UFC 2009 Undisputed News Post

Someone from the Sherdog Forums has posted a ton of detailed fighter stats for UFC 2009 Undisputed. Screenshots are included.

"Alright peeps, I figure it would be cool to have all the Stats w/pics in one place to make bitching about the programmers a little more organized and easy. So here are the ones Ive discovered so far, more to come (if you have some I havent posted, feel free to add them)."

Game: UFC 2009 UndisputedReader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 SHO @ 05/13/09 03:13 AM
Brock Lensar having higher striking stats than Mirko Crocop? Bollocks.
# 2 DakkoN @ 05/13/09 03:17 AM

Cro Cop is higher in Kicks, which is what he should be higher in. Cro Cop is a great boxer but the power in Lesnar's hands is ridiculous. Lesnar's higher striking offense represents that.
# 3 trojan49er @ 05/13/09 03:36 AM
Some of those ratings seem a bit on the low side...Lesnar with 82 strength, Wand and Anderson with striking offense in the 70s, highest rating on there was Cro Cops kick offense at 92...GSP hasn't missed a takedown in like 3 or 4 fights and has become probably the most dominant wrestler in the UFC but his takedowns are at 88 and his ground striking is terrible. Theres no ratings for chin, body, cuts, or heart. And whats with Hendo's ridiculously low sub defense? Apparently, nobody has seen his fights against Big Nog. Not to mention he's the slowest fighter with stats listed. The good news is, from the demo, the game looks awesome, I have issues with the ratings though.
# 4 DakkoN @ 05/13/09 05:37 AM
But Hendo will never be fighting Brock in the game. Apples and oranges. Can't compare people in completely different weight classes who will never fight each other in the game. Have to see how they perform.
# 5 aholbert32 @ 05/13/09 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by goh
It appears Dan Henderson is as strong as Brock Lesnar.
They really should've let us edit these.
Its obvious that the ratings apply to each weight class. If Henderson has an 82 at MW and Brock has an 82 at heavy...it doesnt mean they have the same strength.
# 6 allBthere @ 05/13/09 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by trojan49er
Some of those ratings seem a bit on the low side...Lesnar with 82 strength, Wand and Anderson with striking offense in the 70s, highest rating on there was Cro Cops kick offense at 92...GSP hasn't missed a takedown in like 3 or 4 fights and has become probably the most dominant wrestler in the UFC but his takedowns are at 88 and his ground striking is terrible. Theres no ratings for chin, body, cuts, or heart. And whats with Hendo's ridiculously low sub defense? Apparently, nobody has seen his fights against Big Nog. Not to mention he's the slowest fighter with stats listed. The good news is, from the demo, the game looks awesome, I have issues with the ratings though.
We've come to expect a rating out of 100 and assume a bunch of things because of it. If the developers tweeked the attributes so that it plays the best 'representative' game for each guy - that's what counts. If you notice GSP for example, he is rated 94 I believe overall, but doesn't have one single stat in the 90s.

Secondly I think Chin would be striking defence and how effective the block is too.

And as others have said, Brock could ko w/ one punch so it's more of a power thing imo, thus it being higher than other guys.

I'm wondering if 49 is the lowest possible rating - since brock's and others kicks would be there.

If you look at all the ratings in a relative kind of way, they make a lot of sense to me. And I like how some of the ratings especially the 3 core ones are modest - we want it to play well and be a good representation - if these ratings do that under the hood, that's all that counts.

edit - just to add...someone on sherdog was complaining gsp's takedown off isn't higher...but these rating also affect what they do in the octagon, so gsp will strike, but if his tkdwn was higher, maybe all he'd do in the game is go for them more than Rua on expert.
# 7 whoady4shoady @ 05/13/09 12:24 PM
These ratings are a big let down IMHO. Many of them are a mess. By the way cro cop has some of the strongest strikes while being extremely accurate in the process with his hands. He has always been known for his great kicks, but also his super acurate hands, that while not the strongest in the game, will put you down pretty fast.
# 8 allBthere @ 05/13/09 12:33 PM
That's too bad...just read through a bunch of threads and one guy who has the game and is doing a review is spilling a bunch of beans. Everything seems good, but the CAF nicknames are only 10 strong. That's right, 100 CAF slots, but only 10 nicknames.

I'll be using "The Doctor" for me.
off the top of my head the others were;

hands of stone
Quick Silver
El ____ (steriotypical latino name)
the fury (or something close)
Razon Sharp
...that's all I can remember for now, the last 3 were probably too 'forgettable'.

this guy's review will be posted friday, and either I'll link it then or someone else will.
# 9 Brandwin @ 05/13/09 12:37 PM
Can you link it now, wherever you are reading?
# 10 oChaos_Nine @ 05/13/09 01:16 PM
Flash KO High Kick with Cro Cop here I come.
# 11 allBthere @ 05/13/09 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Can you link it now, wherever you are reading?
I read the sherdog link and someone posted a link to the undisputed.net forums where they posted a preview - and the previewer kept posting things including the pics in sherdog, and other info. I think it's the 3rd page of the sherdog thread is where the other link is. After that it's like 30 pages of occassional posts by the previewer and questions from the mob.
# 12 Gotmadskillzson @ 05/13/09 01:23 PM
Yeah people need to keep that in mind when it comes to former Pride fighters. They might have been the bomb in Pride, but in the UFC they were the dud.
# 13 Wet Bandit @ 05/13/09 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Can you link it now, wherever you are reading?

