The bigs 2 News Post

We have just posted a Gameplay Producer Diary, for The BIGS 2 with Producer, Rob Nelson.

"Hi there! Rob Nelson here, Producer for The BIGS 2 at 2KSports. We’ve had a pretty wild ride with The BIGS 2 and I’m thrilled with how it’s come together. From the new modes we’ve created, to the new gameplay features, and all the polish that’s gone into the game. I can’t wait for everyone to get a chance to check it out. There is a ton of stuff to talk about but for this diary I want to focus on the changes we’ve made to the core gameplay."

The BIGS 2 screenshot gallery - Click to view The BIGS 2 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: The BIGS 2Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 11 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Trevytrev11 @ 06/10/09 10:09 AM
Not my cup of tea.

They can try and sugar coat some "realistic aspects" of it, but it is very much an arcade baseball game. The whole wheel house aspect of the game, IMO, is just over hyped. It's not the end-all-be-all of a pitcher vs. batter. Pitchers throw to their strengths (which also may be the hitter strength) as well as the hitters weaknesses (which may be the pitchers weakness) all the time.

"In baseball video games in the past, the pitcher and batter only had to worry about the type of pitch and the location of the pitch. In The BIGS 2 you also have to consider whether or not to attack someone’s wheelhouse or to pitch around it. "

Isn't this the location aspect of every game? MLB 2K9 shows hitters hot zones in their Inside Edge reports (I believe The Show has something silimar with hot and cold zones) and then as a pitcher you decide if you want to throw it there or not. It's nothing new, it's been in baseball games for years. It's really nothing more than hype. I guess the turbo's make it different.

" As a pitcher I have to pay attention to which of my pitches the batter is having trouble with, how aggressive he is at the plate, all his tendencies as a hitter so I can choose the best time and situation to attack his wheelhouse."

Again this is basic baseball. Nothing new at all. If a guy chases a curve in the dirt or a fastball in his eyes, you throw it again. If a guy crushes a fastball on the inner half 450 feet foul, you probably don't throw that same pitch again.
# 2 swaldo @ 06/10/09 01:43 PM
A thinking man's arcade game? What the heck, I'm in.
# 3 jeffy777 @ 06/10/09 02:43 PM
Sounds good to me. I am a big fan of simulation sports games (especially baseball), but I can't deny that The Bigs one was just a lot of good old fashioned fun. Sometimes it's nice to take a break from realistic games and enjoy some far fetched arcade goodness.
# 4 RalphJ @ 06/10/09 04:41 PM
Sounds awesome to me. Can't wait for a demo or the game's release.

Trevytrev11: The wheelhouse is different than hot or cold zones in that you are rewarded for successfully pitching in a batter's wheelhouse. If you throw a strike or get an out, you get points that build towards being able to execute a Big Heat. But if you are not successful, and get hit hard, then you run the risk of losing that pitch type for the game.

You are rewarded in taking risks in the game, whereas in 2K9 and The Show, there is no incentive to trying to pitch to a hitter's strength.

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