingeringRegime @ 06/18/09 03:25 AM
I am so happy. I hope that there is also a boost in your points when you beat the five title holders. So sick of Anderson Silva. I must have played 40 player matches tonight and probably 35 of them were Silva. I can only imagine how bad it is now for ranked matches.
# 12 dbly32 @ 06/18/09 04:55 PM
Ranked is totally different dude.

# 13 Salhus @ 06/22/09 07:53 AM
No date?
# 14 IStillDoWhatIDo @ 06/22/09 02:20 PM
This patch situation is getting weird because I have always campained to have the records erased, but the longer they wait, and the more I play, the more akward it gets for deleting records. on one hand, people have a lot of man-hours put into this game, but on the other hand, people have UBER fake records that NEED to be erased
# 15 Mossfan8480 @ 06/25/09 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by IStillDoWhatIDo
This patch situation is getting weird because I have always campained to have the records erased, but the longer they wait, and the more I play, the more akward it gets for deleting records. on one hand, people have a lot of man-hours put into this game, but on the other hand, people have UBER fake records that NEED to be erased

I think they should just leave the records as is. The cheaters with fake records will have their records destroyed anyway once they are unable to disconnect. It'll probably be more painful for their ego to see their beautiful record slowly disintegrate than to have it reset with everyone else.

I have never disconnected, but about 25-30 people have disconnected on me. My record stands at 102-38, and I'd rather keep my record and let every cheater keep his than have my record reset.
# 16 Dean3790 @ 06/25/09 03:43 AM
Am I the only one doubting the fact that this patch will even be released?
# 17 IStillDoWhatIDo @ 06/25/09 09:56 AM
I have to think more about the cheaters having their records slowly descinigrate. either way, I will be playing fight night until the patch comes out.
# 18 woody2goody @ 06/25/09 01:31 PM
I'm happy there's a patch for this. Good stuff THQ

PS I use Gabriel Gonzaga for most of my matches. Today I had a string of 5 or 6 straight Frank Mirs. It's the same every time, they wait for you to pick, and then just pick Frank Mir. It's OK though, I hardly ever lose to Frank Mir.

I lost 3 wins via disconnect today too. Because I NEVER disconnect, my record looks worse than what it should be. I'm 30-19 at the moment, but it should be 38-19. These things make a difference, and I'm glad that the cheaters WILL BE PUNISHED!!!!
# 19 dbly32 @ 06/25/09 02:06 PM
Yeah I'm starting to wonder how close they are to releasing said patch, it's getting ridiculous.
# 20 jb12780 @ 06/25/09 09:33 PM
I have actually had success against GSP and Mir. Ive GNP'd GSP a couple of times and triangled him. Gotta love the rubber guard. And i usually pick Nog against Mir with good success.

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