The bigs 2 News Post

1up has posted their preview of The Bigs 2.

"Even better, though, is the new power-up system. A "power-up" in a baseball game might lead you to expect one-off chances to pound a ball 500 feet or make a stunning catch, but in Bigs 2, developer Blue Castle goes beyond that by giving certain characters buffs that can positively effect the entire team."

Game: The BIGS 2Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 11 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 RalphJ @ 04/28/09 05:31 PM
This game is sounding really good. It looks to be much deeper than your average arcade sports game, yet still as much fun as the first. Can't wait for this game to hit the store shelves.
# 2 RalphJ @ 04/30/09 06:23 PM
I just found another preview of this game from Game Daily. The event they had sounds pretty cool...So far, this game seems to be really shaping up nicely.

They had a nice quote about the man himself: "Fielder is the perfect cover boy for a larger than life game where power, speed and strength are always on display."

gamedaily.com preview link

Anybody else anticipating this game as much as me?
# 3 red95vette @ 05/05/09 12:24 PM
I had great fun playing the original (even more fun than MLB the Show) and was only disappointed by the lack of a season mode in the original.

It sounds like that's been rectified along with all sorts of other positive enhancements. This seems to be shaping up into a day one purchase for me.
# 4 Fiddy @ 05/05/09 04:24 PM
cant wait for this one...
# 5 RalphJ @ 05/05/09 04:47 PM
I just found some new screens posted on the 2K Sports web site. Pretty cool that they have WBC teams and foreign stadiums in the game.

Here's the link:

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