Legends Of Wrestlemania News Post

Here is a discussion starter if there ever was one wrestling fans. What omissions from this roster really grind your gears? Here are a few of mine:

The Macho Man Randy Savage

Um, duh. Seriously, how can you have a game titled Legends of Wrestlemania when one of the true legends is absent?

Notable 'Mania matches for the Macho Man include Wrestlemania 5 against Hulk Hogan, Wrestlemania 7 vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 8 vs. Ric Flair, and of course, Wrestlemania III vs. Ricky Steamboat -- a match regarded by some as one of the greatest matches of all time.

Read More - Legends of Wrestlemania: Hoes in the Roster

Game: WWE Legends Of WrestlemaniaReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 areobee401 @ 03/10/09 03:23 PM
Do you mean "holes" or are we talking about hoes?
# 2 WazzuRC @ 03/10/09 03:25 PM
LOL at article title.
# 3 SPTO @ 03/10/09 03:29 PM
Hoes eh?

# 4 TimmeH @ 03/10/09 03:37 PM
LOL at the title.

As for the actual article, I agree for the most part. I heard Owen's family didn't want him in the game, which is why he's absent. It's too bad as Owen-Bret maybe my favorite Mania match of all time.

But some of the guys you mentioned aren't in the game because the roster was based off the first 15 Wrestlemanias, which was before Foley, Edge & Christian, the Hardyz, those Damn Dudleyz, etc ever made an impact.

Plus, with the ability to import your SVR09 roster into LOW, you can have Edge & the Hardyz on the roster anyways.

I'd like to throw Demolition in as inexcusable absences, especially when Arn Anderson is in the game when he never had any involvement in Wrestlemania.

Although, Savage, Steamboat, and Demolition are all RUMORED unlockables. Don't know if I really believe it though.
# 5 raidersbball20 @ 03/10/09 03:45 PM
I can't believe macho man isn't going to be in the game
# 6 Hooe @ 03/10/09 06:09 PM
Diesel is another guy that comes to mind. Kevin Nash's presence in TNA is an obvious reason why he's not in, though.
# 7 dansaint @ 03/11/09 06:01 PM
the rumored "beef" is that Savage had a "relationship" with one of the McMahon children when that child was underage. Hint...it wasn't Shane.

While it's never been 100% confirmed or denied by anyone...it's been floating out there for a while.
# 8 anotherdaydown @ 03/11/09 06:06 PM
Demolition not being in is inexcusable. The were the reigning champions for 478 days(Pre-Crush).

The Natural Disastors should be in.

Marty Jannetty should be in for the Rockers.

Powers of Pain.

I would rather have someone else in Hunter Hearst Helmsley's spot anyday. He was crap until the HHH gimmick came along.

We're missing alot of Tag Teams and Tag Teams actually meant something back then...
# 9 CoryHart @ 03/11/09 09:45 PM
Owen's wife doesn't want anything to do with wrestling, so she doesn't allow his likeness in ANYTHING.
# 10 Brianz1234 @ 03/11/09 09:56 PM
im hearing earthquake, mean gene okerlund and don muraco are 3 of a few unlockables...thats just about 95% sure. I have a source at thq. The demo plays well and the graphics look damn good.
# 11 anotherdaydown @ 03/11/09 11:48 PM
The THQ rep in this video says unlockables do not include wrestlers. As unfortunate as that news is...

# 12 TimmeH @ 03/12/09 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by anotherdaydown
The THQ rep in this video says unlockables do not include wrestlers. As unfortunate as that news is...

The problem is that THQ also said there's no custom music in this game, yet GamingRing has confirmed that there's custom music in their build of the game.

THQ has a horrible reputation of not knowing any of the details about their game. I'm not saying there are unlockable characters, but at the same time, I don't fully believe what THQ tells me lol
# 13 CubFan23 @ 03/12/09 12:00 PM
Hey, you left Hulk Hoagn off the list
# 14 gladiator1906 @ 03/12/09 02:43 PM
What about my man Sting?
# 15 sportznut02 @ 03/12/09 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by gladiator1906
What about my man Sting?
Why would sting be in Legends of WRESTLEMANIA?
# 16 Dr.J @ 03/12/09 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Same reason that Michael Hayes is in it.
Or arn anderson.
# 17 sportznut02 @ 03/12/09 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dr.J
Or arn anderson.
well not that they deserve to be in it those two are probably there because they work for the E
# 18 vernond @ 03/12/09 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Same reason that Michael Hayes is in it.
Michael Hayes is in it because he's worked for the wwe for the past 14 years. Sting or any tna wrestler isn't going to be in the game, like Nash, Booker, Angle, or Foley.
# 19 JiggidyJames @ 03/12/09 08:18 PM
Steamboat didn't own his name or likeness until recently. DLC maybe?
# 20 Shadymamba @ 03/12/09 09:28 PM
yah they should of really put the tag teams in it...i mean now days they dont even care about the tag titles they might as well not even have them..so at least in a game about legends...how cool would it be the be demolition and have to fight 12 tag teams in some sort of story mode

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