News Post

Pasta Padre has the scoop.

"I have received confirmation from SCEA that the PS3 demo for MLB 09 The Show is expected to be out tomorrow February 5th. Generally PSN updates at around 3pm PT. The demo is four innings long and features a rematch of the World Series with the Tampa Bay Rays at the Philadelphia Phillies. As mentioned in my community preview write-ups the demo is based on a month old build but it should be a fair representation of what to expect with the final product."

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 301 bluengold34_OS @ 02/05/09 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Altimus
Yeah, only to be disappointed.

Wait, what the hell am I laughing at.
At least you can laugh, I am still crying.........
# 302 RunN1st @ 02/05/09 07:32 PM
Can you guys imagine if they made the complete game downloadable for early purchase? They could probably get away with adding an extra $10 for those that want it early!
# 303 Blzer @ 02/05/09 07:32 PM
Feel free to add me (PSN ID = Blzer).
# 304 idesign2 @ 02/05/09 07:32 PM
To add to the discussion, I just bought a PS3 a few hours ago and have been spending all afternoon setting it up in the hopes I'll be able to download the demo tonight. I never played The Show 08, but all of the reports on this site sold me on investing in the game. I also sold MLB 2K8 to help pay for the system. Sorry 2K!

When my girlfriend got home she asked me what that new thing was, and I told her it was a Blu-Ray player. I was afraid of catching all kinds of grief if she new I bought another $400 video game system. Pathetic, I know, but sometimes you gotta pick your battles.

Now I feel like Cartman waiting outside the toy store for the Wii to arrive!
# 305 Shaffer26 @ 02/05/09 07:32 PM
While were all waiting you guys can add me...Shaffer26
# 306 Skyboxer @ 02/05/09 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Windu
I think killzone is only for the UK now. US has to wait a week. SOmething to do about people that preorder at gamesport being able to get it first or something.

Downloaded and played KZ2. I liked it and it looked great but (At least the demo was) it was the same.... go here kill/guard this...go here kill/ guard this... etc..
Could be I'm just too pumped about The Show.
I didn't have any issues with the controls at all. It was fun.
# 307 colkilla @ 02/05/09 07:33 PM
psn: colkilla
# 308 godylla @ 02/05/09 07:33 PM
I just put on Lil' Wayne Tha Carter III in hopes of willing the demo onto the PSN. I have full faith that this will work...
# 309 bluengold34_OS @ 02/05/09 07:34 PM
Man I am going through like the 7 stages of denial waiting for this thing.....

Oh wait...excitement again
# 310 Altimus @ 02/05/09 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by idesign2
To add to the discussion, I just bought a PS3 a few hours ago and have been spending all afternoon setting it up in the hopes I'll be able to download the demo tonight. I never played The Show 08, but all of the reports on this site sold me on investing in the game. I also sold MLB 2K8 to help pay for the system. Sorry 2K!

When my girlfriend got home she asked me what that new thing was, and I told her it was a Blu-Ray player. I was afraid of catching all kinds of grief if she new I bought another $400 video game system. Pathetic, I know, but sometimes you gotta pick your battles.

Now I feel like Cartman waiting outside the toy store for the Wii to arrive!
Sony actually had a commercial when a guy's GF walks in and asks what it is and the guys says a movie watching machine. Not too far from yours. lol
# 311 countryboy @ 02/05/09 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by ~Guru~
Guys I downloaded the trial version of NHL 3vs3 from Euro store and it is tons of fun...controls are just like nhl 09

I think it would be a great online game

check it ou
downloaded that but haven't played it. Looking forward to it while the Show downloads.
# 312 Happy29 @ 02/05/09 07:35 PM
I might wait till after Smallville tonite before I try
# 313 baseball88 @ 02/05/09 07:35 PM
Countryboys can survive is a great song by Hank Williams Jr.

If I remember right for demos, I think it was 9:00 our time Eastern when other demos got put on.

We'll have to wait and see

Shame on you Sony
# 314 Skyboxer @ 02/05/09 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
You're trying to trick us into reading all that while you get the jump and start downloading before us! I'm onto your tricks.


And I'd have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you medling Show fanatics!!
# 315 Artman22 @ 02/05/09 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by ThreeKing
We should have a race once it hits the store.

Who's got the fastest connection?
My downloads are 15MPS
# 316 Hoos @ 02/05/09 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Nope... 43... Wife just brought my dinner to the game room...then said good night....
She knows I'll be here for a while...

Anyways , while we wait:

Baseball in Heaven?
Two buddies Bob and Earl were two of the biggest baseball fans in America.

Their entire adult lives, Bob and Earl discussed baseball history in the winter, and they pored over every box score during the season. They went to 60 games a year. They even agreed that whoever died first would try to come back and tell the other if there was baseball in heaven.

One summer night, Bob passed away in his sleep after watching the Yankee victory earlier in the evening. He died happy. A few nights later, his buddy Earl awoke to the sound of Bob's voice from beyond.

"Bob, Is that you?" Earl asked.

"Of course it me," Bob replied.

"This is unbelievable!" Earl exclaimed. "So tell me, is there baseball in heaven?"

"Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Tell me the good news first."

"Well, the good news is that yes there is baseball in heaven, Earl."

"Oh, that is wonderful! So what could possibly be the bad news?"

"You're pitching tomorrow night."
Nope.....45......but I think Jim has us all beat
# 317 Brewhaha @ 02/05/09 07:37 PM
Ooh ooh add me add me...GOBs_Magic
# 318 PhantomPain @ 02/05/09 07:38 PM
I'm just glad I'm not the only 35+ year old that loves and plays baseball games
# 319 Jgainsey @ 02/05/09 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Downloaded and played KZ2. I liked it and it looked great but (At least the demo was) it was the same.... go here kill/guard this...go here kill/ guard this... etc..
Could be I'm just too pumped about The Show.
I didn't have any issues with the controls at all. It was fun.
I felt the same way. I downloaded the KZ2 demo and played through it a few times.. and it's going to be a great shooter, but it was only distracting me from the real prize. The controls seem fine to me and the graphics are probably the best we've seen this gen, but I don't care! I just want the show!!!
# 320 countryboy @ 02/05/09 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
And I'd have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you medling Show fanatics!!

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