Madden 2010 News Post

Here is another Madden NFL 10 video. This one shows off the Eagles, scoring in the Wildcat formation.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 The_Balm @ 06/05/09 10:57 PM
# 2 cowboyscowboys @ 06/05/09 11:00 PM
Terence Newman hold on for dear life lol, Hamlin did a front roll thanks for the help bud.
# 3 bowdown2shadi @ 06/05/09 11:01 PM
Wow, this game looks like a lot of fun.
# 4 Da Bears @ 06/05/09 11:02 PM
# 5 RolandOSU @ 06/05/09 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by cowboyscowboys
Terence Newman hold on for dear life lol, Hamlin did a front roll thanks for the help bud.
That was awesome to watch Newman trying everything to bring that TE down.

Thanks for the vid.
# 6 steelernation28 @ 06/05/09 11:16 PM
# 7 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/05/09 11:19 PM
Thanks again for the video steve. I enjoyed it. Things are looking good and can't wait.
# 8 texbuk84 @ 06/05/09 11:33 PM
amazing. that's all i have to say
# 9 skudplayr @ 06/05/09 11:40 PM
Saw the pulling guard on that Westbrook run once again go and block a guy behind the play...but oh well. Looked nice other than that.
# 10 TreyIM2 @ 06/05/09 11:58 PM
Shwweeettt! The new animations and slower speeds to be able to see them, appreciate them, and have better game play because of them are REALLY selling the look of this game. Although I got used to Madden 09's seemingly insane speed, at first, it still didn't feel like it should even though I absolutely LOVED Madden 09 and had the most fun with that Madden out of any Madden I have played.

And just like was pointed out in the vid, that guard pulling was BEAUTIFUL!
# 11 DirtyBird @ 06/06/09 12:00 AM
Ooo i love the catch =D
# 12 TheWatcher @ 06/06/09 08:37 AM
Did you see that Auto-Replay with Celek? FINALLY... FINALLY!!! The auto-replays FINALLY have a great field-level angle! It's so beautiful. They did it! They did it! Yes!!!

Now, all I hope is that we ALWAYS get angles like the one in this vid on replays. I trust that I preached to (badgered) Ian enough on this that it'll happen
# 13 countryboy @ 06/06/09 08:38 AM
Loved the catch by Celek(TE) and watching Newman do everything he could to bring him down.

And Chase, if you happen to visit this thread...I've noticed in several videos players being fatigued on the formation screen...did you see any players get subbed out?

Thanks for the vids.
# 14 ditchrider1 @ 06/06/09 09:27 PM
Look at this video @ 0:27 seconds, there are two offensive linemen named St.Andrews who walk to the line in front of McNabb...WTF?
# 15 ditchrider1 @ 06/06/09 09:28 PM
never mind, one is SH Andrews and one is ST Andrews...I need more sleep!

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