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While most sports developers tend to roll out patches that amount to little more than a type of "cosmetic surgery" that fixes bugs, glitches and other technical issues, EA Canada has taken its post-release support of NHL 09 beyond the status quo. The studio has put out a pair of patches that have addressed the game’s technical flaws and also addressed some of the serious gameplay flaws that had gradually brought the online community to complete ruin.

Read More - NHL 09: When a Man Loves a Patch

Game: NHL 09Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 47 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Qb @ 03/09/09 12:26 PM
Spot-on and great title, although it could be easily misconstrued...
# 2 mkharsh33 @ 03/09/09 12:36 PM
thought it was a country western pirate song...
# 3 tyler289 @ 03/09/09 02:03 PM
NHL10 is going to be sick. NHL 09 is so much fun to play, whether it be vs. the computer, vs. a human opponent, or EASHL. The replay value is so high, higher than any other EA Sports game currently out, IMO. All 10 needs is goaltender work, board play, and a deeper franchise mode. I'm excited.
# 4 jethrotull @ 03/09/09 03:00 PM
Agreed, penalties may be just a bit too touchy, but rather have it that way, then constantly being lined up and delivered to my maker with no penalty.
# 5 GrandMaster B @ 03/09/09 03:47 PM
The "drag shot" goals are still there. Not sure which game you guys are playing or who you are playing. That's the only way our opponents were scoring. We were trying to play the right way and we could not win, but these people kept doing the same thing and winning.
# 6 jyoung @ 03/09/09 03:51 PM
The drag shot is definitely still there, but it has been toned down a lot in the last two patches to the point that it really only consistently goes in now when the goalie is being screened.

Used to, it fooled the AI goalies 90% of the time, whether they were being screened or not.

So yeah, it's been toned down, but still exists to some extent.
# 7 MattyAction @ 03/09/09 06:19 PM
it still exists sometimes, because it can actually happen in a game sometimes. I'm fine with the drag shot working sometimes. People cant expect that shot to never work. That wouldnt be realistic.
# 8 Jgainsey @ 03/09/09 09:26 PM
lol, nice title. Your article pretty much sums up my exact experience with NHL 09. On again.. off again.. But I think this most recent patch will keep the cheesers at bay until NHL 10.

The best part about this patch is it comes as close as any sports game to making the users play somewhat realistically. And if they don't.. well, we're all seeing how that working for these guys now. When I play NHL 09 I try and recreate the hockey I watch on TV and go see live. I'm now dominating online versus play since the patch was released. I think I'm like 32 - 2 - 3 post patch 2. I've never been able to dominate online like this with any game, but after patch numero 2 it's coming fairly easy.
# 9 savoie2006 @ 03/10/09 12:18 AM
Amen, great read!
# 10 mayers9111 @ 03/10/09 01:19 AM
for nhl 10
1 More option for create players ans teams .
2 More stats and change the graphic stats , actualy is ugly .
3 the graphics the ice like 2k
4 Zambonie
5 More cup scene and 15 to 30 sec to pause to listen the music
6 More option for dynasty .
MLB SHOW , MADDEN , MLB 2k , NBA 2k and NHL 2k is play all teams

Just ea is suck for dynasty .
# 11 blinkfan77 @ 03/10/09 03:40 AM
I wonder if this patch will let us fire sucky coaches like Guy Carbonneau?
# 12 dp4est @ 03/10/09 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by blinkfan77
I wonder if this patch will let us fire sucky coaches like Guy Carbonneau?
I think the patch made the game much more playable than before. It is definitely a great game if you lime video hockey. Great article on the updated patch as well
# 13 Gagnon39 @ 03/10/09 02:42 PM
EA has definately gone above and beyond with their support for this game.
# 14 CubFan23 @ 03/10/09 03:40 PM
Definitely a deeper franchise mode. Also, why don't they let you know whos in the all-star game? Am I missing something? I had to play it to find out if any of my Blackhawks made it? They should have the voting like Madden. They should also include in franchise a headline feature as well as results from all the days games. Just my 2 cents.
# 15 shpankey @ 03/11/09 06:33 PM
Good article. This is definitely the best sports game of 09 (The Show being second) but yes, it has glitch goals. In fact, there are still some there post patch 2. You can skate up from the back of the net sideways, angle your stick at 45 degrees and the goalie has to chose to guard short side or back, whichever one he guards, you simply wrist it into the other. It's cash money every-time. In fact, it's easier now that it was before patch 2. Back then, you'd always go short side, now it's almost always back side. But it IS there.

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