02:37 PM - March 3, 2009 by iamemmittsmith
News Post
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much love for the Mets and none for the Tigers and yes the Reds
Man, some of the stadium pics look real! Nice find!
New Atlanta Braves pitcher Derek Lowe says, "Anyone can hit a free throw with their eyes shut, but bet they can't throw a strike with them closed!!!"
# 8
VanillaGorilla @ 03/03/09 08:48 PM
Those 3 ads on the "garbage bag" right field fence at the Metrodome are kinda....odd. Bright blue, really? Why not just make it a plain, dark blue wall, without any fake ads? Oh, and they got rid of the milk jug last year!
Why didn't they get the seats behind the backstop at "the Cell" (white sox park) right again? was the same in 08. It doesn't look like that....
how it really looks...
how it really looks...
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