Madden 2010 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Glorious Arc @ 04/24/09 11:38 AM
Nice find. You can see the pocket forming better in this video. The over the should catches were nice. My biggest issue was the defender having a seizure that also happened in NCAA's video. I hope this doesnt happen as much as I fear.
# 2 jp7588 @ 04/24/09 11:38 AM
I didn't like the post-corner route.


I want to see that in-game. That makes me feel good.
# 3 adembroski @ 04/24/09 11:41 AM
The drop is shown in this video, thankfully. The manual drops in the trailer annoyed me.
# 4 Its Vanilla @ 04/24/09 12:10 PM
Does anyone else find the size of Larry's head odd in the trailer, or is it just me?
# 5 TheWatcher @ 04/24/09 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Its Vanilla
Does anyone else find the size of Larry's head odd in the trailer, or is it just me?
Yeah, it's big. Disproportionate to his body.

He and Jay Cutler definitely need fixing.
# 6 polamalu82 @ 04/24/09 12:30 PM
I don't like the part where Fitz one hands the catch and falls, rolls over and Troy doesn't even attempt to tag him while he's down. This isn't college ball.
# 7 The Lob Mob @ 04/24/09 12:31 PM
The running is still too choppy & madden-like. . .but what else should I expect, right. . . .
# 8 burne @ 04/24/09 12:40 PM
Does anybody else feel that this tiny 10-second clip utterly destroys the "trailer" we saw last night? This clip looks so much more... fluid. And it shows off some pretty catches! Nice!
# 9 Rocky @ 04/24/09 12:46 PM
That looks much better than the trailer. It also confirmed a huge problem with the throwing animations....the ball is too big. The QB never looks like he has grip or control over the ball.
# 10 STLRams @ 04/24/09 12:49 PM
WOW, now that looked alot better and more fluid than the trailer. I liked how the QB dropped back and had a bounce in his step, ala NFL2K5/APF2K8. The players still look a little stiff but much better than what was on that trailer. Damn that 15sec video has got me more excited than the actual trailer.
# 11 Netherscourge @ 04/24/09 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by The Sim God

click the pic, i uploaded from my camera

Is it just me or does Larry's helmet look a little too big for his head in that video?
# 12 slimm44 @ 04/24/09 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Entiel
The running is still too choppy & madden-like. . .but what else should I expect, right. . . .
Did you see Ian's post in the other thread where he stated that they knew about this before the clip aired and that they will be working over the next two months to fix it, or do you want your glass to be have empty?
# 13 Krodis @ 04/24/09 01:10 PM
Forget the gameplay footage, the real story is:

Who would win in a steel cage match:



The Madden Curse

Take your bets!
# 14 Maelstrom-XIII @ 04/24/09 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Krodis
Forget the gameplay footage, the real story is:

Who would win in a steel cage match:



The Madden Curse

Take your bets!
It depends...do we personify the madden curse as John Madden? If so, Madden squashes Jesus in 3 minutes.
# 15 myownsun @ 04/24/09 01:14 PM
Looks a lil smoother but they still have a same lame wideout cutting animation, what does it take to get them to just take that out completely
# 16 sportzbro @ 04/24/09 01:18 PM
the one hander by fitz is nasty
# 17 TheWatcher @ 04/24/09 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Maelstrom-XIII
It depends...do we personify the madden curse as John Madden? If so, Madden squashes Jesus in 3 minutes.
I don't know dude. That's a tough one. I mean, the Bible says that Jesus walked through walls, but I've also scored Touchdowns in Madden and had my player walk through the stadium wall. So tie? Maybe?

Anyway, this new vid looks pretty cool. I think the overall animations look good. They just gotta get those big heads under control.
# 18 StevieTheD @ 04/24/09 01:26 PM

At about 3:15 on the video (after the shot of the cover) there is about 20 seconds of game footage of Madden 10. It is still the two Super Bowl teams, but the video is new (I believe). You can tell it's '10 from the refs and chain gang.

There's nothing substantial in it, but you can check out a few catching animations. You can also get some peeks at line play (although from a distance).

Edit: I see that this has been posted already. However this is straight from ESPN so the quality is much better. Either way, if the mods feel this is too much, please lock.
# 19 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 04/24/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by jp7588
I didn't like the post-corner route.


I want to see that in-game. That makes me feel good.
lol that corner got destroyed. that route looked real nice.
# 20 rsoxguy12 @ 04/24/09 01:39 PM
One thing I don't like about this video: When Larry Fitz make that great catch while rolling to the ground, there isn't a defensive player touching him down.

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