Skate 2 News Post

The original Skate burst onto the scene in 2007. In one amazing effort, EA’s Black Box development studio introduced intuitive dual-analog controls that became second nature within minutes, and sent the long-running Tony Hawk series into an extended hiatus.

There were high expectations for Skate 2, and for the most part, it has lived up to those expectations. There are some head-scratching design decisions that were included in the sequel, but overall, Skate 2 is the new standard all future skateboarding games will be compared to.

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Game: Skate 2Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ChubbyBanana @ 01/30/09 12:33 PM
A well writen review. I find myself agreeing a lot with the "easy to learn, hard to master" statement about the controls, but overall I'm having a blast with the game.
# 2 asu666 @ 01/30/09 02:55 PM
I'm just glad to see EA pushing Neversoft to improve. It's never good to only have one player in a market and EA is actually the rebel that is shaking everything up on this front.
# 3 BrownsFan72 @ 01/30/09 03:39 PM
I was never a skater growing up dont really understand the trick names but it doesnt matter this game is kick a@@. It is a solid 9. Hockey and this game for EA sports have it right.
# 4 Matt Diesel @ 01/30/09 06:52 PM
very good review. very good. great game too. it has its issues, but it is fun to just skate for skating sake.
# 5 TCrouch @ 01/30/09 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by boucher
any tips on how to beat danny way at the beggining???
If that's the first one at his Mega Compound where it's 2 of 3...

Just have to be smooth with a little bit of luck. My best line was just to do whatever I could on the first big jump and then another huge trick over the elbow on the big tranny on the other side. I did the loop-de-loop to cross over the water and didn't bother with tricking much. Bust a big move over the other tranny and cross the finish line first.

If you outscore him and travel fast, you beat him. You can't spend a bunch of time tricking around or he'll outscore you. It's almost like a "trick race". Score big, but keep moving quickly and hit the finish line before him. He doesn't keep to get racking up the score once you finish...it just ends when you cross.
# 6 jeffy777 @ 01/30/09 09:01 PM
I love Skate 2, but I've noticed the framerate gets choppy at times. My brother told me he noticed the same thing, so I know it's not just my 360. Plus a google search revealed others saying the same thing.

Otherwise, it's a great game.
# 7 jeffy777 @ 01/31/09 12:56 AM
One thing I really like about Skate 2 is that you can change the camera to a higher angle when you're skating. I found the camera angle in Skate 1 to be too low, although it was ok once you got used to it. But the high camera angle option in Skate 2 is much better in my opinion.
# 8 SeaNNyT @ 02/02/09 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
I love Skate 2, but I've noticed the framerate gets choppy at times. My brother told me he noticed the same thing, so I know it's not just my 360. Plus a google search revealed others saying the same thing.

Otherwise, it's a great game.
If you have a 360 and some room, install it on your hard drive and you won't see it at all.
# 9 oChaos_Nine @ 02/02/09 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by SeaNNyT
If you have a 360 and some room, install it on your hard drive and you won't see it at all.
I see it still and I have mine installed.
# 10 Phobia @ 02/03/09 09:54 AM
I have not installed it to the HD yet (going to tonight). But yea I am seeing major fps problems. It is like the game drops to really low frames per sec. Larger packed areas with lots of peds seem to be causing it.

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