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Yes that's right, earning, as opposed to boosting, win-trading or whatever else people like to call the form of cheating that is commonly used to secure the game's precious attribute points.

Here at Operation Sports, we assume that our audience is above cheating; that they, like us, embark down the path for the legend card with the expectation that the journey itself -- the stories gathered from overtime victories, dominating shutouts and thrilling come-from-behind victories -- will be worth more than any amount of superficial "experience points."

Read More - NHL 09: Tips for Earning Your Legend Card Online

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Member Comments
# 1 Qb @ 05/07/09 11:10 AM
I think playing as a D-man is the best way to reach an A- legitimately. It is certainly possible playing other positions, but much more difficult. After patch 2, dominating in faceoffs is much more difficult, making center a less viable option. I can usually keep my % around 50, but I rarely get into the 70+ range like I could before the second update.

But in the month after it, I was an A- playing center exclusively in EASHL play (you can sort stats by month/week in the community skaters leaderboard). Of course, we were rolling over former juicers and those who couldn't grasp the concept of interference almost every game...
# 2 seasprite @ 05/07/09 11:56 AM
Regardless of whether you want to play D (which is the easiest way) or any other position, the most important thing about obtaining your legend card is to NOT PLAY random OTP games. Find a club or make one yourself and start playing smart hockey. In random OTP it is pretty hard to get A- at least from my experience. I stopped playing random OTP and just played with my club and I got my legend pretty quickly. Just my 2 cents
# 3 jyoung @ 05/07/09 02:43 PM
I think it all depends on how good your club is and how good the competition is that you're going up against.

And unless you're on a good, coordinated club, playing in the mid-lower divisions, I think OTP games are a little easier to earn high marks in.
# 4 Lubey @ 05/07/09 06:52 PM
I got my Legend card as a wing, and you pretty much have to pass it right away to avoid turnovers, which KILL your team play. You also need to average 1-2 points per game. That's how I got mine. Turnovers were the hardest thing to overcome.
# 5 Qb @ 05/08/09 09:37 AM
Yep, turnovers are the biggest obstacle. That's why it's usually easier on D; you have the puck less, so you turn it over less.
# 6 pjpants @ 05/08/09 10:40 AM
its brutal because i take way too many chances with the puck when im drinking and it kills my stats, but whenever i come home with a few beers in me i have to play. i neeeeeed to
# 7 Qb @ 05/08/09 10:47 AM
DISCLAIMER: Operation Sports neither condones, promotes nor endorses drinking & skating.
# 8 Lubey @ 05/08/09 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
DISCLAIMER: Operation Sports neither condones, promotes nor endorses drinking & skating.
Can I start a beer league?
# 9 Qb @ 05/08/09 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Lubey
Can I start a beer league?
Can I play?
# 10 Lubey @ 05/08/09 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by LegendX
Yeah, Defense is definitely the easiest to keep an A-. Position is an easy A, Team play is an easy B+/A if you play smart and Stats just depends on if you can get a point or keep your +/- high during a game.

Had zero points in a game but +/- of four and I finished with A+/A/A-

Jeez. I couldn't keep my team play up (I was a scorer though so I turned it over a lot). I think I finished with A/B+/A+
# 11 Lubey @ 05/08/09 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Can I play?
Anyone over 21 can play.
# 12 jyoung @ 05/10/09 03:37 PM
This is not true at all, as I was able to make the A- grade playing OTP games exclusively with strangers, using a variety of positions including C (first preference), LD (second preference), and LW (third preference).

Yes, your success is always somewhat dependent on the team around you, but of the three rating categories (positioning, team play, and stats), the only one of the three categories your teammates should ever affect is stats, which is a fairly easy category to keep at a high rating so long as you are halfway decent at the game.

I actually found that the times my rating suffered the most was in the club games, but that's just because friends, as much as I like playing with them, just aren't that good at the game; furthermore, because none of us are interested in abusing cheese tactics, we usually get dominated by the midget teams and glitch goalers that run rampant across the EASHL lobbies.

So yes, you can have success in club games if you have a full team of great NHL 09 players, but for the average NHL 09 player, who probably isn't a part of an amazing club, OTP games are likely the easiest route to take for getting that A- grade.
# 13 seasprite @ 05/11/09 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
This is not true at all, as I was able to make the A- grade playing OTP games exclusively with strangers, using a variety of positions including C (first preference), LD (second preference), and LW (third preference).

Yes, your success is always somewhat dependent on the team around you, but of the three rating categories (positioning, team play, and stats), the only one of the three categories your teammates should ever affect is stats, which is a fairly easy category to keep at a high rating so long as you are halfway decent at the game.

I actually found that the times my rating suffered the most was in the club games, but that's just because friends, as much as I like playing with them, just aren't that good at the game; furthermore, because none of us are interested in abusing cheese tactics, we usually get dominated by the midget teams and glitch goalers that run rampant across the EASHL lobbies.

So yes, you can have success in club games if you have a full team of great NHL 09 players, but for the average NHL 09 player, who probably isn't a part of an amazing club, OTP games are likely the easiest route to take for getting that A- grade.
I could not disagree more with most of this post. #1 Your teamplay stats are indeed dependant on what you do and also with how your teammates play. If you have a powerplay and no one scores, that is a negative on your teamplay. Also if your defense makes stupid passes close to you, you also take a hit for a turnover. If you have half way decent players on your club, it is 100 times easier to obtain your legend card than it is in random OTP. Congrats on obtaining yours in this mode, but I would be willing to bet that you are one of few that have been able to playing among the idiot demographic that is random OTP.

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