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Want to be a better EASHL teammate? Check out Jayson Young's article which might help you out, NHL 09: How to Become a Better EASHL Teammate.

"It took me over two weeks to get that achievement; and it didn't take me that long due to a lack of effort. Rather, it was because of the generation of "my way or the highway" players who populate the EASHL community lobbies."

Game: NHL 09Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 1 Matt Diesel @ 11/04/08 02:21 PM
Good guide. I think 96% of people that play online should read this.
# 2 Qb @ 11/05/08 09:25 AM
Actually some pretty good stuff here. As for the goalie playing deep in the crease, I think it's too effective (especially when guys make their goalie 6-10 250), hence why it's such a popular technique...
# 3 nyr30 @ 11/05/08 01:27 PM
Great article but i would have mentioned how playing defense is the better option due to the AI. at least on Defense you can cover the mistakes but when playing forward its quite frustrating to see the dmen backing of the puck carrier till they are right on top of the goalie.

All in all a good read
# 4 Qb @ 11/05/08 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by nyr30
i would have mentioned how playing defense is the better option due to the AI.
True. Our team recently decided to go with two forwards and two d-men when we only have four players. Playing D with an AI partner has got to be the most frustrating thing on the planet (how's that for hyperbole?). It's amazing how great the game can play when you have 5 or 6 guys who know what they're doing -- and when you're not playing a bunch of [synonym for donkeys]. Of course we can only control one side of that...
# 5 zudatron @ 11/05/08 06:48 PM
Fantastic article.

Some things in there I didn't know, like compensating for the faceoff delay. I notice teams rarely pick a center over a winger since it's so hard to win the faceoffs against the CPU. This is probably why. As a winger am usually forced to take the faceoff on the PK (to my teamplay score's detriment).

I agree that the sideboards are under utilized. I feel like the article was describing my play style exactly, except for his suggestions about changing my intentions depending on how closely teammates are following me into the zone, which I'm going to try.
# 6 nyr30 @ 11/05/08 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
True. Our team recently decided to go with two forwards and two d-men when we only have four players. Playing D with an AI partner has got to be the most frustrating thing on the planet (how's that for hyperbole?). It's amazing how great the game can play when you have 5 or 6 guys who know what they're doing -- and when you're not playing a bunch of [synonym for donkeys]. Of course we can only control one side of that...

Another thing i noticed in my play was when i play Defense against the CPU i dont press R1 to tell the CPU to shoot but when i play forward it feels like i am constantly pressing it because the AI just takes far too long to take advantage of the opportunities you make. They just seem to delay long enough to let the goalie get back in position.

For me i actually really like playing Defense and enjoy running the Powerplay from the blueline so its not a big deal but next year along with actually being drafted i'd like to see a more decisive AI.

BAP is a good building block though even though what i really want is total control over my dynasty, all 30 teams so i can eliminate the CPU signing all the crappy free agents and the attrocious trades we see. they have neglected the dynasty for too long and with BAP up and running they should have enough time to make the improvements to BAP and dynasty.
# 7 TheLoafer @ 11/06/08 04:07 PM
I love playing defence, there's no better thrill for me than closing down scoring opportunities.

Here's a big hint that can help those who play "D", especially against those human players who love to hog the center line: Use the camera lock. ie: many people play with the ICE cam, or the CLASSIC camera, which is fine because you get a nice sense of the flow of the play. But when you do so and the puck is in the offensive zone, you will not see if a player is behind you waiting at the red line (or in some cases, at the friggin other blue line!). By pressing the back button (xbox 360), you can lock your camera to your player, so if you skate back, you won't see the puck anymore but you can shadow the SOB who's left his teammates behind. Word of warning though, it's useful to have good dialog with your human teammates though so they can let you know when the puck is now in the opponents possession. This again is necessary because if you're tailing your opponents hogging winger, it's good to know when your mates have lost possession.

Sorry for the rambling...
# 8 skb182 @ 11/07/08 03:44 PM
Good article. Would like to see more analysis of this caliber. Also kinda makes me what to play goalie (normal sized).

Originally Posted by TheLoafer
I love playing defence, there's no better thrill for me than closing down scoring opportunities.

Here's a big hint that can help those who play "D", especially against those human players who love to hog the center line: Use the camera lock. ............
Good advice for Dmen. I use over head camera and flip back and forth between camera locked on the puck and on me. I have found there is kind of a rhythm to it and it's pretty dependent on what kinda of team you are playing on and against. The old trick of counting the opposing team's players in front of you works well to cut down on the cherry pickers. Also, don't forget to glide into the passing lanes.
# 9 Lukey_J @ 11/08/08 06:32 PM
Great tips...i will be sure to pass it on to a few others who i think could definitely use it!!
# 10 Jingling @ 12/23/08 06:10 PM
Good read, thanks MMChrisS. Here's a few articles if you care for some bed time stories.

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