MLB 2K9 News Post

Pasta Padre has posted his Padrecast joined with Operation Sports one and only Chase Becotte. In this podcast, they will be discussing the feature list in MLB 2K9. Click here for the link to the podcast.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 jeffy777 @ 01/15/09 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
Now hang on here. Any MLB pitcher can toss pitches across the plate at will. The problem is some pitchers have trouble painting the corners, and end up missing outside, inside, etc. So even in the Majors, it's basically impossible to walk a guy accidently -- meaning, if any pitcher wants to throw a pitch down the middle of the plate for strikes, he usually can.
When I said "accidentally" walking a batter, essentially what I meant is that it's almost impossible to walk a guy in 2K7 and 2K8 even if you are trying to paint the corners with the most difficult pitches. It's just too easy to hit your spots, regardless of a pitcher's control rating.

The biggest difference between 2K and The Show, is 2K doesn't have wild pitches. Aim high and way outside in 2K8 and the C will catch it everytime. But aim high and way outside in The Show and the ball will hit the backstop.
There are wild pitches that will reach the backstop in current 2K games, but it's only if you really suck with the controls and totally screw up the release as badly as possible.
# 22 Pared @ 01/15/09 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
I said 95% meatballs weren't in -- or if they are -- they certainly won't mean HRs on most occasions.

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