Madden 2010 News Post

IGN has posted some new Madden NFL 10 screenshots.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 steelers1216 @ 05/17/09 02:07 PM
player models as a whole need to be a little more bulky, not alot, but just enough to look real and look like they have some weight
# 222 g2thecore @ 05/17/09 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by R3ll
phillip rivers looks like hez starving...add some weight too him..hez not skinny like dat
That was my first reaction when I got to his picture.....Damn he's anorexic looking....lol
# 223 RaiderKtulu @ 05/17/09 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Not in game thats just warm ups. And wow i see no one but Kane cares, awesome. Go for cleats, go for socks, but Fux Tom Brady standing right. Awesome.
I wonder if his stance has anything to do with the intended direction of the play called. Any NFL defensive coordinators lurking about to shed some light on this for us?

/Fux Tom Brady anyway. Him and the tuck rule can burn....
# 224 burne @ 05/17/09 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Weird scenario here, I stopped looking for shotgun shots halfway through the 07 season due to him having so many god damn pictures, but here is a picture of him from his latest game, his last one in which he got injured.

Must've been why he got injured. Did his own stance wrong.
# 225 K_GUN @ 05/17/09 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Honestly i cant believe more people didnt notice that.


maybe most don't care
# 226 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/17/09 08:07 PM
I think Brady's shoelaces are tied up wrong.
Oh, and his lips are wrong too.

Please sort this out Ian

# 227 K_GUN @ 05/17/09 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Well if your doing authentic Stances and crap, make them authentic. How bout that?
sorry bro

epic fail
# 228 g2thecore @ 05/17/09 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
sorry bro

epic fail
# 229 SouthernBrick @ 05/17/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Well if your doing authentic Stances and crap, make them authentic. How bout that?
I do agree if they are going to have authentic stances then they should be right but, its not that serious. Do they have authentic stances in M10 or is that just something you think they should have in the game?
# 230 K_GUN @ 05/17/09 08:28 PM
Ha ha even IAN HIMSELF suggests otherwise

go check his twitter right now

ha ha
# 231 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/17/09 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by madrob
you know what i hate tony romo and the cowboys to death but after seing this pick of him i got goosebumps. that throwing motion is dead nuts on. great work madden team by looking at the screen shots im excited for a madden release and i havn't been in a long time.
yeah i still can't get over that one of Romo throwing on the run!
# 232 Ozeob @ 05/18/09 01:45 AM
I've also said this about the lighting in other topics... some screens seem too dulled and washed out. Adjusting the contrast can fix this. I've done a quick example below. Makes the image look more like it is a sunny day. Other than that I'm liking what I see.

# 233 RaiderKtulu @ 05/18/09 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by K_GUN

maybe most don't care
Most people are idiots.

Most people are cheesers who drop back 30 yards and throw bombs all day. Do you really want the developers to cater to "most people" or do you want them to focus on making a good game?

Yeah, I thought so.
# 234 g2thecore @ 05/18/09 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by RaiderKtulu
Most people are idiots.

Most people are cheesers who drop back 30 yards and throw bombs all day. Do you really want the developers to cater to "most people" or do you want them to focus on making a good game?

Yeah, I thought so.
Dude that's a horrible argument if you're trying to justify why "most people" should care about the positioning of the QB's feet while snapping the ball. Just because I don't care about that doesn't make me a cheeser who drops back 30 yards and throw bombs all day.
# 235 SouthernBrick @ 05/18/09 02:32 AM
[quote=Ozeob;2039580746]I've also said this about the lighting in other topics... some screens seem too dulled and washed out. Adjusting the contrast can fix this. I've done a quick example below. Makes the image look more like it is a sunny day. Other than that I'm liking what I see.


# 236 stanfordk1d @ 05/18/09 04:32 AM
Hey Ian or Michael can you please let us know if the 49er uniform errors have been fixed? the gold on the helmet was too dark, the stripes on the helmet were wrong, the facemasks are the wrong color and should be light grey. Also a little side note, frank gore's head has always been way to small compared to his body. What would be really nice is if you could alter the size of body parts in the game, atleast more then just the shoulder pad height. Other then that the screens look nice guysm keep up the good work!
# 237 R9NALD9 @ 05/18/09 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by stanfordk1d
Hey Ian or Michael can you please let us know if the 49er uniform errors have been fixed? the gold on the helmet was too dark, the stripes on the helmet were wrong, the facemasks are the wrong color and should be light grey. Also a little side note, frank gore's head has always been way to small compared to his body. What would be really nice is if you could alter the size of body parts in the game, atleast more then just the shoulder pad height. Other then that the screens look nice guysm keep up the good work!
yeah can someone please confirm whether the 49er uniform errors have been fixed?

I know we suck, but show the 5 time world champions some respect by at least getting their uniforms right.
# 238 Moegames @ 05/18/09 06:31 AM
This game is looking fantastic, it also seems the sidelines are a bit more busy too...nice, this is the stuff thats needed to bring some serious "life" into the madden series along with the much needed presentation of course, players, QB's in general look much MUCH more like their representations of the real deal stuff...excellent guys.

Now i just pray for some nice cut scenes, animation celebrations,etc

Oh and one more thing, i hope the gang tackle thing dont get carried away this year..what i mean is, it will do no good to see gang tackles often unless there are plenty of gang tackle animation variations...too many repeated gang tackle animations..or animations in general will ruin the experience...this goes for the cut scenes too...you all need to add a crap load of animations so the game dont repeat them too often..i think its key to bringing life to this game

Hey..im impressed this year, first time in a VERY long time i've been impressed with the visuals of Madden..this is what im talking about..now i gotta go buy another 360, my current 360 died and is out of warranty but im buying a new 360 just for madden 2010, its the game i been feeling inside that will be the game we been waiting for and so far it looks to be true
# 239 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/18/09 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Ozeob
I've also said this about the lighting in other topics... some screens seem too dulled and washed out. Adjusting the contrast can fix this. I've done a quick example below. Makes the image look more like it is a sunny day. Other than that I'm liking what I see.

That looks incredible, and I bet that didn't even take you that much work.

See that's the thing, if the Madden team actually employed 4 or 5 guys from these forums, just to give their input on things like this and make suggestions, I think it could be even better than what it's already shaping up to be
# 240 TheWatcher @ 05/18/09 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by MrSkagTrendy
That looks incredible, and I bet that didn't even take you that much work.

See that's the thing, if the Madden team actually employed 4 or 5 guys from these forums, just to give their input on things like this and make suggestions, I think it could be even better than what it's already shaping up to be
I've been asking for video controls forever now. I wishlisted it, too. But I highly doubt they'll be in. Shame too because all the other EA Sports games have it.

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