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With the NBA regular season coming to a close, there has been a ton of hoopla surrounding the MVP award. But, while the winner of the most coveted individual regular season award is a tough call, it is the postseason that has me even more puzzled. With that in mind, I called upon NBA 2K9 to help me figure this mess out. So please indulge me.

I set up the playoffs as a tournament, selecting the teams most likely to make the postseason and seeded them accordingly. So yes, Cleveland has the best record followed closely by the Lakers, while the Bulls and the Mavericks both grabbed the number eight spots in their respective conferences (seems like the Bulls could wind up even higher than that now).

Read More - NBA 2K9 Playoffs Sim: Early Look at The Brackets

Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Pared @ 03/31/09 10:23 AM
Nice article... just curious though... I didn't see it unless I missed it.... what rosters were used in this simulation?
# 2 Pared @ 03/31/09 10:38 AM
Yeah but this article could have been written a week ago or so.... just posted recently.
# 3 boomhauertjs @ 03/31/09 11:55 AM
Here's hoping real life mirrors the simulation!
# 4 spankdatazz22 @ 03/31/09 01:44 PM
Nice write up/read. I was just wondering the other day if it was possible to replicate playoff seeding in the game. thx
# 5 WTF @ 03/31/09 02:10 PM
Very nice writeup with a Happy Ending.
# 6 ChaseB @ 03/31/09 02:44 PM
They are based on a roster update that is one update behind.
# 7 Pared @ 03/31/09 03:09 PM
Nice... thanks for the info Chase. That's the one with the St. Patrick's Day jersey rosters, correct?

They were pretty on point... I just hated the freezing caused by the jerseys. Ugh.
# 8 ChaseB @ 03/31/09 03:14 PM
I believe so, yes.
# 9 DavonBrown @ 03/31/09 03:34 PM
How do u get a 103 rating???
# 10 raidersbball20 @ 03/31/09 03:42 PM
this sounds like it could be close. I think the Lakers will win it all, but not sweep the Hornets
# 11 blazer003 @ 03/31/09 04:10 PM
The Blazers aren't losing in the playoffs. Totally unrealistic...
# 12 MrSimCity @ 03/31/09 06:14 PM
Hey guys, I wrote the piece and yes what Chase said is correct, the 3-22-09 week
# 13 MrSimCity @ 03/31/09 06:17 PM
Dwyane Wade (at the time of the writing anyway) was 103 rated, Kobe at 101 and LeBron at 100.
# 14 teebee @ 04/01/09 01:23 AM
Go Jazz
# 15 H to the Oza @ 04/01/09 01:41 AM
good article i like it

but the spurs did not win the chip in 01...
# 16 MrSimCity @ 04/01/09 09:07 AM
03' '05 and '07
# 17 jballa838 @ 04/01/09 10:55 AM
wait, the same portland trailblazers that just killed the same Utah Jazz by 21 lose in 5? wtf?
# 18 dp4est @ 04/01/09 12:09 PM
Don't count out the defending champs. They can and will win on the road
# 19 Bigmikelakers @ 04/03/09 06:46 PM
BS. The sim engine isn't that smart to come up with that. When I sim through the season sometimes the Lakers and Cavs don't even make the playoffs let alone making it to the finals.
# 20 Pared @ 04/04/09 09:50 AM
Yes, the entire thing was made up.

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