MLB 2K9 News Post

Gamespot has posted their hands on preview of MLB 2K9.

"Like all of the core titles in 2K Sports' roster of sports games, MLB 2K9 has been pulled into internal development. The result is a baseball game that, at least graphically, has been built from the ground up. Producers told us that while the AI code has been modified and built from previous entries in the MLB 2K series, the look and feel of the game are new."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Blzer @ 01/27/09 12:12 AM
Here's the problem with the hitting system (and I've said it before recently, so I apologize if I sound like a broken record):

To hit a home run, the ball must go into the air, correct? So it can't drive into the ground. What better way to get it in the air than to influence it into the air, yes? Now, there are some players that have a much greater probability of getting that ball over the fence once it's in the air, and others have less of a chance.

So what do we do when the better home run hitters come up to the plate? Obviously we won't deprive them of their power, so we'll aim for the fences. Even if it doesn't go out, at least we had that chance. What about the players that have a lesser chance? We won't necessarily influence ground balls, but we won't influence fly balls. Why? Because if it doesn't go out, it's probably just a fly out.

So what does this cause? An abnormal number of home runs for your really good home run hitters and zero home runs for your non home run hitters.

Now this brings us to... why don't I just not use the left stick? Two reasons: 1) it's no fun, 2) it removes hit variety.

I also hope this game doesn't give you better contact influencing fly balls on high pitches as opposed to low pitches. I made a post about this a while back that I'm going to bring back up if people think otherwise.

Originally Posted by Seamless
EXACTLY what I was thinking. I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about the "zone" hitting, this explanation sounded EXACTLY like MVP '05, where you could influence where the hit went, but ultimately, you still had to "go with the pitch" in order to hit the ball solidly. In other words, if the pitch is thrown outside and you swing inside (or vice versa), you're going to hit a little dinker, whereas if you go with the pitch, you're going to make solid contact. If anything, this is more realistic than strictly zone hitting. So not sure what everyone is wary about.
Some people, aka Blzer, didn't like this hitting system and considered it a game breaker. My post is an indication as to why. The final reason is it takes contact out of the equation (at least by our skill).

By the way, 2K7 had the same hitting system as MVP, it just wasn't as advanced.
# 22 tyler289 @ 01/27/09 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Seamless
EXACTLY what I was thinking. I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about the "zone" hitting, this explanation sounded EXACTLY like MVP '05, where you could influence where the hit went, but ultimately, you still had to "go with the pitch" in order to hit the ball solidly. In other words, if the pitch is thrown outside and you swing inside (or vice versa), you're going to hit a little dinker, whereas if you go with the pitch, you're going to make solid contact. If anything, this is more realistic than strictly zone hitting. So not sure what everyone is wary about.
I hope it's like that. I need to hear more about it, but I really hope it's like MVP.
# 23 Knight165 @ 01/27/09 12:14 AM
I don't know...it doesn't sound exactly like that to me.(MVP)...sounds way to easy to get a groundball/flyball....according to what you want.
We'll see.
What does sound good is the specifically are addressing the problems people had in '08.
Graphics look good....except that one Reyes one looks like he dipped his hands in blue rubber cement and the strapped on two wrist watches!
The player personality aspect is intriguing...that should be fun if done well.
Good stuff.

# 24 bodhiball @ 01/27/09 12:14 AM
am I just WAY too picky about my visuals? Its quite possible since I dont see anyone else seemingly frightened by the look of the screens.

What is up with the large logos on the hats? That B on becketts hat is almost the size of the entire front. And everything looks like rubber, not a whole lot of shadow/highlight/detail

and yes, it could just be a very early build. Just seems like non-nextgen graphics so far.
# 25 King Gro23 @ 01/27/09 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by tyler289
It sounds nice - especially the player personalities - but that first beckett picture looks awful. Who holds their glove hand facing up when pitching?

# 26 Blzer @ 01/27/09 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by bodhiball
am I just WAY too picky about my visuals? Its quite possible since I dont see anyone else seemingly frightened by the look of the screens.

What is up with the large logos on the hats? That B on becketts hat is almost the size of the entire front. And everything looks like rubber, not a whole lot of shadow/highlight/detail

and yes, it could just be a very early build. Just seems like non-nextgen graphics so far.
I'm very pissed about the visuals, but I think right now it actually will be the last thing that I'm worried about (which is weird for a graphics whore).
# 27 SoxFan01605 @ 01/27/09 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by King Gro23

Good pictures, but they look nothing like the way his glove is up HERE:

Not saying it's anything to freak about right now. Just saying the guy had a point
# 28 tyler289 @ 01/27/09 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by King Gro23

Fair enough - I'm not a Red Sox fan so that explains it - but the 2k9 image has his glove a little too out there, but the attempt is realistic nonetheless. Thanks for the correction.
# 29 King Gro23 @ 01/27/09 12:27 AM
lol aww Im not trying to rip or any thing actually I hate the Red Soxs, They ruined my Tribes chances of a world series in 07' me being a cleveland native in all
# 30 bukktown @ 01/27/09 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer

By the way, 2K7 had the same hitting system as MVP, it just wasn't as advanced.
Yeah. Thats kind of an understatement though as the 2k7 system was really bad. You could swing late on an outside pitch and still pull it 100% of the time if thats where you were aiming.

