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With the NBA season tipping off tonight, it seems more timely than ever to see what the top NBA game this year says about the upcoming season. Our own Alexander Senate took a peak at NBA 2K9's crystal ball and has what 2K9 predicted for the 2008 season.

"All of those stats are great and once again bravo to Bryan for simulating 15 seasons. However, I can hear some of you asking, "what about this season?" I’m glad you asked because I have all the answers."

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Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Nodima @ 10/28/08 01:45 PM
My one simmed Asociation was interesting - 76ers beat Celtics in 6 to go to the championship round against the Rockets, and Ron Artest was out the entire playoffs for a strained abdomen. But despite the injury the Rockets whipped the floor with the Sixers in 4 games as the city of Houston breathed a massive sigh of relief.
# 2 chipper @ 10/28/08 01:48 PM
I really like the part where gasol won the MVP for leading his team to the best record despite a loss of kobe. People look at stats (and even overall ratings) only but it's really nice to see somthing like that.
# 3 PaulZweber @ 10/28/08 02:13 PM
Yeah, this looks more realistic than the NBA Live one done. Bobcats in lottery in 2k, in playoffs in Live. I also love the fact that they gave the award to Gausol, if he can carry a Kobe-less Lakers for 3 months he would deserve it.
# 4 qpc123 @ 10/28/08 02:46 PM
i did several sims last night to work out ratings for edited rookies and Detroit played the lakers 5 times in a row with LA winning 3 and detroit winning 2. i also saw miami beat houston and indiana??? beat New Orleans, the pacers must pulled off some deals or something i forgot to check, but Granger was the finals mvp i think
# 5 Intelx @ 10/28/08 02:50 PM

An NBA season prediction based off rediculous back door cuts and inflated Points in the paint......

Viable source if I don't say so myself.

# 6 Peninc @ 10/28/08 05:01 PM
NOH?? ...Kobe aint havin that

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