FIFA 10 News Post

Check out the following FIFA 10 updates.

FIFA 10 Hands-On Preview.

"So what's new? Well if you're expecting an avalanche of grandstand features then you may be a touch disappointed, as much of this year's new content will be incremental rather than revolutionary. If it ain't broke and all that. "We're focusing on gameplay, refining the game and innovating," Rutter divulges. "About 70 per cent of the development time is being spent on refining the game through feedback and 30 per cent on innovating."

FIFA 10 Interview

"David Rutter, the producer of EA Sports' FIFA series, is the man charged with the overall creative and strategic direction of one of gaming's biggest franchises. We recently caught up with him to talk FIFA versus PES, revolutionising dribbling games, unsporting behaviour and the merits of annual updates to the franchise."

FIFA 10 Screenshots

Game: FIFA Soccer 10Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
FIFA Soccer 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 marcoyk @ 06/03/09 07:51 PM
FIFA 09 is such a fun game. Sounds like next year's will be even better!
# 2 ZM Punk @ 06/03/09 08:20 PM
Can't wait. FIFA manager mode and Road To The Show are basically the only things I play nowadays.
# 3 boritter @ 06/03/09 08:27 PM
Highlights for me:
360 degree dribbling control
Less breakaway goals
More realistic player development

I cannot wait for FIFA 10 season to begin!

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