MLB 2K9 News Post

OK, so it's Friday on the east coast. So that means it's time to show a video clip from Major League Baseball 2K9. This one is simply an intro to the Cardinals @ Cubs. Gameplay video is encoding.

Let's see how the server holds up. When you respond, please talk about the video and the video only. Let's keep the chatter about which game is better for another day, shall we? Also, if you don't mind, let me know what you think about the quality of the video. Enjoy.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Artman22 @ 02/13/09 02:15 AM
Wow i'm very impressed. The presentation was great. The graphics look good to me. Gary Thorne is the man wow!!
# 22 PVarck31 @ 02/13/09 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Will have top of the 1st on one clip, which is a monster, so it's going to take a while. Then another after that w/ the bottom of the 1st, which isn't as big. East coasters might wanna hit the sack. Which is what I need to do, actually.
Thanks Steve. I am always up late so I can wait lol. Thanks so much for doing this. Are you able to give any impressions yet?
# 23 Artman22 @ 02/13/09 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165

Who do I speak to in this forum if I want to propose a trade?
Rex and Soup for Thornie? I'll throw in a couple of bucks too!

I would even give up matt for him
# 24 Tomba @ 02/13/09 02:17 AM
See I love the NBA 2k9 styled interface. Just don't think the faces are as detailed as what we saw in NBa 2K9 tho. BUT color me pink and wrap me up for valentines if the intro wasn't fun looking and actually gave a nice glimpse of the stadiums overall look and feel.

Great job with the upload Steve

The quickest things I noticed were the nice transitions between animations and the fact that things just flowed pretty much smooth and felt like it was all in real time like in NBA 2k9. i'm just hoping for two things now. framerate and progressive lighting to be sold any further. OHH and I did notice the cloth textures moves nicely...
# 25 CarryTheWeight @ 02/13/09 02:18 AM
Amazing video, Steve. Thank you.

I'm really impressed so far, hopefully the rest of the game holds up to this clip. Presentation is awesome, but Thorne's intro's a bit shaky...but since this is from a beta build, I'm not jumping to any conclusions. Great stuff.
# 26 King Gro23 @ 02/13/09 02:18 AM
One thing that just has me in definite aww is at the 1:25 mark it shows the starting line-up and the real-time world is amazing, You see the #2 batter step in the on deck circle and swing & players moving around and looks like #3 batter step up to the dugout edge. ALL IN THE MEANWHILE, Cardinals pitcher in the corner of the screen is warming up in the bullpen since the cubs are home.
It feels good to see 10+ player models well rendered and looking pretty good in the dugout active attentive to the game.
Looks Like 2K9 and VC nailed somethings on, now for the gameplay
# 27 Badboy49er @ 02/13/09 02:21 AM
Great video Steve, quality is really good. Im liking the presentation so far, just dying to see some gameplay lol
# 28 statum71 @ 02/13/09 02:21 AM
D*mn baseball is in good hands as far as games go. If I wasn't getting The Show this would be a no-brainer.

I say again...I only wish football was in this kinda shape.

Thank God for Sony and 2K
# 29 Tomba @ 02/13/09 02:23 AM
Just watched it a second time and I'm think this in real life might be pretty good looking...Not AS detailed as the Show but maybe just a bit better proportionally? who knows heres's hoping PLUS the camera angles are endless
# 30 ARMORALLL @ 02/13/09 02:26 AM
What happned to the exterior ballpark intros? Did they get rid of those this year? I hope not!
# 31 phillyfan23 @ 02/13/09 02:27 AM
man that looked REALLY goooood! I think the last 3 seconds is the in game graphics no ? If it is....the graphics really are nice...

So we will get the gameplay video tonite too right ? I can't wait
# 32 CarryTheWeight @ 02/13/09 02:27 AM
A small detail I picked up from the intro, Real Time Living World related:

In the long shot when Thorne mentions "41,000 fans", check the first basemen. He starts his warmup throw to third in the first shot, then when Thorne mentions Aramis Ramirez and the shot fades to Ramirez, he catches the ball the first baseman threw. Great stuff.

Originally Posted by ARMORALLL
What happned to the exterior ballpark intros? Did they get rid of those this year? I hope not!
Confirmed out. Brian Ekberg at Gamespot confirmed it in his Q&A.
# 33 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/13/09 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Tomba
Just watched it a second time and I'm think this in real life might be pretty good looking...Not AS detailed as the Show but maybe just a bit better proportionally? who knows heres's hoping PLUS the camera angles are endless
I dunno, the arm complaint can be argued about The Show, but 2K has now the L arms, fat legs and butt syndrome.

So both need work, but I still think The Show has more aesthetically pleasing models. Especially since these (2K9) dont even match 2K7 which were nicely done.

Basically they did not age too well, and lost detail (more than likely to obtain 60FPS).
# 34 StevenSeagalsLipitor @ 02/13/09 02:31 AM
Whats with the voice right after the team select screen?
# 35 MattNYY @ 02/13/09 02:32 AM
why are the cardinals wearing red helmets on the road?
# 36 PVarck31 @ 02/13/09 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I dunno, the arm complaint can be argued about The Show, but 2K has now the L arms, fat legs and butt syndrome.

So both need work, but I still think The Show has more aesthetically pleasing models. Especially since these (2K9) dont even match 2K7 which were nicely done.

Basically they did not age too well, and lost detail (more than likely to obtain 60FPS).
I disagree. I think the models in 2k9 are better than the Show. To me they look more proportionate to real life. Just my opinion though. People def see things different than other people.
# 37 dynastynation @ 02/13/09 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by MattNYY
why are the cardinals wearing red helmets on the road?
Those are their spring training uniform/helmets.
# 38 PVarck31 @ 02/13/09 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by MattNYY
why are the cardinals wearing red helmets on the road?
The equipment manager loaded the wrong bags onto the truck. Just another example of the 2K's "living world".
# 39 MattNYY @ 02/13/09 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Pujols 4 MVP
Those are their spring training uniform/helmets.
Thanks someone from the 2k forum wanted to know?
# 40 Tomba @ 02/13/09 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I dunno, the arm complaint can be argued about The Show, but 2K has now the L arms, fat legs and butt syndrome.

So both need work, but I still think The Show has more aesthetically pleasing models. Especially since these (2K9) dont even match 2K7 which were nicely done.

Basically they did not age too well, and lost detail (more than likely to obtain 60FPS).
Yeah i see your point as well thats why i put in the ? mark cuz' i just don't know why it's somewhat ok compared to the show.

yeah when you start to nit pick it's bad but for me i'm just looking back and seeing that even though the shows good it's easier to see the wrong in the shows models compared to the mlb one. For me the squashed look is worse than a bloated one.

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