Oh well. I tried that and it didn't work. The Maximize option is greyed out. BUt it still runs in a large box but not in full screen mode. I can't figure it out.
go to basic video options and make sure windowed mode is turned off
I think it's time for me to admit that no matter how much slider tweaking or reading of help threads I do, this game is never going to play a game of baseball that is balanced and completely fundamentally sound. This is by far the most "quirky" sports title I have ever played and I spend quite a bit of time trying to make it work...it's either 'oh a breeze came and blew on the controller while the fly ball was in the air so your gold glover will now miss it' or my new favorite quirk 'let's hit the ball between two outfielder, and then give you control of the guy FURTHEST from the ball, so when you take control you wind up running away from the ball' leading to a ridiculous amount of cpu extra base hits
add that to missed tags/failure to attempt a tag of guys out by 10 feet, baserunning controls designed by a monkey, AI aggressiveness based on the hitting patterns of Vlad Guerrero and the fact that you never know whether the controls will do exactly what you want from one AB to the other, and it just makes the game something that is not fun to play
IF 2k gets to make this title next year, they should just make it play consistently before they do anything else.