MLB 2K9 News Post

A release-day patch will be hitting gamers next week when MLB 2K9 is officially released on store shelves.

OS had previously learned about the patch via a post made by Erick Boenisch, the lead features designer on MLB 2K9, but did not have many details about the patch itself.

After contacting 2K representatives, OS now has some more official patch details. In addition to fixing the bug in the franchise mode that had been causing players to languish in free agency because most teams lacked enough funds to adequately pay free agents, the below bullet points are some of the additional fixes.
  • Added the ability for users to accept game invites while playing inside Franchise mode.
  • Improved the game response time when there is a loss of connection originating at the user’s network router/hub.
  • Addressed an issue where a disconnect would sometimes occur when a user without a HDD attempted to play an Xbox Live Player Match with only a 512MB MU storage device installed.
  • An issue regarding playoff tiebreakers occurring after playing through at least 15 years of franchise mode has been addressed. In the unlikely event that 8 or more teams tie for the wild card, the game will now handle the event properly.
  • Additional Rich Presence support has been added to the game to help users more easily identify what their friends are currently doing while playing Major League Baseball 2K9.
  • If a user had a storage device named using Asian or Russian characters, the title would display these characters improperly. This issue has been resolved.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 jvega @ 02/28/09 10:43 AM
and is this so called patch released with the game or do we have to dowload it online or something like that ? does anyone exactly how this patch is being released ?
# 22 MLB @ 02/28/09 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
We need a second patch to fix the CPU batting AI.
That may take a while...
# 23 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/28/09 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by MLB
That may take a while...
Not as long as we may think. Remember IE is tied to ratings, so a Living Roster Update just may help or alleviate the AI Hitting problem
# 24 JoshCA916 @ 02/28/09 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
If you say so. I honestly don't know. I just didn't think everything carried over in the port(meaning functionality for live, etc). It sounded like a specific Xbox compatibility issue. Worry away though...lol. It was just a thought
i get your point and i am not trying to get down on 2k, but going with the ps3 version as i don't have a 360 anymore, i remember the issue 2k had with the ps3 last year, as they treated us like that step child they never wanted in the first place, as in acted like we didn't exist. just hoping for a little more from them this year and my hope is warrented because it's VC and not Kush anymore
# 25 jvega @ 02/28/09 02:17 PM
hey guys where is this patch? is it something you have to download online ?
# 26 mwjr @ 02/28/09 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
We need a second patch to fix the CPU batting AI.
I've only played the demo, so I'm not familiar with this? What's the CPU batting AI problem?
# 27 jeffy777 @ 02/28/09 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by jvega
hey guys where is this patch? is it something you have to download online ?
Yes. It's just like any other 360 patch. You get it through Xbox Live. And all you need is a free silver account.
# 28 SimBaller @ 02/28/09 03:58 PM
There is a PS3 version of the patch as well.
# 29 notasenator @ 02/28/09 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by JoshCA916
if it's ported over(and it is) there is almost a 100% chance the issue is on the ps3 too
Don't be ridiculous. You don't just flip the switch from 360 to PS3 and rebuild.

Look at the actual bug:
Addressed an issue where a disconnect would sometimes occur when a user without a HDD attempted to play an Xbox Live Player Match with only a 512MB MU storage device installed.
There many PS3's out there without HDDs? Or trying to do a player match on Live with a 512MB xbox memory unit installed?

It is an xbox specific problem because it is specific to xbox hardware scenarios and the xbox online system. It doesn't affect the PS3 at all.

EDIT: I guess I should clarify that I'm not trying to come down on you, I'm just trying to let you know there's nothing to worry about WRT that particular issue because it can not exist on the PS3.
# 30 JoshCA916 @ 02/28/09 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by notasenator
Don't be ridiculous. You don't just flip the switch from 360 to PS3 and rebuild.

Look at the actual bug:
There many PS3's out there without HDDs? Or trying to do a player match on Live with a 512MB xbox memory unit installed?

It is an xbox specific problem because it is specific to xbox hardware scenarios and the xbox online system. It doesn't affect the PS3 at all.

EDIT: I guess I should clarify that I'm not trying to come down on you, I'm just trying to let you know there's nothing to worry about WRT that particular issue because it can not exist on the PS3.
yes and i understand that, and i am not upset or offended even if you were trying to call me out, i am just saying i hope they tested as good for the ps3 as they did on the 360, as last year that wasn't even close to the case, and i do understand that they can't put it in a magic machine and click either the ps3 button to make it fully playable on the ps3, i may not know much but i know porting isn't done with a magic wand
# 31 jeffy777 @ 02/28/09 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
There is a PS3 version of the patch as well.
Thanks for confirming that. Any word on you guys fixing the AI Batter Aggressiveness?
# 32 bcruise @ 02/28/09 04:51 PM
I know I asked this in PM, but:

Any word on whether the PC version is getting the same patch?
# 33 SoxFan01605 @ 02/28/09 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
I know I asked this in PM, but:

Any word on whether the PC version is getting the same patch?
I just got word from simballer on this: No PC patch has been made yet. The PS3 and 360 were the priority. He says not to worry and there will be one for the PC as it's easier to get approval for PC patches.
# 34 bcruise @ 02/28/09 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I just got word from simballer on this: No PC patch has been made yet. The PS3 and 360 were the priority. He says not to worry and there will be one for the PC as it's easier to get approval for PC patches.
That's fine...I was less concerned about the when, and more about the if - I agree it's a lot easier to push patches on the PC thanks to Steam.
# 35 gdavis2570 @ 02/28/09 07:14 PM
how can you get the patch without internet service
# 36 brendanrfoley @ 03/01/09 12:37 AM
Not that I'm ungrateful, because I certainly am not... but would it pain Visual Concepts/Take 2 just to pop in on the boards or respond to Chase/Steve's e-mails about batter aggressiveness?

It's becoming the big pink elephant in the room.
# 37 Salhus @ 03/02/09 03:46 PM
If you could choose one issue to be fixed would it be batter aggresivness or ability to edit sig stances and wind ups?
# 38 StormJH1 @ 03/02/09 03:58 PM
Not trying to be negative on the game or overly sarcastic, but when they use their demo as a de facto beta test every year (and it turns out the game has major gameplay or performance issues), I don't want to be greated with a post telling me on how they've been working hard to address the 15-year-franchise-8-way-tiebreaker problem. What about the "can't throw harder than a weak lob on a double play attempt" problem?
# 39 erkizzlemynizzle @ 03/02/09 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by salhus47
If you could choose one issue to be fixed would it be batter aggresivness or ability to edit sig stances and wind ups?
Stances/Windups, unlimited editing. I can deal with the aggressiveness. Not being able to fully edit my rosters as I have been able to in years past is a game killer.
# 40 JayD @ 03/02/09 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by erkizzlemynizzle
Stances/Windups, unlimited editing. I can deal with the aggressiveness. Not being able to fully edit my rosters as I have been able to in years past is a game killer.
hell no batter aggressiveness by far! The game play is what makes it!

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