Madden 2010 News Post

Here is a Madden NFL 10 video showing off the new wide camera view.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 BezO @ 06/03/09 01:01 PM
Nice view!

Man, I hope they're still working on the pocket. The DL is waaay to slow off the ball still. I thought this would be one of the easier things to fix once pro tak was implemented.
# 22 mjgill85 @ 06/03/09 01:14 PM
I'll pretty much always play in wide, nice addition
# 23 statum71 @ 06/03/09 01:52 PM
I think i might be going wide this season. not only can you see the field better, but you get a better feel for the atmosphere too. Cause you can see the whole stadium in the background.
# 24 xX CASCABEL Xx @ 06/03/09 02:02 PM
Now thats what I like, can see the flats like old gen...
# 25 swanlee @ 06/03/09 02:11 PM
I want to see how Zoom looks as that is what I will use. I want to feel more apart of the action and not so detached like the far away camera angles.

Can anyone post a link that confirmed the camera angles in the game?
# 26 Da Bears @ 06/03/09 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by djKianoosh
LOVE the wide camera. Now I can use my 50" 1080p screen to its fullest. word 'em up!
To bad madden won't be full HD.
# 27 The_Balm @ 06/03/09 02:23 PM
# 28 SkinsBoYee @ 06/03/09 02:37 PM
Agreed SwanLee...want to see the closer angles. We're crying to see more of the detail and they are showing us more zoomed out????
# 29 sportzbro @ 06/03/09 02:41 PM
ill definitley be trying this out.
# 30 CapnKill @ 06/03/09 02:49 PM
That's very disappointing, its still to low to the field... it needs to be HIGHER UP!! Ugh, so frustrating.

# 31 Deegeezy @ 06/03/09 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by djKianoosh
LOVE the wide camera. Now I can use my 50" 1080p screen to its fullest. word 'em up!
Word em up?
# 32 iBlievN5 @ 06/03/09 04:07 PM
viva la action cam!
# 33 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/03/09 06:46 PM
Man the wide cam looks totally awsome. 10.0 on the scale. I am loving it.
# 34 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/03/09 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by black mamba205
Ian said he wanted a broadcast cam like that put in via patch or download possibly this year. But there's also a chance you'll have to wait till 11.
Ya there is a few things Ian is wanting to try and do via dlc patch later on. Like adding highlihgts to extra point show aswell. But the chances it could be done in madden 11 aswell. We will have to wait and see I guess.
# 35 marcoyk @ 06/03/09 08:42 PM
I may or may not use this camera. I'll just have to see how it plays. I kind of like being close enough to see the gear closely because I'm a real authenticity-lover. Looking forward to the game!
# 36 swanlee @ 06/03/09 10:42 PM
Hope the mods can leave this thread for at least a little bit. I would like Ian at least to see it.

I have been here for two season now and I have been a huge loud mouth and probably quite annoying to Ian and the dev team about adding in Multiple Camera angles.

Well here they are, I want to personally thank Ian for his hard work and getting this feature in this year and we do apreciate it.

This years Madden should be the best ever and I will be a day one buyer now.

# 37 Rback21 @ 06/03/09 11:00 PM
Wide is it!
# 38 maddenps2 @ 06/03/09 11:12 PM
Yes thanks IAN and others, I have been waiting for this for 5 years, I'm more of a strategic player and like to play defense. Others like up close action cams that zoom in on the play but hinder your line of sight. Both people shoudl be happy now.

Looks like this year will be my first madden next-gen purchase if there isn't any big bugs.
# 39 Yo-Yo @ 06/03/09 11:32 PM
I love how the gameplay being slowed down and the camera really work together. I can finally take my time and stare at those beautiful linemen make a perfect pocket for me to throw a perfect pass. Love it.
# 40 cch99 @ 06/04/09 12:28 AM
I agree. Great job on listening and adding the wide camera view. I haven't bought NCAA in 2 years because of that and didn't by Madden last year because of it. Even when I did buy it I traded it back in. I know some people see it as not a big deal but I ended up playing Madden and NCAA 08 PS2 versions because of camera angle.

I don't post a lot and I don't post these negative remarks about every little thing that isn't right or whatever but I hope that Ian knows there are people out there who are relatively quiet and have been reading and watching and are impressed with what the Madden team is doing. So far this year looks like a big step forward and now with the wide camera angle for me it has become a buy on first day.

And as a last small comment and kudos and after seeing some of the recent posts. There are people out there who realize how difficult it is too do what you do and want to say thanks for doing what you do. Some people will never be happy with what you guys do and its too bad that they don't just quit complaining, move on and stop buying the game if they think it's that bad, because there are tons of people who enjoy it.

Thanks again. Great job on adding the camera angles.

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