MLB Front Office Manager News Post

While I reminisce about sports gaming in 2008 and optimistically look forward to what is to come in 2009, one trend that may have surprisingly emerged is the renewed production of sports-management titles on the current generation consoles.

Ever since the debacle that was the original NFL Head Coach, people would not be remiss if they believed that sports sims had no more chances left. But ever since the surprise announcement and subsequent release of NFL Head Coach 09 earlier this year, it suddenly appears that sports sims on consoles may indeed have a future. The fact that NFL HC 09 also managed to garner some positive critical success certainly did not hurt matters.

But what might really set things in motion is 2K Sports’ upcoming sports-management title, MLB Front Office Manager. The success (or failure) of MLB FOM may well dictate whether sports-management games have any long-term viability on consoles.

Read More - The Text-Sim Invasion: Coming to a Console Near You

Game: MLB Front Office ManagerReader Score: 4.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 jwmw9207 @ 12/29/08 07:04 PM
i would really love to see ncaa head coach that would be better then nfl head coach.
# 2 Matt Diesel @ 12/29/08 07:08 PM
I could not agree with your last paragraph more. It should evolve enough to have the depth of a text based sim and the visuals of a NHL 09, Madden, The Show, etc. There is no reason the two features cannot coexist. Head Coach is like that.

I really miss EHM. There is probably a market for it on consoles if they added 3-D replay and a robust online component.
# 3 ajaxab @ 12/29/08 07:31 PM
Solid article Bryan!

One thing that wasn't mentioned here that has to serve as another piece of the puzzle would be the exclusive licenses. EA needs to get as much out of their exclusive deal with the NFL as possible so along comes Head Coach. It could be that these deals are driving the trajectory of the industry as much as text sims. Maybe this aspect of exclusivity has been a positive spin off amidst the mediocrity of Madden that many moan about.
# 4 SHAKYR @ 12/29/08 08:13 PM
Companies need to stop trying to milk us and give us these features in their main titles. It can be done. Fans want depth in thier titles.
# 5 SBartlett @ 12/29/08 09:06 PM
I completely agree with you SHAkYR. MLB The show is close, but with a lil more additions and work it pretty much could knock these types of games out. Its just that most these titles are lacking the HUGE side to sports we all would love to mess around with - and that is the intricacies of the sports business world and its many dynamics.
# 6 LingeringRegime @ 12/30/08 10:21 AM
I really hope that text sims are done the right way on "next-gen" consoles. If not, it may kill any subsequent efforts. Really eager to see how good MLB Front Office will turn out to be.
# 7 asu666 @ 12/30/08 12:22 PM
The best sports game made right now is MLB because Sony put so much into its Franchise mode. I've always been a fan of controlling as much of an organization as possible. Ticket prices, parking, food/drink, player movement, contracts, etc. should all be user controlled in a complete Franchise mode.

Having said that, I really like playing the games too. I've got MLB Front Office preordered, but I'm sure MLB 09 will eat up most of my free time this summer.
# 8 gjb01 @ 12/30/08 03:50 PM
Especially as you get older, "joystick" games become uninteresting. They did a nice job with The Show, but I'm bored already because it's far too easy to hit and pitch. I cheer 2K for coming up with Front Office Manager and I hope the trend continues. Plus, the internet allows for some cool text-sim leagues for indy developers such as http://www.pennantchase.com which I work on. All in all it's an exciting time for those of us who like these games.
# 9 CreatineKasey @ 01/02/09 01:08 PM
I think text-sim games would be most enjoyed at the massively multiplayer level. Having either imaginary leagues integrated much like hattrick soccer, or even just playing a full-on NFL text franchise with other users would be pretty exciting. Imagine doing drafting and free agency with 32 other people fighting for players... it'd be pretty fun!
# 10 Skyboxer @ 01/02/09 01:39 PM
As long as they allow us to hook up a USB printer and utilize it, I'll be all over it.
# 11 LL-Cool-P @ 01/04/09 11:20 AM
I'm loving all of these sports management titles.

Hours of endless entertainment

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