News Post

This week on the Waiver Wire, Chase and Bryan talk about Online Team Play and what it means to the future of the sports-gaming industry. The duo also chats about Madden roster updates and what may be the right and wrong way to do roster updates in general. Also, leaked details about MLB 09: The Show have made their way on (then off) the Web so Bryan and Chase chat about those details as well. They also talk a little about Home's impact on sports games and speak about their excitement level when it comes to MLB Front Office Manager. All this and more on the latest edition of the Waiver Wire podcast.

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Member Comments
# 1 bronco92 @ 12/17/08 06:18 PM
Listening now guys. I have also embedded the latest show in the player at top of the site.

About the The Show leak... since none of us knew about this special press event (very odd) I'm wondering if this was potentially a deliberate leak by SCEA to build some initial hype? Probably not, but you never know...

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