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Gamespot has posted an interview with Brian Hayes, Gameplay Producer of Fight Night Round 4.

Gamespot: "Take us on a brief tour of the development of a physics engine in a game like Fight Night Round 4. Where do you start? With the bodies of the fighters themselves? The physics of the punch and block? Or some combination?"

Brian Hayes: "Prototyping is a very important part of the development process. You don't build the entire thing at once and hope it all comes together at the end. The development team works on creating different components to prove that they can work. We worked on multiple components separately and simultaneously. Because prototyping doesn't require that the feature be developed to a level of quality meant for store shelves, it allows us to experiment with different systems. To answer the question, it's a combination. We had early prototypes to test the full-body collisions of two boxer models and prototypes to test the physics impact from punches in the game going at the same time."

Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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