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Fight Night Round 4 Videos
Member Comments
# 2
Pappy Knuckles @ 04/10/09 03:24 AM
I like how this guy addressed some of Round 3's problems and explained how this version will be better. Great video.
Wow, this is looking even better than I expected.
I do however, have one gripe with what was shown. The lack of animated footwork is concerning. If you see the clip with Roy Jones throwing combinations rapidly, you'll notice he's basically sliding around the ring.
Other than that, the game is looking great.
I do however, have one gripe with what was shown. The lack of animated footwork is concerning. If you see the clip with Roy Jones throwing combinations rapidly, you'll notice he's basically sliding around the ring.
Other than that, the game is looking great.
# 5
lamoyou318 @ 04/10/09 10:25 AM
Why is Joe Fraizer standing upright in this game,that is not the way he fought in real life,C'mon EA,every fighter looks generic
Seriously, this may be the best sports video game ever.
Yes, I'm hyping it, but I don't care.
Yes, I'm hyping it, but I don't care.
# 7
LingeringRegime @ 04/10/09 11:41 AM
Looks good, but I laugh at how the dude is like bashing Round 3.
# 8
lamoyou318 @ 04/10/09 12:31 PM
game is looking pretty much complete right about now......roy & kelly look great
shadio: true boxing fan
shadio: true boxing fan
Wow man. This game looks truly revolutionary. The inside fighting is just crazy man. I need to get my hands on that demo. i gotta go pre-order this thing.
# 14
lostintravise @ 04/10/09 07:29 PM
Damn, this game looks so nice.. but I do however agree with Parasight, the footwork displayed by Roy Jones Jr. in this video is kind of shady. It's funny that they show that and then go on about how the defensive footwork is so important..blah blah..let's just hope that that Roy Jones Jr. clip was a work in progress..looks GREAT none-the-less.
But we wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't try to make improvements.
i truelly belive you guys hit the mark this time....this game is looking like true boxing to me. thanks for everything looks wicked
shadio: true boxing fan
Brizzo, you are a true diplomat and boxing fan. I know you won't bash Kudo, the Ali G impersonator. He was the one hyping the game, so everyone is instinctly going to blame him.
Your level of boxing knowledge and compassion for this game is very high.
# 18
SteelerSpartan @ 04/10/09 10:19 PM
Pretty ffing nice...The inside fighting looks amazing. I hope being driven to the ropes is a really dangerous situation in this game and something you should avoid at all costs
I didn't see it as bashing. I saw it as him pointing out what many of us have pointed out and then talking about how they either fixed issues or simply did away with some things.
I really do believe this game is going to take things to another level and raise the bar. I'm wondering about EA Sports as a whole though. I'm wondering if this physics thing is going to start popping up elsewhere. This game right now looks pretty impressive.
I really do believe this game is going to take things to another level and raise the bar. I'm wondering about EA Sports as a whole though. I'm wondering if this physics thing is going to start popping up elsewhere. This game right now looks pretty impressive.
# 20
BrianFifaFan @ 04/10/09 10:42 PM
This game is hot! EA Canada should get some type of award for hottest game studio on the planet! I'm waiting for the end of the year where Fifa10, FNR4 and NHL10 are all vying for SGOTY... This is a must pre-order.
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