MLB 2K9 News Post

A sequel should, in theory, improve upon all aspects of the previous game in the series. Unfortunately, MLB 2K8 was unable to accomplish that goal in 2008. Presently, there isn’t as much competition as there was a few years ago, but 2K Sports’ rival title, MLB 08: The Show, provides more than enough competition on its own.

Nevertheless, there are a number of ways that MLB 2K8 can be improved, both on-and-off the field. So, without further delay, here is my MLB 2K9 wish list -- in no particular order.

Read More: MLB 2K9 - Five Important Steps Towards Rebuilding

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Exceller1 @ 11/24/08 09:34 AM
THE Hitter got a hit.then you have to (every time),hit the R1 Button on the PS3 system to cycle the base choice back to firstbase,to stop at firstbase for a single is weird and MUST!!!,BE FIXED THIS YEAR!!!!.No other baseball game has or will had EVER HAD Such a Feature.(LAME,GLITCH).NEEDS TO BE Fixed.DO YOU HERE THAT 2K!!!.Fix it PLEASE.
# 22 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/24/08 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by OliDegu2008
Just get back to the basics and make a baseball game that is next gen worthy. That is all we ask!!

I think this is a simple yet to the point feeling we all share.
# 23 FocusYoMindOnDis @ 11/24/08 02:12 PM
He resigned for family reasons, the same way the Ty Willingham plans to "resign" at the end of the season. Now lets see if this game wcan be betteer, than its counterparts.
# 24 BlyGilmore @ 11/25/08 11:34 AM
I think the most fundamentally flawed aspect of MLB 2k8 and other games for a while now has been hitting.

There's just no incentive to work the count, try and pick out pitches, take a realistic approach to the plate or anything along those lines. Most people just go up there trying to hit almost every single pitch and are still able to score 4+ runs a game doing so.

This trickles down into other areas. While your pitchers can barely get into the 7th inning, computer pitchers can throw 10 innings unless you knock them around beforehand. Strategy behind when to send the runner is completely void - if you have a fast guy you send him on the first pitch because you're swinging from the heals after that.

The only game I can think of in the past several years where you could work the count, and it was advantageous to do so, was High Heat. MVP Baseball was close to that point with the colored ball system.
# 25 StormJH1 @ 11/25/08 02:39 PM
I owned 2k7, but thought that it was basically unplayable. The only reason I kept it were the stunning visuals. Yet, when you have to essentially cue the batter to swing BEFORE the pitch leaves the pitcher's hand, it becomes pretty obvious that you're not going to be able to differentiate between balls and strikes.

I played the 2k8 demo and knew right away that I wouldn't be buying this game. Not only was the new pitching mechanic clunky and unforgiving, but the framerate drops were HORRIBLE, the game had actually regressed visually, and batting and fielding still weren't any fun.

I'm sick of getting my hopes up for a 2k baseball game only to find out that nothing has changed. 2k is to baseball gaming what EA has become to basketball gaming. 360 users are simply stuck without any better option. I'd rather play last-gen MLB Power Pros or PS2's MLB The Show '08 than 2k8.
# 26 StormJH1 @ 11/25/08 02:41 PM
Also, the author's comment about "poor hit detection" misses the primary point...if all you're doing is playing a swing stick timing game...how do you really know you swung above or below a pitch anyway? It's not like the game lets you determine WHERE you swing the bat!
# 27 Trevytrev11 @ 11/25/08 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by BlyGilmore
There's just no incentive to work the count, try and pick out pitches, take a realistic approach to the plate or anything along those lines. Most people just go up there trying to hit almost every single pitch and are still able to score 4+ runs a game doing so.
I agree 100%.

This is where the games needs to take a look at what other sports games are doing as far as the AI adjusting on the fly. In the NBA series, the computer will somewhat adapt to your offense/defense and I believe the same for football. Looking specifically at NBA 2K. If you throw the ball to the big man in the post a few times in a row and he's scoring at will, the computer will start to double team him. If a player gets hot, the defense will tighten on a player until he cools down or someone else heats up.

To apply that to baseball, if the user hitter is swinging at every pitch, the AI should adapt and purposely start throwing pitches out of the zone until the hitter changes. If the hitter takes until he gets a strike the first time through the lineup, the pitcher should have a pretty good feeling that he can start pumping first pitch strikes over the middle of the plate until they adjust.

And on the other side of the matchup. If you are a pitcher and can't locate anything, you should expect the AI to be much more patient. They shouldn't be swinging at a 2-0 curveball in the dirt after you just walked the bases loaded. And if you are pumping 85% strikes and they are just looking, they should be expected to be a little more aggressive early in the count.

In this series, the AI seems to have no memory. The outcome of the last pitch seems to have no impact on the next one.

When you get a hitter to chase a fastball up in the zone, 9/10 times, the next pitch is going to be that high or higher. If a guy chases a curve in the dirt, you'll try and bury the next one until he shows he can lay off.

If a hitter is late on the fastball, you're not going to do him a favor and throw him an offspeed pitch, your just speeding up his bat. If a hitters is late on a fastball, you throw him another one. If he's on it or early, then you break out the other stuff. Same if he's ahead of the breaking stuff.

There just seems to be not point to the pitches thrown in this game. Pitchers don't pitch at all with a purpose and the pitch selection seems to be totally random (both pitch type and location). There is no chess match, instead it's more a game of coin toss.

