Madden 2010 News Post

Here is another Madden NFL 10 video. Here Chase captured some Wildcat in a Phins vs. Raiders clip.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 R9NALD9 @ 06/04/09 07:38 AM
cool thanks! I can't have enough of these gameplay videos!

Looks awesome once again! I can't wait till August 14!
# 2 Valbon8 @ 06/04/09 07:43 AM
looks very good...penningtons accuracy shows in the video...we need the socks fixed though for the uni's unless the player picked a different sock set, which idk if thats even possible to choose socks???
# 3 lint @ 06/04/09 07:48 AM
Was that Nnamdi abuse?

If that was the other guy, I am ok with it, but not Nnamdi!
# 4 FlyingFinn @ 06/04/09 07:48 AM
I like how the player running the end around does a 180 like an ant...No player momentum again this year... SIGH.
# 5 jjdogjjdog5162 @ 06/04/09 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by FlyingFinn
I like how the player running the end around does a 180 like an ant...No player momentum again this year... SIGH.

Agreed. I thought there was a blog where this was getting fixed? After watching this videos and realized(minus a few tweaks) this is pretty much the game we are getting, im going to play it safe and rent it. Its hard for me to get through a few of the videos and not be bored. From the stiff animations, QB just sliding all around in the pocket without any footplanting(thats the ugliest thing of the game IMO) to the stupid turn 180 degrees on a dime and dont suffer any momentum loss(the ricky williams wildcat play where he just instantly switches direction) i just dont see anything that warrents me to spend $60.

They REALLY need to add momentum. And do something about the QB's on ice..
# 6 SteelerSpartan @ 06/04/09 08:00 AM
physics/momentum please
# 7 Bootzilla @ 06/04/09 08:20 AM
Nnamdi would not get used like that. And I understand it's on Pro but, the front four has to get some kind of pressure without a blitz.
# 8 Checmate101 @ 06/04/09 09:09 AM
LIke the vid, would like to see it on a high differculty...Or I'ma be messing with them sliders.
# 9 marcoyk @ 06/04/09 09:14 AM
I'm glad to see that the Wildcat isn't going to be automatic huge gains.
# 10 Triathlete_201 @ 06/04/09 09:17 AM
What's up with the gameplay freezing for 1 second at the 0:33 mark? I noticed in some of the ncaa 2010 videos, that game does it too.
# 11 Exonerated @ 06/04/09 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Triathlete_201
What's up with the gameplay freezing for 1 second at the 0:33 mark? I noticed in some of the ncaa 2010 videos, that game does it too.
The player paused the screen.
# 12 countryboy @ 06/04/09 09:36 AM
Always nice to see a vid of the Raiders.
# 13 RogueHominid @ 06/04/09 09:38 AM
I'm glad the user tried the immediate reversal of field; it helps tip gamers to just how far the programming has moved forward. There was no transitional animation whatsoever.

I do agree as well with the foot sliding without noticeable planting.

I can tell that they're trying to implement the feel of stepping around in the pocket, but it's like the increments in which it registers are too small and too close together. This makes it seem like every movement is courtesy of Baryshnikov.

The right answer here is longer animations, though it seems as if the team is loathe to put them in for fear of losing a measure of responsiveness. It would be better aesthetically, though.

Even so, I'm loving the slower game speed generally, and it does seem like defense is playable this year. The pass rush needs to be activated, though, to complete the balance. It's possible that it's been tuned down by play level or for show. I just hope that in the interest of creating a pocket the rush wasn't sacrificed. We shall see.
# 14 Netherscourge @ 06/04/09 10:06 AM
The gameplay seems a lot more fluid in this video. The other videos seem slow and herky-jerky.

Was the game speed increased for this video? Or lowered?

I remember something about game speed sliders. I wonder if this is on fast speed?

For some reason this video seemed a lot more fluid to me.

Or maybe Chase had a better hand-held camera mode on?
# 15 PlatooN @ 06/04/09 10:17 AM
gamplay looks good, i'm seeing a lot of Olinemen standing around tho
# 16 muggins @ 06/04/09 10:18 AM
That 4th down conversion was pretty awful. I really hope they tighten up the D.
# 17 Aso21Raiders @ 06/04/09 10:18 AM
Won't let me watch it for some reason. It just doesn't show up.
# 18 Triathlete_201 @ 06/04/09 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Exonerated
The player paused the screen.
I didn't see the pause menu come up.
# 19 Hooe @ 06/04/09 10:27 AM
I'm presuming this is on Pro because the defense looked like Swiss cheese and Pennington had all day and all night to throw the ball.

It looks good though.
# 20 bigmoe @ 06/04/09 11:04 AM
Did we ever hear if the red bullseye is an option that can be turned off?

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