DiRT 2 News Post

Joystiq and CVG has posted the following Colin McRae: Dirt 2 updates:
  • Joystiq: Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Impressions

    "The most immediately noticeable additions come by way of enormous (fictional) stadium venues packed with up to 140,000 fans and featuring rally cross events which integrate elements such as the aforementioned epic jumps."
  • CVG: Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Interview

    CVG: "How has working on this game been different to previous ones, that McRae would have been involved in? What's the mood like?"

    Gavin Raeburn: "The most obvious thing to change is that Colin hasn't been to the studio this time, and we've really missed his contribution and his enthusiasm. However, we learned a lot from him over the years and we have an experienced team who know what they're doing."

Game: Colin McRae: DiRT 2Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 7 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 jms493 @ 02/21/09 10:14 PM
this might be my most anticipated game of the year
# 2 lnin0 @ 02/22/09 01:06 PM
The odds of ever seeing something along the lines of a true WRC sim seem to be growing more and more distant with each new iteration of DiRT. What is FUEL for if they are going to continue to drag DiRT further down the arcade path as well?

Don't get me wrong, Rallisport was created in a similar vein and great fun online. I am sure this title has the chance to be fun (providing they do a proper online mode this time) but I am just disappointed in the direction all the Codemaster racers have gone.
# 3 jms493 @ 02/23/09 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by lnin0
The odds of ever seeing something along the lines of a true WRC sim seem to be growing more and more distant with each new iteration of DiRT. What is FUEL for if they are going to continue to drag DiRT further down the arcade path as well?

Don't get me wrong, Rallisport was created in a similar vein and great fun online. I am sure this title has the chance to be fun (providing they do a proper online mode this time) but I am just disappointed in the direction all the Codemaster racers have gone.
the direction they are going is what is going to sell. Selling a Rallye racing sim is for the PC crowd no the console crowd.

Yeah it is not what the hardcore wants but this is a business and they are not going to make a game that sells 20,000-30,000 copies
# 4 VDusen04 @ 02/23/09 11:00 PM
I am hopeful that in addition to the newly added emphasis on stadium courses, Dirt 2 still contains an abundance of traditional, off-road rally trails. I feel the twisting, winding, dirty, snowy, muddy, high speed pursuit is what sets rally apart from other forms of racing. I feel the stadium or "X-Game" emphasis only pushes this rally game closer toward other racing disciplines.

With that said, I will welcome additions to the new iteration of Dirt as long as it doesn't mean the subtraction of something else. However, it's kind of frutrating that the primary additions to Dirt appear to be 140,000 person stadiums in lieu of what I would find to be much more significant details such as rainfall, snowfall, snow courses, and night driving; none of which I've heard mention of up to this point (though I surely may have overlooked).

As a fan of rally racing, but also as someone that knows nothing of the intricacies of rally racing, I'd still have to say I would much prefer a rally game that works toward a real life simulation, just as 2k and oftentimes EA do in other sports, as opposed to something with a heavy arcade feel.

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