Stat's and ratings are nice, but pitch sequences are more about feel than they are about stats. The last pitch will tell you more than a scouting report. If a hitter is supposed to struggle against a curveball, but hit your last one 425 feet foul, that should tell you that he's on your curve.
# 28 Trevytrev11 @ 11/25/08 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
When the pitch is in the dirt and you swing, you're swinging over top of the ball. Vice versa with pitches above the belt/letters.
Other than those extremes, everything else is just random. A fastball at the thigh has the same chance of being hit in the dirt as it does to be hit over the fence.
# 29 allBthere @ 11/25/08 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
The dual-layer discs couldn't handle all of the content on The Show, mostly in the commentary department.

Besides, if it was on the 360, it would be violating the license of only first-party developers (except 2K) allowed to make MLB licensed baseball games.
give me a break.
# 30 allBthere @ 11/25/08 04:44 PM
My 2 cents is that I wish power pros was available for the 360, ..in that case I wouldn't have reason to worry or care about 2K_.
# 31 Jonny Toe @ 11/26/08 04:08 AM
Gives a good first look...PItching and Hitting have also been kept good in accordance to the earlier ones...A Thumbs up
# 32 jerm21 @ 12/04/08 04:31 PM
i have some "wishes" that i would like to come to mlb 2k9. hopefully 09.

main thing. is crowd atmosphere.

-I want the crowd to go nutsss after a late inning/extra innings go ahead/walk off home run or hit or after a big strike out in pitching jams or ending the game.
-I want there to be a "Yankees Suck" chant at Fenway
-I want there to be standing ovations after a pitcher is taken out of the game or with 2 outs in the 9th inning, waiting for the last out.
-I want Opening Day to be new, with players running onto the field getting introduced, and whoever wins the world series the year before gets their rings. (for example; Philadelphia)
-I want more cut scenes, with player, fan, coach reactions after a call is made or a after a big hit/stolen base.
-I want fan attendence to be involved, like for the last place teams, there will be a lot of empty seats; when in BOS or NY it will most likely be a full house every game..
-More detail with the coaches, i think there was a post already put up about that.
-I want there to be standing ovations for a pitcher once he is taken out by the manager, or after getting a no hitter broken up.
-I want there to be those fans that are at a ballpark rooting for another team, giving high fives after their team puts a run on the board.
-I want the All Star Game to be more detailed. With player introduction running out onto the field from the dugout like opening day..and i want the all star game uniforms to be like they are now (team uniforms and hats. i think?) no NL or AL uniforms.
-I want a cut scene when you want to warm up a pitcher, and show him warming up in the bullpen.
-I want the POSTSEASON to be a complete change from the regular season. some stadiums have towels, Tampa Bay has cowbells, I want the fans to be louddd and crazyy after everything little happens (like a run scored, a strike out of a batter)
-I want there to be little press conferences from coach or player
-After winning a series CELEBRATIONS NEED TO BE BETTER AND LONGER. yeah after the divisional series, a lot of high fives, hugs, jumping up and down on the pitchers mound.
League championship, mobbing the field, some champagne "we're going to the world seriesssss!"
After winning the world series, I want the last out to be a cut scene, like position yourself to make a catch, or to make a ground ball then the game takes it from there, so that right when the out is made the player can react with his arms in the air, everyone jumps over the dugout fence, and mobs the mound. I want signs that say "We Believed" and then it cuts to the locker room with players jumping with champagne WITH championship hats and t shirts, spraying the drinks into the camera..some interviews with players that say "I'm so proud of all of these guys around me". going out on the field and spraying it onto the fans. then the mvp trophy and world series trophy.
-I want the post season fans to be the loudest you're audio could make it.
-This cut scene should be about 5 minutes long. I mean comeon we've played 162 games, it would be nice to sit back and watch all your hard work paying off with some celebration!

Now my all time wish for this baseball game would have to be..after winning a world series. i want there to be a celebration parade that goes throughout the city. Comeon, how sick would that be!

I've given these recommendations to you guys because, I believe that MLB 2k9 has potential. SO PLEASEEE. LISTEN TO MY IDEAS. this will make it the best baseball game ever played.
# 33 Fatalah @ 12/04/08 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
give me a break.
It's true though-- there was some article about the crazy amount of commentary Sony recorded for the Show '08. You can fit that on a Blu-ray disc but not a DVD-- it's just the truth.
# 34 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/04/08 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by allBthere
give me a break.
Hate to break it to ya champ ... but the commentary for The Show is over 10 gigs ... 2K had to ship uniforms for the 360 for crying out loud because it all could not fit on the disc. And content wise between the two games, there is no comparison.

The CAP mode in The Show alone rivals any CAP mode in any game out there, including RPGs and MMOs.
# 35 Stroehms @ 12/04/08 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Hate to break it to ya champ ... but the commentary for The Show is over 10 gigs ... 2K had to ship uniforms for the 360 for crying out loud because it all could not fit on the disc. And content wise between the two games, there is no comparison.

The CAP mode in The Show alone rivals any CAP mode in any game out there, including RPGs and MMOs.

Pretty sure they had room on the disc, it was probably that they didn't have enough time. The ladder seems more likely from 2k.
# 36 SoxFan01605 @ 12/04/08 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by stroehmerbasebal
Pretty sure they had room on the disc, it was probably that they didn't have enough time. The ladder seems more likely from 2k.
Actually I think it was a space issue. Wasn't everything on disc for the PS3?
# 37 K_GUN @ 12/04/08 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
Everything was there except for the game of baseball....

ha ha funny stuff dude
# 38 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/04/08 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by stroehmerbasebal
Pretty sure they had room on the disc, it was probably that they didn't have enough time. The ladder seems more likely from 2k.
It was a space issue. They had the stuff on the PS3, and said they could not fit it all on the DVD for the 360, thus the download... for those without Live ... S.O.L.

Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
Everything was there except for the game of baseball....
# 39 SoxFan01605 @ 12/05/08 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
Everything was there except for the game of baseball....

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