MLB 2K9 News Post

Pasta Padre has posted the features list for Major League Baskeball 2K9.

"As expected it appears that they’ve attempted to simplify several aspects of the game. The trading card system looks to have been improved and more has been done to add to the authenticity of the experience. Providing the basics such as a smooth framerate and solid online performance are a necessity for this year, but other than those things is there enough here to deliver the game consumers have been hoping for?"

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 nemesis04 @ 01/09/09 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I see what your saying, but if the zone system works, the location and timing of the swing should have full determination of the outcome. You should not be able to swing over a ball and hit it in the air and you should not be able to swing way under a pitch and hit a line drive. And it is impossible to swing early and not pull the ball or swing late and not hit it to the opposite field.

If any other modfier makes these things possible, then they system is not realistic.

If we're talking just a 9 zone system where you guess right and make contact, then I guess the modifier would be ok, but then it just becomes a hit the ball in the air by pressing up or on the ground by pressing down system with a twist.
The Show implements this feature very well. I view it as a situational tool and mostly use it for bunting, trying to move runners over and sac flys. Sometimes you do not get the desired result because one of the 3 factors I mentioned do not line up.

It is funny, because most people who use it in the Show do not think it works because they are expecting to see their input show results 100% of the time and it was not designed to be that way.

We just have to wait and see what their interpretation of the tool is.
# 42 Pared @ 01/09/09 01:12 PM
The Show implements it well. The way it should be if the mechanic is going to be used at all.
# 43 JoshCA916 @ 01/09/09 01:54 PM
Being a PS3 guy, the one major thing i read i liked was Trophy's for the ps3. Which to me means they put some effort into the ps3 game this year, because last year sony was treated like the red headed stepchild from 2k. I do play the show but the major reason i have liked 2k from the past was online play and leagues, which to me the show hasnt been able to match, so if they can update servers for lag, and fix framerate i will be happy with 2 baseball games this year.
# 44 GrandMaster B @ 01/09/09 02:08 PM
All games released after January 1st 2009 are required to have Trophies for the PS3. So I'm not sure that means more effort was put forth. They had no choice.
# 45 ckarlic @ 01/09/09 02:21 PM
Im really liking the fact that they simplified pitching and hitting. I never really liked the swing stick so im glad they now have zone hitting in place for 2k9.
# 46 Stroehms @ 01/09/09 02:27 PM
IMHO, I really like everything. I hope to god this is a good game, I really hate my PS3. :/
# 47 thornie @ 01/09/09 03:06 PM
This is such great news!

It looks as if they kept some semblance of 2k8's pitching controls instead of scrapping them altogether. I'm all for refining them, as long as they offer an option for those who don't want to use it and for those like me, who can't ever go back to button pitching.

Zone hitting - Hooray! 'nuff said.

300 new signature animations - I can't wait to check these out. 2k8 did such a great job with these. I usually go to the "Create Player" function and cycle through all the stances and just laugh out loud at how good a lot of them are.

Real-time Living world - This feature I'm most excited about. I wonder if we'll be able to actually control warm up pitches as in Power Pros. I love that feature.

All in all, this latest update has me pretty optimistic.
# 48 X*Cell @ 01/09/09 03:09 PM
I'm really excited for 2k9. I'm still on that 2k7 and I've been waiting a while for this. One thing about 2ksports games that is underrated is the signature styles. It makes NBA 2k9 so much more fun, and I expect it to do the same in this game.

And thank God for Blzer for being so smart and being able to explain all of the game's subtleties for us. Yer the man dawg!
# 49 SoxFan01605 @ 01/09/09 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
The Show implements this feature very well. I view it as a situational tool and mostly use it for bunting, trying to move runners over and sac flys. Sometimes you do not get the desired result because one of the 3 factors I mentioned do not line up.

It is funny, because most people who use it in the Show do not think it works because they are expecting to see their input show results 100% of the time and it was not designed to be that way.

We just have to wait and see what their interpretation of the tool is.
Exactly! Well put.

If the system is done right, then it's a very useful tool. It also can work against you as if you are always trying to influence flyballs, you will end up with a lot of flyout/popups. It's perfect for bunting (as you mentioned) and also for sac fly situations (you still need the right pitch though).

My only concern is that if 2K makes it too powerful an influence, we might have one more thing adding to the HR fest...lol.

We'll see how it goes. I'd love for it all to come together and produce at least a respectable and solid effort. I miss the days of bouncing between 2 or 3 solid baseball titles...each one giving me something I enjoy.
# 50 boomhauertjs @ 01/09/09 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
I'm not a big fan of zone hitting. I wonder if you'll be able to change hitting and pitching modes. It will be interesting to see what this game looks like.
I was mistaken about zone hitting. I thought that it was aimed hitting (where you put a cursor where you swing the bat-I hate that!). I'm all for zone hitting.

Will the Real-Time World make games take longer? I'm all for shorter games. Hopefully, you can turn certain features off to speed up the game.
# 51 Blzer @ 01/09/09 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by X*Cell
And thank God for Blzer for being so smart and being able to explain all of the game's subtleties for us. Yer the man dawg!
I'm just trying to elaborate what they mean, and I'm trying to give examples of what it could mean. I only hope they deliver with the goods while giving us visuals like the Lincecum pic with a smooth framerate and maintain their decent presentation (we still don't know who's in the booth).