It's currently at 36 pages, so I'll summarize.


El Toro
The Grim Reaper
The Fury
The Headhunter
Razor Sharp
Hands of Stone
The Doctor
Quick Silver
Big Nasty
The Buzzsaw

CAF consists of choosing from 6 different styles of shorts/tights, which can be five different colors (the mouthguard can be the same colors). You can then position the sponsors you've unlocked on your shorts however you want. You also can have tattoos, ankle braces, and knee braces.

The biggest CAF you can make it 6'7", 235 lbs. The shortest you can make is a 5'4" lightweight.

The guy answering questions unlocked different levels of muay thai in his career. Level 2 got him elbows on the ground, head kicks, and a few other things. Level 3 got him the flying knee among other things.

Seems to be one difficulty for career mode. You spend much of your career fighting guys rated way better than you. In year 3, he was something like a 48 overall and he was the champ with a 12-1 record. By the end of year 7, your stats should be at the proper level to take your fighter online (and that's presumably why they limit you to seven years, so your stats aren't a lot better than everyone else in the game).

No cpu vs. cpu, no spectator mode.

You can't defend titles in exhibition per se, but you can set fights to five rounds.

I think that was the most notable stuff.
# 14 Wet Bandit @ 05/13/09 01:51 PM
Oh, there's also some pics of a couple fighter's stats buried in the thread, and he showed off a few pics of his CAF in action against Sherk. His CAF looked pretty solid. Didn't seem out of place at all, looked notably different from the the other CAFs I've seen (the one from the Italian preview and the one in THQ's career mode video).

Also his blurb about the practice mode was interesting:

In Practice mode, players are eligible to fight against a CPU to put in hours upon hours performing maneuvers until they feel natural. As with any Practice mode, you are able to see what buttons you are pressing to understand what commands do what and how successful they are. If you’d like to fight against more advanced competition, you can change the action of your sparring partner to only: defend high strikes or low strikes, grapple block, positively strike, positively grapple or auto strike defense. There’s also the ability to turn up the difficulty to Expert – or any of the difficulty settings – for the CPU to raise the stakes.
That should help tremendously.
# 15 Stumbleweed @ 05/13/09 01:56 PM
To clarify, he wasn't sure if the difficulty for career mode was set based on the menu setting or not -- he just started it up and played and said that you can't change it during the mode. He did say that it was pretty tough fighting higher-ranked guys, but also that he powered through the low-level competition... my suspicion is that he was on Beginner/Experienced since that's likely the default level for the final game.
# 16 RoyalBoyle78 @ 05/13/09 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by trojan49er
Some of those ratings seem a bit on the low side...Lesnar with 82 strength, Wand and Anderson with striking offense in the 70s, highest rating on there was Cro Cops kick offense at 92...GSP hasn't missed a takedown in like 3 or 4 fights and has become probably the most dominant wrestler in the UFC but his takedowns are at 88 and his ground striking is terrible. Theres no ratings for chin, body, cuts, or heart. And whats with Hendo's ridiculously low sub defense? Apparently, nobody has seen his fights against Big Nog. Not to mention he's the slowest fighter with stats listed. The good news is, from the demo, the game looks awesome, I have issues with the ratings though.
just because Brock is as big as he is, doesn;t mean he's got to be strong.
# 17 LP @ 05/13/09 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
just because Brock is as big as he is, doesn;t mean he's got to be strong.
But he is very strong and has powerful strikes. He may not be an accomplished striker, but they have to represent his punching power with ratings somehow.
# 18 whoady4shoady @ 05/13/09 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Timmay
He also stunk it up in the UFC big time. His ratings are probably more based on his UFC performances, which were rather poor.
Yeah, but I think it is unfair to judge a fighter on a couple of fights when there overall career was pretty good. I do understand where you are coming from though. I also just used him for one example, and I do see many other stats that seem off.
# 19 aholbert32 @ 05/13/09 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Timmay
He also stunk it up in the UFC big time. His ratings are probably more based on his UFC performances, which were rather poor.

Thank you. The ratings are based on how they are now...Not years ago in Pride or early years in the UFC. Thats why Tito's numbers are where they are.
# 20 whoady4shoady @ 05/13/09 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by LP
But he is very strong and has powerful strikes. He may not be an accomplished striker, but they have to represent his punching power with ratings somehow.
Punching power and strength are 2 very different things.

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