Hopefully timing will impact the direction of the hit in 2k9 also.
# 31 mwjr @ 01/27/09 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Ugh. Somebody please tell me that I'm reading too far (or not far enough?) into their review of the batting mechanic. It sounds like it's just a more detailed influence system (meaning NOT zone) and they've taken away the step timing (one of the redeeming qualities of the swing stick. I've gone from extremely hopeful to disappointed in a short time...lol. I loved the step timing and thought the only thing missing was the "aiming." Now it will have neither?

On a more positive note, I like the sound of what they've done with franchise (especially 30 team control) and that they've apparently focused on addressing consumer issues with 2K8.

I'll wait for a more detailed (and, to be honest, trustworthy...when it comes to sports) review before I jump of that ledge...lol...but I didn't like what I heard about the hitting. It worries me that Gamespot equates simplification to fun. We'll see, I guess.
That's what I gathered from that article as well. No zone hitting, merely directional influence.
# 32 statum71 @ 01/27/09 01:20 AM
I'm a Show fan. But I am impressed. Looks good so far.
# 33 jerm21 @ 01/27/09 01:46 AM
I hope this game turns out like how it is with people on the internet who look better in person than in pictures.
Because honestly I was kind of dissapointed by the last 4 shots. The ones of Lincecum were great. but I would say Beckett and Reyes didn't look good at all.

1.)First of all Beckett looks like he has a mullet in that screen shot. the glove does look its pretty large, but hopefully its due to the motion of the wind up. also seems like a lot of green seats in the background..the shadows look good and so does fenway

2.) The picture with Torri Hunter is probably one of the best. the graphics look great with the fans in the background. the bat on the ball looks great as well.

3.) Evan Longoria picture, gave me a sigh of relief after i saw the Beckett picture. This picture actually looks like him! Glove doesn't look that big and no mullet so great picture. especially with the wrinkles in the jersey. The park looks more filled out in the background and i'm pumpedd to see how 2k did with the real life atmosphere.

4.) Jose Reyes..very awkward picture. the only awkward part is his head. the helmet looks like it's in a weird shape. and his gloves look like two michael jackson gloves on his hands. But this is just probably due to in mid motion and hopefully! the game graphics are a little better than this.

So graphics weree 7 out of 10. but i do have faith in mlb 2k9 i think it will be a greatt game with a TON of new improvements.

So bring on the trailer!
# 34 brendanrfoley @ 01/27/09 02:05 AM
This is a solid preview, and it gives me hope VC is taking the series in the right direction.

Eliminating the timing release of the pitching mechanic, while keeping the gesture, is a great compromise. I'm also happy to hear fielding hasn't changed. As for hitting? I play with one button classing swing, so the changes to the hit stick don't impact me too much.

The Longoria picture is sharp.

Crowds are definitely different, as well. Fenway has its trademark red seats, which it did not have last year. So, at the very least, we know they've done some work.

Bring on more screens, the trailer and some gameplay vids, please!
# 35 HK-47 @ 01/27/09 02:07 AM
They've dumbed down the controlls for the lame pick up and play users.

2k, why do you always listen to the pick up and play users?!They are the reason why your losing customers to The Show.

The meatballs were the only thing wrong.It made the pitching seem broke, because every messed up pitch motion made you throw the ball right down the middle to get smacked into orbit.Messed up pitch motions should have just turned into BALLS, which would have been great, because it's way too easy to pound the strike zone in 2k baseball games.

The meatballs turned people off, not the controlls.Seriously...Who likes seeing every mistake go over the fence?

And why did you get rid of step timing for hitting?Swing stick+ zone hitting+step timing = the greatest hitting controlls in baseball gaming history.
# 36 brendanrfoley @ 01/27/09 02:35 AM
I don't think it's fair to say the game is "dumbed down."

The Show uses very simplistic pitching and hitting controls, to great effect.
# 37 thundergatti @ 01/27/09 02:41 AM
I'm thrilled at the ability to control all 30 teams in franchise. No more players sitting on the bench or in the minors when they should be in the lineup/rotation
# 38 Behindshadows @ 01/27/09 03:13 AM
I like what I read, and the pictures look amazing.

Thank you Gamespot for posting nice resolution..and good job from Visual Concepts, from the ground up. Incredible detail...

Looks like I'll have 2 Baseball games to play this season.
# 39 HK-47 @ 01/27/09 03:13 AM
Yeah, it sucks.

I never was a fan of the pay off pitch though.Your starter would start throwing 98+ mph by the 7th inning.I just press B so that when I hit the spot, theres no ratings boost.

The Angels starting rotation is filthy, so I don't need no boost!
# 40 brendanrfoley @ 01/27/09 03:34 AM
My hope is, considering the reduced timing aspect of the pitching meter, players are able to reduce pitcher accuracy. I do not want to spend the entire game throwing exactly where I want to.

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