Madden 2010 News Post

Chase has just posted this postgame video from Madden NFL 10.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 thesteamontheboat @ 06/03/09 09:26 AM
Another sweet thought is that one thread said after the game there were interviews and in this one the coaches shake hands so we will get multiple endings and that is great news to me.
# 22 spankdatazz22 @ 06/03/09 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by -DaVe-
-Garrard Looks too skinny! I had no clue that was even him until I looked closer. Flak Jackets make a world of difference, me thinks.
I didn't realize it was him until you mentioned it. Too skinny; also needs a darker complexion
# 23 Netherscourge @ 06/03/09 09:58 AM
"LOOKS" good - but there's no audio in the video.

I hope there is some commentary in the final game during the post-game wrap up and replays...
# 24 TheWatcher @ 06/03/09 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
I didn't realize it was him until you mentioned it. Too skinny; also needs a darker complexion
Yeah, the skintones are questionable.
# 25 jclentzthadon @ 06/03/09 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by big_larry
wow the players move more smooth and realisticly than the Cowboys Eagals vid, and the pocket seems to be tighter, thats a big relief, this game is gonna be awesome. and i love the how the coaches shake hands and the end of games.

Man that was SEROIUS! That pocket where Cutler was buying time looked real as hell. Looks great man- looking forward to more info!
# 26 DaveDQ @ 06/03/09 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
- Player movement still looks somewhat stiff/robotic almost looks like they're gliding over the turf
Everything looks truly impressive. From presentation to the graphics. I would agree with the above though. The players look to be moving to fast and shifty, something I was hoping the speed altering would take care of. It just seems to me that the players don't have momentum or resistance with the field.

Other than that, this game has received a huge overhaul in the presentation dept. Nice.
# 27 LBzrule @ 06/03/09 10:12 AM
Liked what I saw except one thing. And I think everyone knows what it is. I think I'm just done talking about it and will just accept what it is. Those DE's against the shotgun need to be exploding up the field. They come out of the stance too slow. No jump. They should be lunging forward.
# 28 ChuckaLuk @ 06/03/09 10:18 AM
Me like very much..
# 29 Da Bears @ 06/03/09 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Liked what I saw except one thing. And I think everyone knows what it is. I think I'm just done talking about it and will just accept what it is. Those DE's against the shotgun need to be exploding up the field. They come out of the stance too slow. No jump. They should be lunging forward.
This is true.
# 30 Da Bears @ 06/03/09 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by celg35
whats up with the bears uniforms( throwbacks)????? i thought those were the broncos

can you explain chase?????

Don't get me started on that I was like "WTF"
# 31 Bgamer90 @ 06/03/09 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Netherscourge
"LOOKS" good - but there's no audio in the video.

I hope there is some commentary in the final game during the post-game wrap up and replays...
I heard commentary in the vid. Hard to make out what was being said but I definitely heard a voice.
# 32 ChuckaLuk @ 06/03/09 11:03 AM
Pasta padre has a gamplay video on his website of bears vs jags
# 33 mwjr @ 06/03/09 11:12 AM
That struck me as well. With those orange jerseys, I thought the Jags were playing the Broncos in their throwback unis. Not very good at all, IMO.


Liked the presentation. Things keep looking up.
# 34 blitzkrieger @ 06/03/09 11:18 AM
Wow the Bears jags vid almost looked real.. Some really impressive work there.. Ilove how the runner broke right and then got tripped up at the line.. I also love the slower and more realistic game speed...

If the game looks like this on release I will be one happy camper..

Good job Ian !
# 35 steez3 @ 06/03/09 11:19 AM
looks amazing but there is no way the bears helmets are light of a blue! like others have said I thought I misread when I seen jax vs bears....looked like the throwback broncos out there
# 36 Da Bears @ 06/03/09 11:36 AM
The video is off a little.When they show Cutler hitting davis near the sideline,their is a jags logo beside his name.The bear do have a orange jersey that they sport sometimee,but the one in the video is to light.The helmet is
# 37 will12203 @ 06/03/09 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by TJdaSportsGuy
Love the drops of water on the camera lens.

that was amazing
# 38 rckabillyRaider @ 06/03/09 12:02 PM
Everything is looking very promising. But when I first seen it I was like "WTF? They still have Cutler on the broncos?!?"
# 39 TheTodd84 @ 06/03/09 12:05 PM
Just a quick question... I didn't play 09 as much, but one thing I noticed in those replays with that ball was still launching out of Garrard and Cutler's hands in the replays. Maybe they were just speeding up the replays? Correct me if I'm wrong on that please.

I know Ian mentioned something about wanting to slow down the speed of the ball to make timing more important. And maybe the ball is much slower this year. I just didn't play a lot of 09, so I didn't know if the ball was really slower or not. I mean, I know Cutler and Garrard have strong arms, but it just seemed a little much.

Also, the pocket looks a lot better. Still not where it needs to be, but much, much better. And the game flow, other than the passes being launched was fantastic. The new tackling and blocking animations made that MJD 12yd run look like a 12yd run he would do in real life. Very well done, Ian. Four marks for you sir, lol.

But anyway, can someone on here (adembroski, LBz, etc.) let me know if they saw the same thing?

Thanks, and I am still looking forward to this game.
# 40 RaiderKtulu @ 06/03/09 12:33 PM
I've been thinking... let's not jump on them too hard over the Bears helmet.

We've seen shots of the modern uniform and the helmet was correct. We know we can mix and match uniform parts. We don't know how extensive the throwback library is in this game. I'd like to see the rest of the uniform that goes with that helmet by default before I complain about it any more.

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