NCAA Football 10 News Post

Revolutionary Create-A-School Feature Now Available at http://teambuilder.easports.com

June 1, 2009 – At Electronic Arts’ E3 press conference, EA SPORTS Senior Vice President Group General Manager, Steve Chiang, announced that TeamBuilder—one of the year’s most highly anticipated video game features—is now available for the first time at http://teambuilder.easports.com. TeamBuilder is an all-new, online create-a-school feature that revolutionizes the user’s ability to produce personalized content for NCAA Football 10. The teams created via the TeamBuilder web application will be available for use in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of NCAA Football 10 when the title hits shelves on July 14th. The original packaging of NCAA Football 10 will contain a code that unlocks 12 slots, allowing users to save up to 12 created teams to the console hard drive. Those who pre-order NCAA Football 10 will receive a code for an additional 13 slots, allowing them to save 25 created teams directly to the console hard drive.

With the capability to upload logos and numerous customization options for uniforms, fields, rosters, and much more, TeamBuilder gives users the opportunity to design completely original teams with infinite possibilities. Plus, preloaded logos for several Football Championship Subdivision schools will allow users to add more teams to NCAA Football 10. With its intuitively designed online database that is searchable across several fields, TeamBuilder allows users to share their unique, customized content with ease. A football fan’s dream, TeamBuilder will enable users to experience the excitement and pageantry of college football, defined by their own personalized creations.

First introduced in NCAA Football 2000 on the PlayStation, create-a-school has been a favorite feature of sports gamers for years. The PS2 version made its debut in NCAA Football 2003 and for the past three years, fans have anxiously awaited the next generation of create-a-school. The wait is now over, as EA SPORTS proudly presents the arrival of TeamBuilder, a revolution in create-a-school history.

Developed in Orlando, Florida by EA Tiburon, NCAA Football 10 will be available at North American retail stores on July 14th. The game will be available for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, the PlayStation2 and PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment systems and the PSP (PlayStationPortable) and has been rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

For more information about TeamBuilder and NCAA Football 10, please visit www.ncaafootball10.com.

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Member Comments
# 1 adamcsay @ 06/01/09 03:40 AM
# 2 Solidice @ 06/01/09 03:42 AM
great, I'm not going to be able to sleep now.
# 3 dkrause1971 @ 06/01/09 03:43 AM
At least now we won't get the 1000 what is my players rated questions this year. You can see them right in the teambuilder.
# 4 Buke14 @ 06/01/09 03:44 AM
There goes my sleep tonight.
# 5 prowler @ 06/01/09 03:51 AM
They were not jokin when they said early June.
# 6 Potatoes002 @ 06/01/09 03:55 AM
Me and buke called that from back on friday that this was todays big announcement lol
# 7 Solidice @ 06/01/09 03:55 AM
if the pre-set roster for the teams that show up on TeamBuilder roster page are in fact final, I'll have a lot of work to do for Texas Tech to get them correct.
# 8 Buke14 @ 06/01/09 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by mistershadez
Time to have some fun boys!!!!!! w00t!!!



But how did you find this?
# 9 Potatoes002 @ 06/01/09 03:58 AM
God im so tired but i cant goto sleep! AHHHHHHHHHHH
# 10 ddv25 @ 06/01/09 03:58 AM
Weird - i can click through the already created teams etc. but when I click on either Create New School or create your school nothing happens...
# 11 mistershadez @ 06/01/09 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by Buke14

But how did you find this?
Just typed it in bro from the first teambuilder blog and figured it would redirect me. I was like a kid at Christmas when it loaded!!!
# 12 Potatoes002 @ 06/01/09 04:04 AM
# 13 mistershadez @ 06/01/09 04:09 AM
No text box for the jersey just only secondary logo
# 14 Hooe @ 06/01/09 04:13 AM
I hope the ratings and rosters of the in-game teams aren't final because UVa's template has a whole bunch of errors. EDIT: These better not be right as UVa's roster template as it stands has no freshmen whatsoever.

I like the site though. Busy making my first team now.
# 15 Buke14 @ 06/01/09 04:16 AM
MY HS's unis look sick so far.
# 16 Solidice @ 06/01/09 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
I hope the ratings and rosters of the in-game teams aren't final because UVa's template has a whole bunch of errors.

I like the site though. Busy making my first team now.
I really hope those are not the rosters for the default NCAA 10. TTU is terrible(and I'm not talking about ratings). a HB that was kicked off the team in the spring of 2008 is still on the roster? our best DT is 4th on the depth chart? ugh....

there are plently more. so far I'm to the LBs and I count 7 players who I have no idea who they are supposed to be. 3-4 players in wrong position. a few missing players that are 2nd string and no freshman(redshirt or otherwise)

found one of our HB/FB/TE is actually a LB. funny thing is, they caught his # change, but left him at LB?
# 17 dkrause1971 @ 06/01/09 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by jpablo54
Where can you find the rosters?
teambuilder, create a team, use existing team for template i believe. I looked at a few teams. I personally feel these are the rosters we'll see on the default rosters. Just unlikely the database would be up with current players information and different ratings than last year but yet be in progress.

Perhaps, OMT will confirm.
# 18 Potatoes002 @ 06/01/09 04:28 AM
Why do the cougs have 2 senior quarterbacks? WTF
# 19 Potatoes002 @ 06/01/09 04:33 AM
Woah people can be 7 foot 1 now instead of 7 foot
# 20 prowler @ 06/01/09 04:37 AM
I'm not seeing Mizzou's jersey style, the first one comes close but you can't have two colors.

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