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IGN has posted their impressions of the MLB '09: The Show demo.

"One thing that stands out is the timing of the game itself: The matchup starts close to sunset and as the innings progress, you'll notice the sun slowly going down, shadows lengthening across the field and eventually the park lights illuminating the diamond and stadium. While this might seem like a cosmetic change, it's a nice addition as are the idle cutscenes, which seem to have a bit more personality this time around. This year seems to include players talking to each other as well as the Phillie Phanatic stomping up and down atop a dugout and getting the crowd rallied. However, the most amusing parts are the umpires, who seem to be a bit more creative. So far, I've seen umps take bats from players and pretend to jack homers out of the park as well as reel in large fish using the bat as a rod.

If you've played The Show before, you'll find that it's extremely easy to leap behind the controls and feel comfortable taking part in the action on the field. Players will have access to the pitcher and batter analysis tools to help determine the success of different players against a particular pitcher and vice versa. The demo also seems to be using the Umpire Personalities from previous years, but this could be one of the most explicit versions, as some pitches that you could swear were strikes will sometimes get called as balls. Even Vasgersian will comment on how "tight the strike zone is," which gives you a better sense of how the game will be called. However, there is an oddity that pops up during pitching. For one thing, without adjusting any of the Human sliders for pitching, you might find a large number of pitches will find their way into the dirt even if you time your button presses perfectly."

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 mlblover15 @ 02/04/09 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
One thing I also saw mentioned was about check swings possibly being disabled. They are much harder to do in 09. They appear to be tied to player attributes maybe plate vision? Some batters can check easier than others. Last year you could check swing at will with anyone. It takes some getting used to at first. Just a heads up!!

this is how it should be and in real life if you watch some players seem to have better "bat control" than others in this situation.. im all for it being like this.. heck yes.. makes it much more interesting...

one more thing... says that with the pitcher/batter analysis that you will have a better picture of how hitter did versus a "certain" pitcher and vice versa... does this finally mean my stat break downs are in and i will have access to every hitters history vs a certain pitcher all season long or one of my pitchers season logs versus every hitter he has faced??? if soo... i will fly out to sony and do the famous waynes world aice cooper scene...

"We're not worthy, we're not worthy, we suck!! we're scum!!!"
# 22 Cubfan @ 02/04/09 11:27 PM
Is In N Out a cheap place to eat? Is that a pretty regular place for you developers to grab a bite to eat late at night? Can't wait to grab the demo wish it would come out Thursday am vs Thursday pm.
# 23 nemesis04 @ 02/04/09 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
So have you East Coast guy ever had In N out before? What did you think?
It was the first time I ever had one. It was a hamburger, not too sure why people go nuts over them? The place was cranking, the drive through was blown out! It tasted fine.
# 24 Knight165 @ 02/04/09 11:35 PM
In and Out...
Yeah...that's the place that Kolbe blasted that old lady out of the way with his Vanquish. She stopped for like 2 seconds to try and see if it was a handicapped spot....Kolbe just rammed her out of the way....pulled out his phony handicapped placard and parked front row!...Kind of sweet. Poor lady had to park across the street and take her walker over....but them's the breaks!.
We was HUNGRY!

# 25 nemesis04 @ 02/04/09 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by KolbeSCEA
Pared had like 2 double double animal style and an animal style cheeseburger + fries... For a tiny little thing he eats like 3 men.

Pared and pasta ate the most ,lol. I think Pasta had 3, Knight and myself only had 1 double. Those guys were chowin' !
# 26 aukevin @ 02/04/09 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
One thing I also saw mentioned was about check swings possibly being disabled. They are much harder to do in 09. They appear to be tied to player attributes maybe plate vision? Some batters can check easier than others. Last year you could check swing at will with anyone. It takes some getting used to at first. Just a heads up!!
Man. I thought the check swings finally got right in 08.
# 27 mlblover15 @ 02/04/09 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by KolbeSCEA
Pared had like 2 double double animal style and an animal style cheeseburger + fries... For a tiny little thing he eats like 3 men.

what a whimp!!! no secret menu stuff.. no 10x10 or 20x20 or the 100x100??? man you call yourselves men.. shhhhesshhh...
# 28 Knight165 @ 02/04/09 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
what a whimp!!! no secret menu stuff.. no 10x10 or 20x20 or the 100x100??? man you call yourselves men.. shhhhesshhh...
The only double 2x10's are the ones holding up my house thank you very much!

