Madden 2010 News Post

Just announced on Spike TV. Another online feature will be revealed at E3. For those of you that missed it, check out the video right here.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 05/29/09 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by deltroy
Hey guys did they take out custom td celebrations from last year?
not sure..I wouldnt mind if they did though.
# 42 prettyrik @ 05/29/09 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by wickedbadman
Makes me worry they won't have online franchise since they put this in though. Use it as a cheap substitute, but if they have online franchise too then it's BA.
Online co-op should be cool. A chance to show user skills and interact with others and fun like in Call of Duty team deathmatch in IMO. I'm assuming they're gonna have some time of online franchise or be able to spectate other online games then if they can have online co-op it only makes sense. So that would hopefully mean that the online servers are improved. If so you will have a pleased madden 10 consumer right here. lol
# 43 iAM-IncReDiBLe- @ 05/29/09 01:00 AM
My excitement for this game is through the roof. Me and my cousin will use this feature at least 4 times a week. I can see it now, me roaming the secondary with the safety and him prowling the line of scrimmage with the ILB. Hopefully Online Franchise is next.
# 44 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/29/09 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by ugotjackdup
does this mean the big online announcement is going to be madden shop? my online franchise hopes just went down a notch.
Did you not here what Phil said in the video that the big announcement at E3 will have to do with online aswell. Please listen a little better.
# 45 djordan @ 05/29/09 01:02 AM

Im so glad im apart of a website that isn't OS that has a healthy group of online players. So now Me and my Boyy Mobbdeep can wreck havoc against another 2 peeps..


This will definitely keep the online aspect of the game healthy....
Only thing left is spectator mode.

# 46 lint @ 05/29/09 01:03 AM
Sigh I guess I was the only person who saw that side line catch that did not end up out of bounds....
# 47 rckabillyRaider @ 05/29/09 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

have you watched the vids???

Anyways, co-op isn't really my thing but I know that people wanted it so it's good to see it in.
yes and it's still not the greatest from what I have seen and the commentary also gives it a very boring feel to it. I am holding out hope though because the IGN vid was heavily edited and this is nowhere near a final build
# 48 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/29/09 01:04 AM
The only bad part bout coop is the defensive side of the ball. Because if go and just pick a guy online and play with him and he has no idea how to play as a unit. Then the other team offense is going to have a field day on offense.
# 49 jp7588 @ 05/29/09 01:06 AM
You know what my favorite thing about online co-op is? I knew the "big" online feature was either going to be this or online franchise. Now that this is out of the way and another, BIGGER, announcement is on the way concerning a new online mode I feel like I can celebrate.

Right after I knock on this wood.
# 50 djordan @ 05/29/09 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by g2thecore
I'm not too familiar with the whole co-op aspect in football games. Can someone please explain how this works? I'm sorry I'm not watching the show.
None of you dudes played Madden 92 on genesis or Gameday 98 with multitap..... You and a buddy can play on the same team.

Now with the online aspect you and a buddy can play against another set of 2 guys.
# 51 berad88 @ 05/29/09 01:07 AM
What was the big deal with them not telling us what would be announced on gametrailers when they had already told us that Madden was getting co op? I wonder how many people will even use this feature.
# 52 jwired21 @ 05/29/09 01:08 AM
I dont care about anything online related. I care more about franchise mode. It seems like a gimick for the kids. Im sure some people will like it though.
# 53 Jono078 @ 05/29/09 01:09 AM
Massive meh feature for me.

Won't even cross my mind to use it when I get the game.
# 54 rsoxguy12 @ 05/29/09 01:09 AM
Now I just have one question about this which will effect how frequently I use it.

Do me and my buddy who want to be on the same team have to be playing on the same console to be able to play co-op against 2 other people? Can I talk to him through my headset?
# 55 daplayawitdafunk @ 05/29/09 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Pantherbeast
The only bad part bout coop is the defensive side of the ball. Because if go and just pick a guy online and play with him and he has no idea how to play as a unit. Then the other team offense is going to have a field day on offense.
thats what friends are for....

im excited....
# 56 Lodeus @ 05/29/09 01:13 AM
I'm excited for this. Me and a buddy of mine always said Madden should have this.
# 57 Outkizast @ 05/29/09 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Lodeus
I'm excited for this. Me and a buddy of mine always said Madden should have this.
Personally I'm pretty stoked about it... Me and my friend have our offline franchise that we always play CO-OP.. so i'm pretty excited to see how we stack up against other duos.... should be a lot of fun... It would be sweet though if this was also used in an online franchise... I would enjoy having me and a buddy both being able to play for the same team in an online franchise with other co-op teams....
# 58 Lava @ 05/29/09 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Testarossa28
Correct me if I am wrong but is madden shop not an ONLINE feature to download stuff.....?
EA hasn't said what Madden Shop is yet.
# 59 farnzworth @ 05/29/09 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by djordan
None of you dudes played Madden 92 on genesis or Gameday 98 with multitap..... You and a buddy can play on the same team.

Now with the online aspect you and a buddy can play against another set of 2 guys.

madden and NHL were amazing with the multitap. Hours and hours of good times.
# 60 thmst30 @ 05/29/09 01:19 AM
Might use this, it's cool to know that it's there if I want to try it out at some point. Just not a big online gamer though, it's all about co-op offline franchise for me.

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