I just hope that they do this real time thing well.
# 52 RedLine @ 01/09/09 03:21 PM
I'm not sure if this is the complete list of features, but probably all the notable ones. If so, then it doesn't look like the WBC mode will be offered, or co-op play (like the BIGS), the latter is something I was hoping to have.

Overall I like the list presented, it shows that 2K is refining the game and making the controls better.

The new/upgraded pitching and hitting controls sound interesting and I'm looking forward to finding out more about them.

I also like the sound of the Real-time Living World, it could bring a lot of life to the game and improve the presentation.

Hopefully we don't have to wait until Feb to get some more detailed info on the game. Overall I think the game is sounding pretty good at this point.
# 53 X*Cell @ 01/09/09 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer

I just hope that they do this real time thing well.
yeah your explanation for that sounds like it could really make this game and break other games. I would love to see a free-flowing game, with guys going to their next destination without cut-scenes or skipping through or load times.
# 54 CarryTheWeight @ 01/09/09 03:37 PM
Improvement should be the #1 priority of the new development team. If the devs take care of the multitude of issues that plagued last year's title, then we should expect something revolutionary from them in the future. Right now, making a better game of baseball should be their most important focus.
# 55 SoxFan01605 @ 01/09/09 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I'm just trying to elaborate what they mean, and I'm trying to give examples of what it could mean. I only hope they deliver with the goods while giving us visuals like the Lincecum pic with a smooth framerate and maintain their decent presentation (we still don't know who's in the booth).

I just hope that they do this real time thing well.
Me too. The concept is intriguing and VC certainly has the pedegree to pull it off. It would mean nothing though if the game was crap between the lines. I'm looking forward to seeing this game in action.
# 56 Blitzburgh @ 01/09/09 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by beau1221
I think I like that there isn't any "big new feature" though..

Maybe (hopefully) that means that they're focusing totally on fixing up the game engine and gameplay... that's really where they need to start... not on any gimicky modes or features...
I completely agree with you! It looks like they focused on getting the game to play and look like a real game by adding all those bells and whistles. I think it will be a very good game. I also hope they really improved on the graphics.
# 57 bcruise @ 01/09/09 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
You must be one of those "*****" types. History aside, on paper, this game's features sound very intriguing.

Strange, I saw it as the exact opposite. I don't think you are interpreting this feature correctly. Allow me to elaborate:
Blzer, all I meant by that comment was that:

Anything that happens in a baseball stadium happens in 2K9 in Real Time.
is a lot to live up to. The feature list could have gotten by just fine by just mentioning the stuff that was directly below it (which I already said sounds very cool). Do you really think that's even possible to live up to, that the game will have EVERYTHING you could possibly see during a baseball game? I'm pretty sure we won't see a cloud of bugs, fights in the stands or (God help us) streakers. I'm just using extreme examples there to prove the point, of course, but they all happen. Maybe it could indeed have everything that happens on the field in real-time (which would be awesome enough), but "stadium" includes everything, and that's something that's just not possible.

All I'm saying is that there was no reason to make a catch-all statement like that in the features list, and that it smacks of EA's "It's in the game" slogan. I look forward to the feature, and as always will rent (maybe buy) 2k9 when it comes out.
# 58 Blzer @ 01/09/09 06:20 PM
Oh man, I apologize. I thought you thought they were trying to tell us that they are basically capturing the similar essence of a baseball game that one would see in real life, and IMO that's not what they mean, but instead they are doing that real time integration where everything loads seamlessly in one world, if that makes sense.

Just make sure you don't take their statement as we'll actually see blades of grass grow if we zoom in close enough for a long period of time. What it means is that it is all one constant stream, as opposed to being split by pitch, or by batter, or by inning, or whatever it may be. We should be able to watch our favorite player enter the dugout and sit down after a home run, they may even run out for the celebration after a walkoff, I don't know. But basically, cut scenes are part of the same game that we're playing, only that we don't control them and they are with different camera angles.

Again, I hope that makes sense.
# 59 bcruise @ 01/09/09 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Oh man, I apologize. I thought you thought they were trying to tell us that they are basically capturing the similar essence of a baseball game that one would see in real life, and IMO that's not what they mean, but instead they are doing that real time integration where everything loads seamlessly in one world, if that makes sense.

Just make sure you don't take their statement as we'll actually see blades of grass grow if we zoom in close enough for a long period of time. What it means is that it is all one constant stream, as opposed to being split by pitch, or by batter, or by inning, or whatever it may be. We should be able to watch our favorite player enter the dugout and sit down after a home run, they may even run out for the celebration after a walkoff, I don't know. But basically, cut scenes are part of the same game that we're playing, only that we don't control them and they are with different camera angles.

Again, I hope that makes sense.
Yeah, I know what you mean and no, I'm not looking for blades of grass or anything. I've never been one to get caught up too much in a baseball game's details anyway (I played HH2004 for several years, after all!). The fact that the other game has so much of them is just the icing on the cake of the great gameplay to me(not without its faults, though). Don't sweat it - just a little misunderstanding.

If this real-time thing lives up to what they're promising, it's a shame that most of it will just be skipped through by a lot of people.
# 60 RBH @ 01/09/09 07:12 PM
This may be a dumb question, but could someone explain what Zone Hitting actually is?

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