# 29 nemesis04 @ 02/04/09 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by aukevin
Man. I thought the check swings finally got right in 08.
I can see both sides of this. Many people need it as a help tool on those questionable pitches and I can see where they are going with it by making it player specific so to speak for a truer experience.
# 30 Yankees94 @ 02/04/09 11:53 PM
does the demo have any new aspects and features that we have not disscused yet?any unsaid secrets?
# 31 nemesis04 @ 02/04/09 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees94
does the demo have any new aspects and features that we have not disscused yet?any unsaid secrets?
Check out the swing analysis if it is enabled.
# 32 Yankees94 @ 02/05/09 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Check out the swing analysis if it is enabled.
thanks nem ..one more question are the breaks of pitches better this year?like last year the spiltter and cureball didint seem to have much feel to it(even thought i reaally cant feel anythign since it a videogame but..) and do sliders and other pitches have various breaks for various pitchers..
# 33 JT30 @ 02/05/09 12:07 AM
The videos look good. One question, and I'm sorry if this was noted somewhere before.. but when someone hits a HR does it always go to the view similar to what we see with Howard in that video? I can understand on the no doubters or moon shots... but is there a view like its just a normal fly ball but makes it out of the park? I like the anticipation of seeing a fly ball possibly being a HR rather than knowing right away (like it shows with Howard in that video)

# 34 nemesis04 @ 02/05/09 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees94
thanks nem ..one more question are the breaks of pitches better this year?like last year the spiltter and cureball didint seem to have much feel to it(even thought i reaally cant feel anythign since it a videogame but..) and do sliders and other pitches have various breaks for various pitchers..
Pitch breaks are much sharper and clearer this year. Some are down right nasty and you feel as if you screw yourself into the ground, lol!
# 35 Yankees94 @ 02/05/09 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Pitch breaks are much sharper and clearer this year. Some are down right nasty and you feel as if you screw yourself into the ground, lol!
once again thanks...lol ill bother you one last time(mabye) how was them yankees(stadium,players,stances) and again thanks
# 36 nemesis04 @ 02/05/09 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by JT30
The videos look good. One question, and I'm sorry if this was noted somewhere before.. but when someone hits a HR does it always go to the view similar to what we see with Howard in that video? I can understand on the no doubters or moon shots... but is there a view like its just a normal fly ball but makes it out of the park? I like the anticipation of seeing a fly ball possibly being a HR rather than knowing right away (like it shows with Howard in that video)

You will see the no doubter, broadcast cam and some you will not know if they are going out until they leave.

Guys don't panic because you saw that ONE homer in a small sample. Remember small sample of a big pie. I dread tomorrow because of all the panic buttons that will be set off if something appears to be off.
# 37 nemesis04 @ 02/05/09 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees94
once again thanks...lol ill bother you one last time(mabye) how was them yankees(stadium,players,stances) and again thanks
The stadium is amazing, they did a great job. Monument park is beautiful. Players, and stances of the ones I saw looked good.
# 38 JT30 @ 02/05/09 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
You will see the no doubter, broadcast cam and some you will not know if they are going out until they leave.

Guys don't panic because you saw that ONE homer in a small sample. Remember small sample of a big pie. I dread tomorrow because of all the panic buttons that will be set off if something appears to be off.
Thats all I needed to know! Awesome. Thanks Nem
# 39 Yankees94 @ 02/05/09 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
The stadium is amazing, they did a great job. Monument park is beautiful. Players, and stances of the ones I saw looked good.
ya OS just relased a couple more pics just a few minutes ago they look amazing.. it keeps getting better day by day..
# 40 Yankees94 @ 02/05/09 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
You will see the no doubter, broadcast cam and some you will not know if they are going out until they leave.

Guys don't panic because you saw that ONE homer in a small sample. Remember small sample of a big pie. I dread tomorrow because of all the panic buttons that will be set off if something appears to be off.
i fear the same thing...you or any other team mate of yours can nott say it enough that this is an OLDER version and not the final build,,i know i sure understand..i hope otheres do tooo...but goooood luck to you tomorrow...if i was you i would wait till march 3 to sign back in lol...

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