PBR News Post

As long as I have been on this earth, I have been able to use video games as an escape from life and all of its challenges. Whenever I have been in need of a distraction or some catharsis, video games have always been there for me. But after playing Professional Bull Riding: Out Of The Chute, for the first time in my existence, I used life as a way to distract me from having to play video games.

Read More: Professional Bull Riders Outside the Chute Review

Professional Bull Riders Out of the Chute screenshot gallery - Click to view Professional Bull Riders Out of the Chute screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Professional Bull Riders Out of the ChuteReader Score: 1/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / WiiVotes for game: 4 - View All
Professional Bull Riders Out of the Chute Videos
Member Comments
# 1 RaychelSnr @ 11/06/08 11:08 AM
Just one glance at the screenshots tells you this game is laughably bad.
# 2 asu666 @ 11/06/08 11:34 AM
"But after playing Professional Bull Riding: Out Of The Chute, for the first time in my existence, I used life as a way to distract me from having to play video games."

# 3 PaulZweber @ 11/06/08 11:58 AM
Thank god I don't have a Wii...I would not appreciate recieving this game as a gift.
# 4 LiquidCrash @ 11/07/08 04:30 AM
About what I thought this game would be. I kind of like bull riding, I've seen it in person and on TV and I could not figure out how it could ever translate to a game with any success.

Good review, I have no interest in this game.
# 5 taqiyya @ 11/07/08 02:20 PM
Very good review. I was in tears when I was reading your opening statements.
# 6 GOBLUE_08 @ 11/10/08 10:39 PM
Ha! This game was an epic failure the very second it became a thought. Why something this bad ever made it into production is just baffling to me.
# 7 Thrash13 @ 11/11/08 12:14 AM
First off, you clearly don't know anything about the PBR, and that shows in the review. Second, I'm one of those "negligent" parents who bought the game, and it just so happens my kid loves it. In fact, if you stroll around and check out some bull riding forums (which I know you won't if you are constantly taking out the trash), you will find out a lot of people are enjoying the game.

Now that my rant towards you is over, I'll throw in a thought or two on the game. As a huge PBR fan, the game was a letdown to me. I've been waiting for a PBR game for years now, and my hopes were way too high going into this thing. There aren't enough bull riders, and there aren't enough bulls. I know it couldn't have taken that long to put several more into the game. The gameplay has its flaws, but it's far from broken and boring.

If I had to put a score on it, I'd give it a 6. It isn't even close to perfect, but it isn't even close to as bad as your review indicates either. It's a lot of fun to play multiplayer, and it's fun to go through the season a time or two. The PS2 version cost about $20, and that's about right. $30 is too much for the Wii version, but as I said, kids are going to enjoy the game. My kid will be playing it on and off until the next one is released.

So in closing, learn a little about the sport before completely being a smartass in the review process. You make it seem like the PBR and bull riding in general is a complete joke, and that couldn't be farther from the truth. There are a lot of great things about Operation Sports, but you just clearly proved you aren't one of them.
# 8 Jonny Toe @ 11/21/08 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
As long as I have been on this earth, I have been able to use video games as an escape from life and all of its challenges. Whenever I have been in need of a distraction or some catharsis, video games have always been there for me. But after playing Professional Bull Riding: Out Of The Chute, for the first time in my existence, I used life as a way to distract me from having to play video games.

Read More: Professional Bull Riders Outside the Chute Review
That was a sharp one...I hope the developers are listening...
# 9 sixtydashone @ 11/21/08 05:30 PM
I'm surprised this one ever made it any further than a one-paragraph concept jotted down on a sheet of paper to be honest. I figured it would be hilariously bad when I saw the first preview, but at the same time was kind of interested in what they would do for gameplay. I don't have a wii but if I did I would probably rent it just for the comedic value.
# 10 sixtydashone @ 11/21/08 05:33 PM
Oh yeah, and the title "PBR Out the Chute" had me laughing from the start. Sounds like the following morning after a long night of drinking PBR.
# 11 allBthere @ 11/22/08 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Thrash13
First off, you clearly don't know anything about the PBR, and that shows in the review. Second, I'm one of those "negligent" parents who bought the game, and it just so happens my kid loves it. In fact, if you stroll around and check out some bull riding forums (which I know you won't if you are constantly taking out the trash), you will find out a lot of people are enjoying the game.

Now that my rant towards you is over, I'll throw in a thought or two on the game. As a huge PBR fan, the game was a letdown to me. I've been waiting for a PBR game for years now, and my hopes were way too high going into this thing. There aren't enough bull riders, and there aren't enough bulls. I know it couldn't have taken that long to put several more into the game. The gameplay has its flaws, but it's far from broken and boring.

If I had to put a score on it, I'd give it a 6. It isn't even close to perfect, but it isn't even close to as bad as your review indicates either. It's a lot of fun to play multiplayer, and it's fun to go through the season a time or two. The PS2 version cost about $20, and that's about right. $30 is too much for the Wii version, but as I said, kids are going to enjoy the game. My kid will be playing it on and off until the next one is released.

So in closing, learn a little about the sport before completely being a smartass in the review process. You make it seem like the PBR and bull riding in general is a complete joke, and that couldn't be farther from the truth. There are a lot of great things about Operation Sports, but you just clearly proved you aren't one of them.

I can appreciate your opinion here, but do you really think reviews should represent the view of a die-hard fan?

Bull-Riding is a fringe sport, and I would venture that most of us don't watch it, or care about it - not to be offensive.

Given the situation, the review would probably be helpful to the majority here. A hardcore fan of the sport may give it a 6, but I doubt most people would give it that.

I'm sure there are a few people out there that thought a game like bomberman act zero was 'fun', but they have no business reviewing games.

I didn't get the impression that he made up his mind about hating the game before he played it, it seemed more like he played it and couldn't get over how bad it was.

It sounds to me like you and your family like the game because it's a rare 'extra' outlet for the bullriding passion. I remember playing a complex martial arts game when I was younger that I really liked, but looking back on it - it was more about how rare it was, and how much I loved martial arts, and how it had little details that would only matter to someone so devoted to that area of life. In the end it wasn't a very good videogame and I know that people lacking that passion would have hated it and the hate would have been justified too.

If you look at all the games out there that got 6's, can you honestly say to people that this bullriding game is on par with those? I think that if you MUST be a fan of a sport already to enjoy the game, than it's probably not a very good game - the opposite is the sign of a great game which is exactly how I became a fan of the NFL for example.
# 12 jerkii87 @ 12/17/08 01:43 AM
Shewwwwwwwwww youre a negative nelly. Maybe instead of sitting around giving bad reviews on video games all day you could go and get a real life. besides it couldnt have been too bad. Afterall you did have to keep yourself pre occupied to keep from playing it.
# 13 baumy300 @ 12/20/08 12:39 AM
Sooooo what you're saying is that this game is a must have?

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