Madden 2010 News Post

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It will be interesting to see if Madden makes better use of the controllers on the Wii this year.
# 22
bowdown2shadi @ 04/29/09 08:24 PM
Why are the screenshots 1280x720p? They look pre-rendered. The video looks more like a wii though.
Interesting look they're going for.
Interesting look they're going for.
that actually looks really fun..
at least they got colored cleats that look GREAT
at least they got colored cleats that look GREAT
# 25
Yanksfan03 @ 05/01/09 02:54 AM
Looks absolutley horrendous but I haven't liked the Madden games for a while now anyway. I just wish the Wii could get some real games, even if I were going to buy Madden this year, it wouldn't be for this system. $250 on the damn thing back in 2006 and I've got a grand total of 11 games. The only game coming out for it this year that will be worth a damn is Punch-Out!!. Oh well, at least I have the 360 and PS3 also.
# 26
sportyguyfl31 @ 05/01/09 08:39 AM
If online was playable for the Wii version last year, It would have been the best version Madden out there, and I'd probably still own a Wii.
The Wii was a bitter, bitter disappointment for me. I traded it in, for a bunch of 360 games and store credit.
The Wii was a bitter, bitter disappointment for me. I traded it in, for a bunch of 360 games and store credit.
# 27
Triathlete_201 @ 05/01/09 08:59 AM
dam they need to put those team color shoes for the ps3, xbox 360. but the game don't look bad though.
# 29
KDRIZZLE2K4 @ 05/01/09 09:56 AM
I actually like this look. Mind you I don't have a Wii and I might would be pissed if the Wii was my only console, but when I think about If I bought a Wii as my main console and expect realism I'm pretty much out of touch with reality.
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